Prairie Drifter
Well-known member
What size shot do you use on the morels? Do you need the 3.5 inch high brass stuff
Nice bird GSH! Good to get the chillin on!
What size shot do you use on the morels? Do you need the 3.5 inch high brass stuffNice bird GSH! Good to get the chillin on!
Bird in the bag.
Nice 2 year old. 8-9 inch beard, 5/8 inch spurs. Had his brother with him, we tried to set up a double, but those guys hung up out of range for my oldest. One bird did the old wing dip, and off they decided to go. Shot through a bunch of little trees, around 25 yds, knock crap out of him, but he got up running, son took long shot at him and I shot at him a second time. He made it about 150 yds or so. The good Lord was on our side, death flap was the only way we found him. Hopefully, we can fill a couple more tags this weekend.
No morels, we need rain, bad.
I haven't been seeing many turkeys at all this year in my part of the state. Buddy talked to a game warden that confirmed numbers were way down. Gonna wax the bowstrings tonight and fling a few arrows, then maybe hunt a morning this weekend. I don't think they're really going yet on the East side of the state, but man are the numbers down....
Nice Cheesy!!
Where at in SEK do you guys go? Not the exact spot, but what part. Lots of birds down in Cherokee County, lots of birds in Crawford Co.