NEWS FLASH: Drought ends at Ponderosa

Rain and snow here. The corrals are sloppy, but I am sure loving it. Saturday was a nasty day with extreme high winds and some blowing, but the fields really hadn't started blowing yet. I said a prayer that there would be rain and some growing weather to get this late planted wheat out of the ground, so we didn't have a dust bowl come February and March. So far, this is perfect. I would guess the Ponderosa has gotten about an inch so far. Tomorrow it is supposed to be 50 degrees and windy.
Sounds great Maynard! We had 1.22 yesterday and had maybe another quarter in the guage earlier. It's raining now! Can't get enough of this!!! Hope you get some good catch up rain for storage. The wheat is getting a fair start. Gives a guy some hope for next year.
Great news, glad that you have got a start for the winter crop. Believe it or not, Meers got 1.4" late last night after the tornado past to our West.
Maynard, the ground is covered in snow. It's coming down in big wet flakes! This is sure good moisture!
If 20 years experience means anything, it'll hit Wednesday morning while we are selling bison outside. We stood 12 hours yesterday in the rain sorting and working them the first time:) Few complaints!
If 20 years experience means anything, it'll hit Wednesday morning while we are selling bison outside. We stood 12 hours yesterday in the rain sorting and working them the first time:) Few complaints!

Good luck on the bison sale. One of these days, I might just have to get me a couple for the ranch.
If 20 years experience means anything, it'll hit Wednesday morning while we are selling bison outside. We stood 12 hours yesterday in the rain sorting and working them the first time:) Few complaints!

If the Bison sale is anything like the one two weeks ago at Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge you will get top dollar prices.
Maynard, bison are a completely different kind of critter. Might be a young man's venture. I'd hate to have to be around them all the time! They take a whole different mentality and much stronger fence/corral/chute. I had them here until 1997, like having a baby Hercules crossed with the Joker! You can't turn your back for long. You sure won't drive your new truck in their pen without regretting it!
Ah, more slop and I am loving it. Had 1.45" at the Ponderosa. Now today have 50+mph winds that were brutal working in.

Really glad for the moisture and would take some more just like it.
Another rain, 0.65". Making it a little sloppy in the corrals, but I am liking it just fine.
Good to hear your getting rain. Rained all night hear in Phx, so more is headed your way.:thumbsup:
So glad you all are gettn some moisture, here in se Ks and sw Mo this summer was the worst I ever saw. Hay is impossible to get. Got plenty water now with lot of mud in the horse corral. We had a major tornado in joplin mo in May and the rain quit with it for the whole summer. And was the hottest I ever seen with 40 days over 100 deg. I pray god will fix the drought for all. Now just one more week and pheasant hunt I go NWKs. Dave
Looks like Maynard finally got around to getting out that can of truck wax, moisture is on the way...

Rain started this morning, sometimes fairly heavy, now it is just light rain and temp is 32. Wind is blowing a gale from the north. Gave the girls an extra portion to keep their energy up. Forecast is for the snow to start any time and heavy snow and blowing over night with potential of up to 17 inches and blizzard conditions.

Just off the phone with my weather connection and the man thinks the Ponderosa won't get much snow, maybe only 2-4 inches. Still gale force winds but the rain has just about stopped and no snow yet.