Peterson, Harvin and the Queens are Back!

LOL,Oh he was so lucky on a few of those desperation releases. They should have been pick 6's twice, and an int a 3rd time. He did the same exact stupid thing again. It just did not bite him this time. he is still a worthless QB.;) AP is the team, and his D and O line. 9 men in the box every play and he runs right over them.:thumbsup: The best in history, hands down.
Can't wait to see him run!!!!!! E.D. doesn't want to lose his record, but those two guy's are so similar in their style and it brings back memories!!! Who doesn't love to watch a Great Horse Run!!!!! Class Guy all the way!!!!! Guessing he will get 115 against Houston and then run Wild on the Pack!!!!!! Best of luck A.P.:cheers:
Hey what a great finish it would be to break it on the Pack at home in the dome. It could be nuts in that place!

I am surprised I have heard no one mention this day in the rookies career when he broke the single game rushing record of 296 yards. Here's the highlights if you enjoy watching AP run

I guess he is also only rookie to hit (2) 200 yard games in his rookie year.

Glory be:10sign:
I'm a Packer fan, bleed Green & Gold and I think AP is amazing. Coming back from ACL surgery to do what he's done this year, without a decent QB and Percy Harvin out, is spectacular. I don't know what kind of citizen he is, but he seems likeable enough and if he is as he seems I guess I'd like to see him do it, but in a loss to the Pack, as was the last meeting. He has a good chance at the record, but there's a part of me wants to see the Pack stop him short just to see so many of you to the west of us have a conniption fit.:D
Whether AP gets the record or not, it won't be from a lack of carries. The Vikings will continue to run that horse until someone stops it and so far know body has. Main objective... don't let Ponder do anything stupid like try to win the game himself with his arm. :eek:
Vikes 23 and Texans 6. what a game....

Vikes are a win and in the playoffs against the Pack at the Dome. Who'd a thunk it?

If the Vikes beat the pack and AP gets his record I think that would be just about as good as winning the superbowl.

I really enjoyed the game today and looks like Ponder gettin married must have helped a lot (his performance).

Webguy, get those UPH hats ready for me.:p
I was disappointed today! Only the 2nd time here that the Vikes have been on the tube and I wanted to see AP run wild! He was hit hard all game and worked his butt off for every yard! I just wanted to see him put up 150!!! Maybe next week!!!! Hope they are one of the 3 games I get!:cheers:
Word has it on our end that AP was taken out of the game because of a lingering groin and abdominal strain which must have happened in the previous game or two as they say it was bothering him a little in last weeks practice. Judging by the way he ran yesterday you certainly wouldn't have known it though as he appeared fine. Fazier had no doubts that he will play next weekend against the Pack though.
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Who'd a thunk it?? At mid-season I would never have thought this team would win 9 games. Much less have a chance to win 10 games. Even Ponder looked pretty good yesterday. We'll see if the defense can shut down the Pack like they did Houston.
AP is pretty amazing to watch. Jamaal Charles is sitting at fifteen hundred with a 2-12 chiefs team the has everybody stacked on the line of scrimmage because Quinn can't throw the ball. He also tore his ACL last season. Pretty amazing. I wish Charles would get out of here. I hope AP breaks the record.
With Harvin out, the receiver core will have to step up and convert some key 3rd down plays as well as add points to the board. Ponder will have to look Rogers-esk.

This is one of the more exciting matchups I can remember in a long time.

And to top it off we will watch the game at Pheasant Camp after a days hunt on 5" of fresh new snow.


Chris, I think the key will be for the Purple gang to get on the score board early. If they can get a lead or go toe to toe with Rodgers and let AP pound out the yardage, they may have a chance.

However, if we get behind by a couple TD's and Ponder is forced into throwing into situations where he's not good at or comfortable with, then were doomed.

I really feel the Defense may be the real key here. As well as they played against two good offenses (Rams and Texans) they will need another game like those to slow down the Packers passing game. Stop or at least get Rodgers out of his comfort zone and we have a chance.

Should be a heck of a game...:cheers:
Chris, I think the key will be for the Purple gang to get on the score board early. If they can get a lead or go toe to toe with Rodgers and let AP pound out the yardage, they may have a chance.

However, if we get behind by a couple TD's and Ponder is forced into throwing into situations where he's not good at or comfortable with, then were doomed.

I really feel the Defense may be the real key here. As well as they played against two good offenses (Rams and Texans) they will need another game like those to slow down the Packers passing game. Stop or at least get Rodgers out of his comfort zone and we have a chance.

Should be a heck of a game...:cheers:

Can't argue with that. I think the defense has really kept us in some of the recent ballgames.
Chris, I think the key will be for the Purple gang to get on the score board early. If they can get a lead or go toe to toe with Rodgers and let AP pound out the yardage, they may have a chance.

However, if we get behind by a couple TD's and Ponder is forced into throwing into situations where he's not good at or comfortable with, then were doomed.

I really feel the Defense may be the real key here. As well as they played against two good offenses (Rams and Texans) they will need another game like those to slow down the Packers passing game. Stop or at least get Rodgers out of his comfort zone and we have a chance.

Should be a heck of a game...:cheers:

Couple hard sacks normaly will have him in little girl mode. He is no where near as tough as Favre was. He gets hit enough, he caves. They need to rush better then his quick release. If they do that, they win. OH and Blunder can't fall backwards and fling wounded ducks again like he has the last two games. These d backs can catch those. That is the other differance maker in this game. Blunder's, I mean Ponders stupidity. Lets just hope the goof plays smart this time. He was sooo lucky to not get 2 pick 6's the last 2 games again. Because they were there, again. Win or loose I just hope AP gets his 208.
Rodgers play a game with a broken foot way back when:) Thats tough like me:D Ain't farvie O the one that still crys about the new orleans game:)