NEWS FLASH: Drought ends at Ponderosa

Looks like Rain coming your way for at least 3 days. It's way to late for the farmers, but It may help the ranchers. Heres to A nice slow rain for Kansas, Texas, and other that need the rain.:cheers:

I have some good feelings about this front coming in. I think it's going too gives us some much needed rain.

I have some good feelings about this front coming in. I think it's going too gives us some much needed rain.

It is encouraging, to say the least. Even yesterday afternoon some clouds brewed up, the temperature dropped and a few drops hit the tractor.
The wind blew and blew and blew. Winds in excess of 50 today and terrible nasty dirt storm, but rain is coming.

Lots of snakes out today, fortunately none were rattlers.

Speaking about snakies. One farmer friend told me one of his hands killed 28 snakes last year on one of the corners I regularly pheasant hunt and they were all rattlers. He said he would NEVER set foot on "THAT" piece of ground again and advised me to do the same. Now I ask you, who will win the battle, the rattlesnake or me with one of my 12 gauges?

And that reminds me about a duck hunt I had two years ago. I was out swatting teal during the early teal season when I noticed three skunks approaching me. I wacked those babies and saw two more approaching from the opposite direction and took care of business. Then, one popped out of the culvert next to me so I blasted him. I already had me four teal and "got out of Dodge" if you know what I mean. I was down to only one shell when I got back to the truck. Funny thing, I never went back to that spot again.
This year was the first time I hunted the early muzzle loader deer season with snake gaiters.
Wind strong enough yesterday even at my house that is protected in Dodge, that it blew bark off a maple tree in my yard.

The rain is coming.
would really like to see it MR- so dry out here
and yes- yesterday sand was blowing-
parked the Escape behind the barn

but I did let the 4 Britt's out the gate for a run- funny thing- they weren't the normal run offs- maybe the wind
Been praying for you to get some rain for months now, M.R.
I sure hope you will finally be blessed with some good moisture and that it continues so that this drought can be broken.
Just in from the Ponderosa. Still bright moon shine there. Quite a light show to the west and the western fourth of Kansas is in a tornado watch and there are some tornado warnings out now. Joe take care there in Gove County.

Another encounter with rattler today. Murry and I were fortunate, praise the Lord.
H20 is coming
just looked at the Dc rader,look like quite a rain for you guys,hope it continues clear accross Kansas,we could use it also.


Hope you're wallowing in mud this morning!

I'm heading to McPherson to do a wingshooting clinic with the local PF chapter there. Hoping that line of storms holds off till at least noon!

Pass It On - Outdoor Mentors, Inc.

Hope you're wallowing in mud this morning!

I'm heading to McPherson to do a wingshooting clinic with the local PF chapter there. Hoping that line of storms holds off till at least noon!

Pass It On - Outdoor Mentors, Inc.

Have fun Mike. Don't let a little rain dampen your spirits. It does just the opposite for me.;)
Here is the current precip indicator. Ford County hasn't gotten that much yet(0.1 to 0.6), but another band of showers is coming and hopefully will add to the total. All is appreciated.

It started raining at 9:30 this morning here at BWWA. Wife and I were staining dog houses when the sky broke open. Put an immediate stop to that project. The weatherman said it wouldn't start until afternoon. I hope that means we get an additional 3 1/2 hours of rain. The stoplogs are in the marshes, maybe we'll make some northern migrants fat and happy until the opener on the 29th. I think a trip to town for Mexican food is in order. Maybe this is an opportunity to wear my oil cloth hat for the first time this year!
It started raining at 9:30 this morning here at BWWA. Wife and I were staining dog houses when the sky broke open. Put an immediate stop to that project. The weatherman said it wouldn't start until afternoon. I hope that means we get an additional 3 1/2 hours of rain. The stoplogs are in the marshes, maybe we'll make some northern migrants fat and happy until the opener on the 29th. I think a trip to town for Mexican food is in order. Maybe this is an opportunity to wear my oil cloth hat for the first time this year!

Staining dog houses? Man you have pampered dogs!

Where do you go for Mexican?
We'll run into Kingman to El Dos De Oros. Though we like Playa Azul in Pratt too. There's also a Playa in Great Bend that I like to hit when hunting near there. Hmmmm, hungry!