NEWS FLASH: Drought ends at Ponderosa


Just off the phone with my weather connection and the man thinks the Ponderosa won't get much snow, maybe only 2-4 inches. Still gale force winds but the rain has just about stopped and no snow yet.

Maybe I can have MY weather guy talk to YOUR weather guy to get that 17 inches you originally thought was on the way. My fingers are crossed and prayers sent.
Maybe I can have MY weather guy talk to YOUR weather guy to get that 17 inches you originally thought was on the way. My fingers are crossed and prayers sent.

I would love 17 inches, but would certainly like it better on the level than in piles 10 foot deep.:) but will take whatever.
I would love 17 inches, but would certainly like it better on the level than in piles 10 foot deep.:) but will take whatever.


Radar shows you have about 3 hrs of wet weather headed your way.....
It has been another good day here as far as preciptation, every bit counts.
good luck
Well maybe this is a start to something good as far as moisture goes. Heading back out Dodge City way during MLK weekend in January....maybe some of the snow will still be around....good for the winter wheat, I think....

Merry Christmas Maynard and god bless of the farmers and ranchers in the best damn country in the world!! :10sign::cheers:


Thank you for your well wishes. Merry Christmas to you and yours.

BTW, my wife and I enjoyed a huge chicken fried steak at Bad Habits on Saturday. Mmmmm good.
Here is a look at the radar-

Maynard, we've had rain so far. 1.05 inches by 3:30. Gotta go to Wichita for a 10:00 appointment tomorrow, figures! Good luck with the blizzard conditions! I'd just as soon it all came as rain.
Maynard, we've had rain so far. 1.05 inches by 3:30. Gotta go to Wichita for a 10:00 appointment tomorrow, figures! Good luck with the blizzard conditions! I'd just as soon it all came as rain.

Rain is good, ice is bad. A nice wet snow on the level would be great for my sloping pastures.

Safe travel.

Thank you for your well wishes. Merry Christmas to you and yours.

BTW, my wife and I enjoyed a huge chicken fried steak at Bad Habits on Saturday. Mmmmm good.


Even with potential Blizzard conitions and Ice storm in the making, you still have food on your mind!
Maynard, Glad you are getting some well deserved moisture! I want to ask how Murry is doing? Hope he's doing better. I'm almost worried to ask. Also hope your wife is well.
Maynard, Glad you are getting some well deserved moisture! I want to ask how Murry is doing? Hope he's doing better. I'm almost worried to ask. Also hope your wife is well.

Murry is hurting and my wife is mean and bites.:) Just kidding about my wife. She is doing okay, she has issues that just have to be lived with and doing the best she can with it. Her employment is iffy, so that is causing some issues. She is the love of my life.

Murry carries his left leg much of the time. I have reduced his tramadol intake some. He will actually run on the leg at times when he gets to chasing something at the ranch or following the tractor around the headquarters area. Murry and I are best buds, so pretty much inseparable. He remains a happy dog, even though I know he is hurting.

Thanks for asking. I wish you and yours a Most Blessed Christmas.
Hi Maynard,

I was in Dodge on Saturday for a few hours visiting family, showing off the youngest Toad. I tried my best to entice my Uncle to go block a draw for me, but I don't think his health is quite there yet. Or at least my Aunt didn't think so, since she gave me the evil eye.;) It would have been nice to get out just for tradition and memory's sake, but no Dodge City hunt took place this year.:( He's looking much better than he was when I visited him in Wichita, so I am really optomistic that his health will continue to improve. I'm really hoping that my uncle and dad will both be in better shape next year and we can do a family hunt out in your neck of the prairie around this time next year.:thumbsup:

I hope that you, your wife, and Murry all have a healthier 2012 than 2011, and that you are are blessed with some good moisture at the ranch.:D

Give me a call or PM if you are headed through this area.
I saw your cousin and was checking on trees(red cedar, pears, heritage oaks, etc) for the next phase of habitat improvement and asked about your uncle. Life has sure taken a cruel turn for them.

The moisture is sure welcome. Even drifting snow will add some much needed moisture to my existing shelter belt. This year's drought costed me hundreds of plantings and I need a reliable water source to prevent that from happening again. I do have a couple miles of water line planned and thousands of plantings next spring. Hope to have some moisture in the ground to help me out.

Merry Christmas.
Yes Sir, We all hope all of you have better year in 2012! It is tough watching your loves having any difficulties and health issues. I understand completely about Murry. I think as we all age we begin to have more bad days than good sometmes, but that doesn't mean we're ready for giving up. Be thinking about you all. Merry Christmas and Happier New Year! Bill
Made the round trip to Wichita with no problems. Never saw any snow. Ended up with 1.57 for a rain total. Was still dragging from anastesia, so wife got to do dogs tonight. Wouldn't even let me read the rain guage. Sorry your family is dancing with the Dr's too. Praying for a better year for all in 2012!

Glad you got some rain. About 5 or 6 inches of snow in Dodge, less at the Ponderosa, maybe 2 to 3, but I think it rained more there. Pretty sloppy. Either a wheel bearing or lock out hub burned up on way back to Dodge. Limped it into the shop.

Send me a PM and let me know how you are doing.