Peterson, Harvin and the Queens are Back!

Obviously you've never played football or know much about it then. Ponder has a below average offensive coordinator, below average wide receivers, and a Hall of Fame Running back. They aren't asking ponder to throw for 300 yards a game because they know they don't have the talent at wide receiver, and the Vikings are a Running Team First!!!!!!!!!!! Ponder was asked to convert 3rd downs, and that's exactly what he did. Ponder didn't play but half the season last year because of the Rediculous McNabb experiment.

The Vikings have has some good QB's Sir Frances for sure the best.
The others didn't last long. Tommy Kramer got His bell rung and never recovered. Culpepper got His knee torn up, once He couldn't scramble he lost His edge. Gannon was good, coach didn't like Him. Wade Wilson was good for a year or two, Brad Johnson had a good football brain, Warren Moon was good for a year, Randal Cunningham was a superstar for a year, so was Brett. Jeff George was MVP for 5 games. :confused:
Ummm am I missing some?

Ponder smart? whatever. Same stupid mistakes over and over.
What do you guys think Rogers or Brady would do with the receivers the Vikings have? Yep make em pro bowlers. :)
With Vikings running game, teams play them 8-9 in the box playing a one dimensional offense. That should be a dream come true for a NFL QB and coaching staff. Vikings coaches and QB can't do anything with it.
3 games left, if things go badly look for major changes.
Time would be a nice thing to have for QB. This is Ponders 2nd year. He still has to compete and look at the rookie QB's like Newton, RGIII and Foles let alone the vets like Brady and Manning's.

The separation is immense.

The Pats smoked Houston 2 nite so the Vikes will have some good film to look at for thier match. Ponder just needs to look like Brady and it will be in the bag.

Luck and Wilson as well. Ponder has had the deep ball to open men many times as well. His girly arm can not get it down field. He will tell the world he has to quit doing dumb things then 10 minutes later keep doing it,LOL. He is at best a 3rd string cheap option. Peterson has been on the other end of those sloppy long balls more then once. I think he can catch. Harvin can catch, the tight ends can catch, and the other 3 recievers good enough as well. They just have no one to play catch with. Brede is getting it done with his tight ends. Ponder cant complete the 10 yard pass let alone the long ball. He waits too long to release the ball. If you look at film, he could have thrown many many passes way sooner when the guy was actualy open. He waits, then throws in coverage all the time. he just cant zip the ball in there quick like the good QB's can do. He has all day back there, and still cant figure it out. Sorry, Lab man, but you give this guy way too much credit and hope. He will be gone just like Ttttavaaris, and Dumbday Cullpeper. If I were GM I would Trade Harvin to Seatle for Flynn and a reciever or 1st round draft choice. Bye Bye to Ponder, Keep web for a back up, then draft 2 recievers with more D and O line depth. Simple.:thumbsup:
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Matt Flynn??? Seriously???

If he was any good, then he would have been starting over a rookie named Russell Wilson.

Talk about a back up quarterback, that would be Matt Flynn.

Books still out on Ponder, you people are way to quick to rush to judgement.

Maybe your right in the end, maybe I'm right, but I've heard alot of players saying they believe in Ponder and are behind him 100%. If they weren't, and didn't believe in him, then you would definately here about it.

Ely Manning sucked his first 3-4 years in the League. Now look at him! One of the best in the game.
We need a guy now, to go with this good team. By the time blunder figures out how to play high school foot ball, AP will be old and gray. If Flynn is a hair slower then Wilson on his feet, but both possess great skill, thats a hell of allot better then blunder. Seattle's coach talked about the two, and it was very close. Wilson can run better. But look where that got Mike Vick. Flynn is a real deal starting QB in this league. Blunder is not, nor will he be.
:cheers: Hes had enough time to get better, he does not. Period. If he has not done the book learnin by now, that ship has sailed right out from between his ears. They drafted blunder to be the best "NOW" player in the draft. Wrong answer
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Well Yeah:) I played football. 4 year letterman at Nevis High School. :thumbsup:
9 man. Missed 3 plays in 4 years. Played Defense offense and special teams.
Probably had a number of concussions.:confused:
What the heck, got a couple all conference trophy's.
Was honorable mention for ALL STATE in my Junior year.
Dang near broke the tackle record for a single game.
Just missed a major collage free ride. ;)
All I would have needed would to be a little faster, little stronger, more dedicated, and didn't like girls so much. My downfall:eek:
Guess I'll have another Bud. :cheers:
Well then, you should understand how the transition into Pro Football is with some Rookie Quarterbacks.

Perfect Example: Eli Manning

We get rid of Christian Ponder, then he becomes a star in 2 years on another team, it's all your fault......:cheers:
I totally believe it's the Vikings Coaching staff that holds our quarterbacks back from being any good. Look at Favre when he was here. Childress tried to hold him back, when all of us were like, just let the guy run the offense.
We need a New Offensive Coordinator. End of story! Oh, a #1 receiver opposite Percy Harvin........
I totally believe it's the Vikings Coaching staff that holds our quarterbacks back from being any good. Look at Favre when he was here. Childress tried to hold him back, when all of us were like, just let the guy run the offense.
We need a New Offensive Coordinator. End of story! Oh, a #1 receiver opposite Percy Harvin........

Another factor not mentioned here is the Ponder in games 1-4 is not the Ponder in games 5-Now.

What happened? This is not a year 1 year 2 thing. He started throwing interceptions and screen passes in the dirt.

What causes that?
Another factor not mentioned here is the Ponder in games 1-4 is not the Ponder in games 5-Now.

What happened? This is not a year 1 year 2 thing. He started throwing interceptions and screen passes in the dirt.

What causes that?

You know:) about the time Christan was 4 and 1 he got this girlfriend. Decided He likes girls purty well:confused:

WE ALL been there I reckon.
I'm astounded to see how many fairweather fans there actually are. I'm sure the Packers have them, but the Vikings take the cake.

Stick with your team or go somewhere else! Is that ok to say in this politically correct country now?
vikings are my new favorite team.:10sign: i cant think of a better team to watch play the packers live at green bay. thanks coot for the awesome green bay tickets.:cheers:
Another factor not mentioned here is the Ponder in games 1-4 is not the Ponder in games 5-Now.

What happened? This is not a year 1 year 2 thing. He started throwing interceptions and screen passes in the dirt.

What causes that?

One word "CONFIDENCE", or lack there of.

A couple bad outings and his he's lost his confidence and is trying too hard NOT to make a mistake. Unfortunately when you do that, you end up making more mistakes. His passes are off the mark, simply put, he's too tight. He needs to just let loose and and not be afraid of making the mistakes. Once you start doubting your ability to execute properly, it just snowballs. Right now the coaches are attempting to build up his confidence by allowing him to throw only in certain situations. Whether it works or not remains to be seen.

I've said it before I'll say it again, Christian did not have the luxury of playing behind a seasoned veteran his first season or two to really learn how the position is played. McNabb was a joke and really didn't offer much at all to his learning curve.
One more comment on Ponder. I think it's safe to say Christian will never be in the same class as Manning, Rodgers, Brady etc... At best he well be a serviceable starter somewhere or a backup...? Some just never seem able to make the transition from college to Pros.
Vikes are 8-6 and now in the wild card position as of last night (after smoking the Rams yesterday). Ponder still can't throw. AP rushed for 212 yards and has like 294 to go with games to play to set all time NFL rushing record.

Think he will do it?

Think Vikes will make playoffs?

What a crazy season.
Vikes are 8-6 and now in the wild card position as of last night (after smoking the Rams yesterday). Ponder still can't throw. AP rushed for 212 yards and has like 294 to go with games to play to set all time NFL rushing record.

Think he will do it?

Think Vikes will make playoffs?

What a crazy season.

Two games left with the Texans and the Packers. Tough games. They would have to win at least one game to have a chance to make the playoffs. Of course the Packer game means nothing to the Pack so maybe they will just rollover and let the Vikes win! :rolleyes: I'd say there is a 50/50 chance of making the playoffs. I think Peterson will come close but won't quite make it.
Well NO, the Vikes are going to have to win both games to make the playoffs. 10 and 6 will get them in with some help. 9-7 will be just a HUGE improvement over last year and Leslie will have a Job. (with the Queens)

MAN!! Adrian's a BEAST isn't HE:) Class act besides:thumbsup:
Adrian will need 150 yards each of the next two games. VERY tough!
OHHH I wish Him the best!:10sign:
Teams are sending the whole defense against Him.

Dang if we had a QB. :eek:
I shouldn't be so hard on Christian, He did nothing to lose the game.:cheers: