NEWS FLASH: Drought ends at Ponderosa

This country has a long recovery ahead and I pray this is the beginning of the end of the worst drought. It is an awesome sight to see mud puddles.

I was trying to sleep in Saturday morning when my dad called from Pawnee county. He was elated! It was between 6 & 7am when he called. I thought maybe he'd won the lottery and was calling to tell me he didn't have to work anymore by the tone of his emotions. He was out in the yard just getting rained on and he was HAPPY about it. He also made mention of the mud puddle sighting and the impact it had on him. I know I'm excited to see rain after going w/o for a few weeks.....I suspect the feeling you guys got was 10 fold the intensity!
Great news for you guy's. We were actually at the point In SD that we needed rain and got it in some parts. The spigot shut off in mid August and there were a few big crop fires while combining.

No I hope it snows a wet snow come next month....and covers the ground for the winter wheat.

I am still coming out to KS next month. It may be a little bit tougher however they don't call it kililng, right? It is hunting.

Praise the Lord Manyard and all the folks over in KS. I tell you, folks from KS are some of the hardest, salt of the earth, sincere, kindest I have ever met. It is what our country needs more of....

looks like a little light rain over Dodge? let us know how much you get.
i assume the winter wheat may be beginning to peek through? maybe some other grasses looking a little greener? :thumbsup:
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I would suspect the winter wheat drilling was done (is doing) by faith. There can't be any moisture in the ground right now.

I come from long line of farming in family and pray that your fields get moisture soon.
We haven't had rain in about 2 months, nothing like the drought you've had, but today we had 15 minutes of ice pellets in Liberty, just north of KC!
I would suspect the winter wheat drilling was done (is doing) by faith. There can't be any moisture in the ground right now.

I come from long line of farming in family and pray that your fields get moisture soon.

Actually, there is some top moisture from the earlier rains, but it doesn't go very deep. There was some light rain today that passed through quickly and the temps dropped(57 now) and the winds have blown hard from the north. I saw more farmers planting today than any other and none were stopping for a rain delay.

We are getting the wind tonight from your neck of the woods. Most farmers down here are doing the same. Maybe we will get some November moisture!
As long as its not the white stuff!
I'm not sure we have enough grass or thatch for the White stuff to retain moisture. I guess we will take whatever form we can get. In OK when you say white stuff it usually comes or is followed by ice storms. The last two years caused enough damage.
I'm not sure we have enough grass or thatch for the White stuff to retain moisture. I guess we will take whatever form we can get. In OK when you say white stuff it usually comes or is followed by ice storms. The last two years caused enough damage.

Winter of 1992 was a record year with sixty inches of snow. Some years you will be doing good to get a foot total. I would hate to think of feeding cows again through a winter like that, but that would sure put some moisture in the soil.

That winter of 1992 started off with a Thanksgiving eve snow of about twenty-four inches on the level. My sons purchased a $1,700 snow blower and paid for it with that storm.
92 was a phenomenal bird year despite the weather. The deep snow knocked the birds down unfortunately. I moved down here in August in 92, had pneumonia in October, and about killed myself getting my legs and wind back during bird season. It was surreal after surviving the big 36 inch blizzard at Norton in 87 and coming down here and going throught similar levels again. At least in 92 we weren't 8.5 months into a pregnancy:) This year we'll take any moisture we can get. Yes, I prefer that it isn't any bird-killing moisture, but we really don't need 2 dry years together.

60" is a Snowmageddon