Yankee go home!! Kansas for Kansans! Give Ireland back to the Irish! other nonsense
Just because you and a few freinds or even the majority of "country boys" abide by the rules, does nothing to dissuade me from the statement. I've lived it. Besides the majority of non residents are as conscientous as anyone else. I'm all for stiffer tresspass penalties, littering penalties, you can even write a whole bunch more laws to prohibit all sorts of real or imagined slights or improprieties, none of which will stop bad behavior, if that were true we would be crime free nationwide now! Sorry guys I just don't buy the root of the arguement, it's protectionism pure and simple, not of the resource, of you Kansas sportsmen who feel that Kansas should be reserved for you. You basically want to be South Dakota, want the non resident stooges pay the freight and you get a free lunch. Be careful what you wish for. I laid out a series of moves which would limit pressure earlier. I'm all for lower limits on quail, even pheasant, I haven't shot a limit on anything in years, even when possible, don't hunt in a big group, don't like army like experience, but a lot of people with a legitimate interest do, and most that hunt that way in Kansas, live in Kansas,or are invited friends and family of people and landowners who do. Your biggest problem is in Kansas you have damn near zero public land, much less than most states, no opportunity for you or anyone else.You want to fix something, fix that! That's what WIHA attempts to solve. At the risk of being a broken record you either need to pony up a heck of a lot of cash as residents to have your own sandbox, or you need us out of state chumps to foot the bill and subsidize your program. don't believe me, ask the Kansas-wildlife-fish- game-and tourism department. I did! Instead of trying to turn a public access area of 80 acres into your private honey hole why don't make an effort in the off season at opening up 800 acres more! More interest makes more awareness, more attention, brings in more money. Isolationism, brings fewer dollars, no noteriety, dwindling momentum and the end of the sport as we know it. KDWP can't do it alone, some farmers who have eligible ground if approached personally and correctly might sign up if asked. We loose hunters faster than birds and habitat, even in Kansas. If you hunt eastern Kansas these days, on the opener, even near or on public areas, you might think you might have jumped the gun and picked the wrong day, true in Missouri, Iowa, and Nebraska as well! Inclusion is the answer, make the sport a publicly accepted and welcomed event. When people encounter hunters it needs to be positive. I never go to a social event or party that hunting doesn't come up, I explain the sport, history, nuances, conservation, and try to demonstrate to the uninitiated, and non-believers that the guy up the block isn't a crazed killer, who teaches his 14 year old girls to follow his evil killer ways. Since they see me at school, at work, around town and generally have a positive opinion, I can strike a blow for sportsmen and possibly gain a foothold of acceptance. Some even want to hunt, most only once, to hard, tomuch commitment, but at least they have an understanding of the sport, and hopefully see a value as voters that helps us down the road when anti-hunting, anti-guns issues are debated and voted on. what I hear from Kansans on this site is stay home, if you want to send Pitman-Robertson Money to pay for WIHA great, but no matter what stay home.Best idea on this thread by far!
I don't agree with this at all. I hunt with a bunch of rural boys every year in Cloud county, and we have never hunted where we don't have permission.
It's the bad apples ruin it for everyone else, resident and non resident alike. I'm all for stiffer penalties, up to and including, revocation of license privileges for serious crimes and higher fines across the board.