NEWS FLASH: Drought ends at Ponderosa

Is Murray better?

Yes he is. Thanks for asking.

He has been a city dog this past week, spending his day either laying in the grass or on his pad that I moved beside the couch where I have been sleeping at night to keep him company. Murry loves to lay on the couch, but my wife doesn't like that so we will raise the cushions up. This past week that hasn't been an issue since he couldn't lift his body that high to get on the couch. Well last night I get in from the Ponderosa at 10PM and my wife as usual is asleep in bed getting ready to go to work at 2AM and Murry is proudly laying on the couch. Instantly I knew he was much improved.

His appetite is improved and the swelling continues to go down. I think the bite was in the left front leg, high maybe the armpit area. That leg swelled the most and was probably three times its normal size. The other leg probably twice. The swelling progressed across his brisket and down his entire left side. The triangle of skin between the torso and left hind leg was roll bigger than my hand could reach around.

Both his front legs still look like stove pipes but smaller.

I am very thankful for the progress exactly a week after the bite and hope it continues.
That is good news indeed and I am glad for you and for him. I retired from Vet Med practice in 2010, but I would like to discuss a treatment you could have done if you are prepared in advance. I used it in my practice and it works almost like a miracle. PM me if you are interested and I will discuss it with you over the phone. I spoke with Billbo Baggins today about it and asked him to contact you for me , as I know you two are friends, and I thought it would be better to go through him to you. I typed a long private message to you last night only to lose it in cyberspace because I wasn't logged in properly. I type rather slowly and would prefer to give you the message via phone. I know this sounds rather mysterious but it is something you can access via internet and might well have prevented Murray's suffering. I have shared this with some of my friends and though I hope they or their dogs never have to get the treatment, I am convinced that it works and used it myself probably thirty times at least in my own practice. Bill can give you my phone number and Call me if you would like to learn more. I'd suggest calling me when you can get to your computer and have some time to spend. We might have to set a time that suites us both, but I'd be more than happy to tell you all I know about it and share over the phone wjhile Referring to the websites that would be helpful.I have used the treatment successfully on myself as well as on my patients. If you are interested call me. It will only cost you some time. I'm not trying to sell anything and have no profit to make except good will.

Bknight aka Bill Knight aka William M. Knight D.V.M. (retired 2010) University of Georgia Class of 1970 College of Veterinary Medicine
Bill I will PM you with my phone number. I would like to talk.

Today was a busy day at the Ponderosa and Murry was his usual self acting like nothing had ever happened, but there remains signs that it did. Left leg still has some stove piping. Softball sized solid mass in the brisket area that began weeping a thin slightly blood tinged fluid by afternoon.

He got up happy this morning and was ready to roll.
Really nice rains going through area.

So far here at 9AM---


Wheat is looking good. Rust may be widespread issue. Lots of spraying going on at moment. Look for harvest in Dodge area, maybe June 10-15.
Good news on Murray and good news with the moisture!!! They do love the couch for some reason!! Getting ready to plant some rice in the playa's?:thumbsup:
Maynard, I hope you had the opportunity to talk to Bill Knight concerning Murray Dog. He has an idea that may still help now but it would certainly be something to think about in the future if this ever happens again. All the Best.
Maynard, I hope you had the opportunity to talk to Bill Knight concerning Murray Dog. He has an idea that may still help now but it would certainly be something to think about in the future if this ever happens again. All the Best.

Had a nice long chat with Bill. We have some similar interests.
Good to hear about Murry! just got back from north of Hays and man does the wheat look good , but since they will cut it early I wonder the effect on the crop of pheasants? :eek:
Good to hear about Murry! just got back from north of Hays and man does the wheat look good , but since they will cut it early I wonder the effect on the crop of pheasants? :eek:

Just because it is farther along than normal now doesn't necessarily mean harvest will be early. It depends on what the temperatures do from now until harvest. It could end up being a normal harvest date. The temperatures have cooled down a lot from earlier in the year.
Dont they do some sort of stubble project in Nebraska? Is that for nesting or just for food and cover. I dont know if its just corn and wheat, or if bean stubble serves a purpose too?