Peterson, Harvin and the Queens are Back!

My goodness they just signed matt cassel. It's over now. I'm looking into my crystal ball here. What AP gets busted for steriod use. Thats no surprise just look at him it ain't natural. Ponder throws 5 td passes all one yarders and 30 ints. Defense sucks because they forgot about it. And seattle wins the SB and three more because of Harvin/Rice. And Vikings have the worst draft in NFL history:) That should make them Mad:)
You know football players ain't smart agent gets 20-25% and they put all the money on the back half of contracts. When the teams going to get rid of you:confused:.

What are you saying? Cassel is a great QB:eek: He makes Ponder look like Joe Montana
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Greg Jennings is in town today and will be wined and dined by the Vikings management. Doesn't sound like there is much interest around the league with him, so he must be asking for a ton of dough. Kind of a wait and see if his price drops.

Getting Jennings would be a step in the right direction if they really want to see if Ponder is going to amount to anything as a QB. Pickup a couple more good prospects in the draft and let's see what happens. At least they wouldn't be able to say he has no one to throw too.
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Cassel had some good games, His 19 wins in 48 starts with KS sent Him packing. The Queens didn't land a hall of famer there. :eek:

Jennings is a MUST sign for the Vikes. Jennings is about the only top notch free agent that will take the cold. :(
You know? The main reason Harvin left is the cold, Harvin is a Florida type guy, hates the cold and snow blowing in His face. :(

The Queens are going to play 2 years in TCF Stadium:eek: By far!! the worst environment in the NFL. NO ONE of any value will sign with the Queens. Except possibly Jennings and the Queens will need to dig into their pocket books.:confused:

In fact there are going to be some drafties that are going to cry when they find out they've been drafted by the Vikings and will play at TCF.:(
Heard they signed Cassel as a backup! I guess we will see at the end of camp!!! Jennings is a definite sign!! They have to do whatever to sign him!!! Ponder or Cassel need people open to throw to. I don't think either one can fit the ball in a small window. How are you guy's looking on the other side of the ball?:cheers:
Jennings GOT A TON OF $$$$$$$$$$.
The Queens probably could have signed him for a bit less.:confused:
Pack would not have come close.

BUT, YA KNOW. Queens won't have another chance at a top notch WC. OR any other free agent.

I'm thinking that Jennings will take a Backer or Safety out of the box to defend him, will be one less fast guy to take on AP. LOOK out NFL:eek::eek: AP is going for 2500!!!! :cheers:
Couple wide outs in the draft and a couple depth players on the d side and they can play with any one. They proved that last season. Might even find a replacement for Percy.:thumbsup: With out the whining.1 more good O lineman would be good for depth too. Hope they recruit as well this year as last.
He wont last in the league. He can not stay healthy. It is the smartest move they have made in a long time. Stack the players, thats what builds teams. Harvin is good no doubt. but he is a flippin cry baby, not much dif then moss and the rest. Good riddance, they suck the life from a team. His head aches, and other issues make him not worth as much. So getting what they did, is a no brainer, and exactly the sort of deals that can take them to the next level. He did not play in the big games that got them in the play offs. :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

If only the rest of us had FC's crystal ball!!!!!!:10sign:
Don't count your chickens before their hatched.

The biggest piece of the puzzle remains to be seen and that is the QB position, namely Ponder.

The ole saying.... Willie Make it, Betty won't??? If I was a bettin man I wouldn't touch that bet.
Yeah, Your correct.

I'm thinking AD will be GREAT!
Otherwise?? Queens will be 8 and 8.

Ponder?? some good? some NOT so good.
Yeah, Your correct.

I'm thinking AD will be GREAT!
Otherwise?? Queens will be 8 and 8.

Ponder?? some good? some NOT so good.

LOL AD is toast. Sorry but he is going to get Creamed this year. Early retirement. The vikings are not contenders. :)
Crystal ball says Cassel will flourish in this offense and be just like he played in New England. KC sucked, and he had no team around him. Cant blame the QB for everything. Ponder I have no faith in. He will get bumped and Cassle will shine into the playoffs. AP all day will break Dickerson's record with ease. They can do what they want to stop him, it ain't gonna happen. MVP will run through your entire team again, every week, just like last year. Only 100% this year and in the first games. I can smell 2 time MVP and a new rushing record to go along with the records he has set. That will never be beaten.:thumbsup::D Got it?
Now I'm fired up about the Queens!!!:cheers: