Residents Only 1st Week on Walk-In?

I would be in favor of restricting the first week of WIHA hunting to licensed women hunters only, with no residency requirement. "Ladies first" in other words.

Only women could hunt those fields during that time frame; any male hunters caught on the property get ticketed and fined. Women hunters from all over the nation converging on Kansas for that first week of WIHA access.

The bad news is: By the end of that first week there'd be fewer roosters left for the male hunters who would follow.

The good news is: Increased motel usage during that week would do away once and for all with the widespread belief that Kansas has no cougars.

This idea would probably get my vote, so long as I could run my dogs (male dogs too:rolleyes:) for the lady shooters just as I do for youth gunners. We need more female votes on the ballots:thumbsup:

I wouldn't vote for anything that interfered with the youth w/e. It truly is a blessing. I actually get more enjoyment out of the annual youth hunt than I would a resident only season.
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The goal should be to get women in the field, but not alone! What good does that do us! Just look at the marketing angle. It would be like the calendars, women in jungle print little nothings, caressing Browning auto's. Think we got to many non res now just wait! We could even start a slogun, " We don't have any birds either, come for the scenery!"
I guess I'm good with it when the license costs the same.

Non-resident licenses are dirt cheap in Kansas compared to other states, and you get a license that's actually good for an entire year... what a novel idea. I also drive just as far, and much further at times than Colorado, Oklahoma, and Nebraska hunters to get to the primary pheasant range.

I guess for a guy like me, the "I'm spending money on this and that" diatribe is a moot point, as I am usually spending the same amount as the next guy from another state.

Then there's the argument about how many millions of dollars Kansas hauls in every year due to pheasant season. That data is skewed, and hit or miss. There are small diners, etc. in SE Kansas that have been around for quite a while, and trust me, there's hardly a bird left down there. Could a bad season break a mom-and-pop spot from a poor turnout the following year? I guess it could be likely, but what is more likely is that a bad local economy over the course of a year led to the demise of the diner or hotel, and not one weekend out of the year. I just don't see the profit margins associated with these types of business' keeping a place open due to increased traffic for a few weeks. So that argument is invalid as far as I'm concerned.

Personally I'd like to see the state reduce the bag and possession limit for pheasant and quail, and move the quail season back to where it used to be. If they feel like they're losing money by doing so, close these tax loopholes available to the big game outfitters - that should more than make up for it.

To the OP, I'd say let the lessors of the WIHA program vote on a resident-only opener. :thumbsup:
Non-resident licenses are dirt cheap in Kansas compared to other states, and you get a license that's actually good for an entire year... what a novel idea. I also drive just as far, and much further at times than Colorado, Oklahoma, and Nebraska hunters to get to the primary pheasant range.

I guess for a guy like me, the "I'm spending money on this and that" diatribe is a moot point, as I am usually spending the same amount as the next guy from another state.

Then there's the argument about how many millions of dollars Kansas hauls in every year due to pheasant season. That data is skewed, and hit or miss. There are small diners, etc. in SE Kansas that have been around for quite a while, and trust me, there's hardly a bird left down there. Could a bad season break a mom-and-pop spot from a poor turnout the following year? I guess it could be likely, but what is more likely is that a bad local economy over the course of a year led to the demise of the diner or hotel, and not one weekend out of the year. I just don't see the profit margins associated with these types of business' keeping a place open due to increased traffic for a few weeks. So that argument is invalid as far as I'm concerned.

Personally I'd like to see the state reduce the bag and possession limit for pheasant and quail, and move the quail season back to where it used to be. If they feel like they're losing money by doing so, close these tax loopholes available to the big game outfitters - that should more than make up for it.

To the OP, I'd say let the lessors of the WIHA program vote on a resident-only opener. :thumbsup:

I say why a vote by lessors on resident only. They can choose to lease, open to everyone, and get paid the standard fee per acre or choose the resident only option and get maybe 50 percent which is the actual amount, (and I think I'm being generous), that is actually supported by Kansas residents. Look it up. See we're all happy!
I say why a vote by lessors on resident only. They can choose to lease, open to everyone, and get paid the standard fee per acre or choose the resident only option and get maybe 50 percent which is the actual amount, (and I think I'm being generous), that is actually supported by Kansas residents. Look it up. See we're all happy!

My argument was a theoretical "what if" scenario if a vote were to actually happen. Besides, I don't think it's fair to penalize farmers either way, just because Kansas legislators get the job done with dollars awarded to Kansas that are equally available to any other state.
I'm glad he did bring it back. It's a good post. Tell us how you feel brother FCS:D Without hearing the thoughts of others, my thoughts seem perfectly accurate to me:rolleyes:

Your notion of sharing everything is WAAAY outside the box;) Pls continue to share.

If I truly could, I would. My casa sey casa for what I do have to share. But If I had a say, it would cost the same for every one. Res would pay just as much as non in every state. And all high fences would be removed coast to coast.LOL:thumbsup: Seems the only place for most things we have a say in is on a forum belly aching to one another.:laugh: When it boils down to it , the man, is going to do what they want.
Just a thought, what about a law stating that no more than 4 hunters can hunt a WIHA at a time? That would push the cock blocking armies that just want to shoot and not hunt to private land. As an NR, I wouldn't mind if the opener was for KS residents only, I'd be pissed off too if those stinkin armies came marching through field after field after field in my home state too. If they want great shooting like that, go to a tower shoot. Isn't that method of hunting illegal for deer? Why not pheasant? I also agree to move the quail opener to the 3rd Saturday in November. The armies coming out don't really care anything about the coveys and they're thought of as a bonus bird. I saw a group last year that said they found 3 coveys and they must've had 30 quail on that tailgate. Absolutely ridiculous. I know I'll get backlash saying who am I to tell others how to hunt etc etc etc blah blah blah. But if that's the case, then deer should be able to be hunted with dogs nationwide right? You should be able to hunt deer at night right? I mean if that's their method then who are we to stop them? The cock blocking method gives pheasant just as much of a chance as deer have when they're spotlighted IMO. The pheasant population wouldn't get hammered on the WIHAs like it does if they could move the armies to private land. Just my .02 cents....bring it on! :cheers:
WIldcat- I can't disagree with what you've said economically. Its also why I dont return to the Dakotas. Abusing NR hunters whether dollar wise or access wise is just wrong. I'm from Iowa and what we charge and restrict for a NR deer tag is ridiculous.

Pricing and restrictions are going one way- making hunting something for the rich man only. I definitely understand res frustration with having to share the field, but thats pretty much the case with opening day all the way around isnt it? OUr numbers have sucked for awhile and NR hunters have quit coming and guess what- still crowded opening day.

I was very recently talking wiht a very high up member of KDWP and he gave the best observation- NR hunters consist of mostly 2 groups. Richer folks going to lodges and willing to pay whatever the price, and (more populous) folks that used to be from KS and want to come home and hunt with family. They may not be as visibble because they are probably rolling around in Dads truck with KS plates- but these are the folks that would get punished most.
Just a thought, what about a law stating that no more than 4 hunters can hunt a WIHA at a time? That would push the cock blocking armies that just want to shoot and not hunt to private land. As an NR, I wouldn't mind if the opener was for KS residents only, I'd be pissed off too if those stinkin armies came marching through field after field after field in my home state too. :

I agree with Electricboogaloopointer :D (sorry couldn't resist) As a NR too I thinks it's fair to let the residents to hunt the first week and limit the amount of people hunting WHIA. My only concerned is that the revenue generated by opening weekend will suffer. my 2 cents
Just a thought, what about a law stating that no more than 4 hunters can hunt a WIHA at a time? That would push the cock blocking armies that just want to shoot and not hunt to private land. As an NR, I wouldn't mind if the opener was for KS residents only, I'd be pissed off too if those stinkin armies came marching through field after field after field in my home state too. If they want great shooting like that, go to a tower shoot. Isn't that method of hunting illegal for deer? Why not pheasant? I also agree to move the quail opener to the 3rd Saturday in November. The armies coming out don't really care anything about the coveys and they're thought of as a bonus bird. I saw a group last year that said they found 3 coveys and they must've had 30 quail on that tailgate. Absolutely ridiculous. I know I'll get backlash saying who am I to tell others how to hunt etc etc etc blah blah blah. But if that's the case, then deer should be able to be hunted with dogs nationwide right? You should be able to hunt deer at night right? I mean if that's their method then who are we to stop them? The cock blocking method gives pheasant just as much of a chance as deer have when they're spotlighted IMO. The pheasant population wouldn't get hammered on the WIHAs like it does if they could move the armies to private land. Just my .02 cents....bring it on! :cheers:

You know, I agree with this.

Especially the lowering of the limit of quail. When was that limit established? The 80s? Back when there were some numbers of them, unlike now....
Just a thought, what about a law stating that no more than 4 hunters can hunt a WIHA at a time? That would push the cock blocking armies that just want to shoot and not hunt to private land. As an NR, I wouldn't mind if the opener was for KS residents only, I'd be pissed off too if those stinkin armies came marching through field after field after field in my home state too. If they want great shooting like that, go to a tower shoot. Isn't that method of hunting illegal for deer? Why not pheasant? I also agree to move the quail opener to the 3rd Saturday in November. The armies coming out don't really care anything about the coveys and they're thought of as a bonus bird. I saw a group last year that said they found 3 coveys and they must've had 30 quail on that tailgate. Absolutely ridiculous. I know I'll get backlash saying who am I to tell others how to hunt etc etc etc blah blah blah. But if that's the case, then deer should be able to be hunted with dogs nationwide right? You should be able to hunt deer at night right? I mean if that's their method then who are we to stop them? The cock blocking method gives pheasant just as much of a chance as deer have when they're spotlighted IMO. The pheasant population wouldn't get hammered on the WIHAs like it does if they could move the armies to private land. Just my .02 cents....bring it on! :cheers:

Great post!
I guess I feel the need to voice again. I'm sure your all in doubt about my true feelings. My comment on paying farmers less for restricted to residents of Kansas Only, is not directed at punishing farmers, I would have thought that was obvious. It is directed at the silly notion that the lessor farmer who enrolls in WIHA is somehow clamboring for or more willing to restrict access in favor of fellow Kansans. Having lived in a rural area, and owning land there now, I can tell you point blank, that most issues involving bad behavior is spawned by locals, who practice the doctrine of "what's mine is mine. and what's yours is mine too". If you don't recognize this reality, then you have never lived in a rural area for long as a landowner anywhere. I'd remind you that WIHA really isn't designed for the locals and the residents, it's an inhancement program to create opportunities for, and encourage non-res. As far as limiting hunter numbers, which I do not believe is the intent of the federal program, or the state political agenda. Look to the past. Kansas used to, and may still have a ridiculously large, 14 person limit on pheasant hunting parties. I do not think they are safe, or in the best interest of the pheasants, but big group hunting is really popular amongst the small town church groups, social groups, etc., including landowners who view it as a social event. Usually held once or twice a year after the crops are out. So you risk either unenforcability, or alienating a powerful spokes group. Lowering the daily bag on both pheasants and quail would have at least the perception of lowering expectations. In the case of quail lowering of the daily bag should coincide with the delayed opener. If there is a delayed opener, and you don't move the opener to the Nov.1st vicinity, you have a 62 day quail season for everybody, and a 62 day pheasant season for non-residents. For you vociferous newbys, and recent transplants, who don't remember, Kansas once had a November 1 opener for pheasants west of 81, with quail legal targets two weeks later, east of 81 pheasants and quail were both legal Nov. 1. The reason the Nov. 1 opener was delayed two weeks is due to the S#$t storm raised by the Kansas Farm Bureau at the request of their constituants, who complained of the season being to long, the opener to early when crops were still in the field, etc. Any effort at that change will start the fight all over, and you Kansans might find out who really has the big stick in Kansas. Hint, it ain't you! It's a shame because the earlier opener to coincide with Nebraska, Missouri, and some years Iowa, maybe Illinois and Colorado, would serve to reduce hunter numbers, who if the options were to stay closer to home for the opener or travel to Kansas, might well choose to delay the Kansas trip, and spread out the pressure. This is a practical example of how to accomplish the desire to thin the pressure out without being boorish. On the other hand this is a thinly veiled attempt to get special treatment to the detriment of others, disguised as a save the species crusade, which I suspect, than be brave enough to just come out with it, and whine on. Just because North and South Dakota do it, doesn't make it right, and they don't get my support publicly or financially because of it. I'd vote tocut off all USFG, and related funds to SD and ND till they come around. I found ways and places to hunt that are the equivelent, without the outrageous 10 day license and silly anti-nonresident treatment, more like a mark than an equal.
I like the idea. My thought is similar, CO elk hunting could be Res only for Sept, Oct, Nov. and NR's can hunt after the residents in December and January.:D

Sounds great doesnt it!!

It is absurd to separate any type of people from when they can and cant hunt based on residency.

It works in SD because they have so many birds and a low population.
I would be in favor of restricting the first week of WIHA hunting to licensed women hunters only, with no residency requirement. "Ladies first" in other words.

Only women could hunt those fields during that time frame; any male hunters caught on the property get ticketed and fined. Women hunters from all over the nation converging on Kansas for that first week of WIHA access.

The bad news is: By the end of that first week there'd be fewer roosters left for the male hunters who would follow.

The good news is: Increased motel usage during that week would do away once and for all with the widespread belief that Kansas has no cougars.

Single guys might still want to head west for the pheasant opener if this rule passes. Just leave the shotgun at home and hang out in the motel lobby with a cute bird dog puppy.:)
Single guys might still want to head west for the pheasant opener if this rule passes. Just leave the shotgun at home and hang out in the motel lobby with a cute bird dog puppy.:)

There you go!
Being from Mo, where we have virtually NO Quail or Pheasant left to speak of, I don't care if you close the first week off to just residents. It makes no difference to me or my hunting partners what time during the season we get to come to Kansas. A down year there is great compared to what we have left to hunt in our own state. Close it if you want, makes me no difference. I'm still coming, and you will still have more birds than I can find here. One thing..... I don't mind paying more for an out of state liscense, but if I buy it it needs to be for the season, not for a specified 10 days! Ridiculous! Thanks for having us! See you Thanksgiving weekend!
Just a thought, what about a law stating that no more than 4 hunters can hunt a WIHA at a time? That would push the cock blocking armies that just want to shoot and not hunt to private land. As an NR, I wouldn't mind if the opener was for KS residents only, I'd be pissed off too if those stinkin armies came marching through field after field after field in my home state too. If they want great shooting like that, go to a tower shoot. Isn't that method of hunting illegal for deer? Why not pheasant? I also agree to move the quail opener to the 3rd Saturday in November. The armies coming out don't really care anything about the coveys and they're thought of as a bonus bird. I saw a group last year that said they found 3 coveys and they must've had 30 quail on that tailgate. Absolutely ridiculous. I know I'll get backlash saying who am I to tell others how to hunt etc etc etc blah blah blah. But if that's the case, then deer should be able to be hunted with dogs nationwide right? You should be able to hunt deer at night right? I mean if that's their method then who are we to stop them? The cock blocking method gives pheasant just as much of a chance as deer have when they're spotlighted IMO. The pheasant population wouldn't get hammered on the WIHAs like it does if they could move the armies to private land. Just my .02 cents....bring it on! :cheers:

Best idea on this thread by far!

I can tell you point blank, that most issues involving bad behavior is spawned by locals, who practice the doctrine of "what's mine is mine. and what's yours is mine too".

I don't agree with this at all. I hunt with a bunch of rural boys every year in Cloud county, and we have never hunted where we don't have permission.

It's the bad apples ruin it for everyone else, resident and non resident alike. I'm all for stiffer penalties, up to and including, revocation of license privileges for serious crimes and higher fines across the board.
Being from Mo, where we have virtually NO Quail or Pheasant left to speak of, I don't care if you close the first week off to just residents. It makes no difference to me or my hunting partners what time during the season we get to come to Kansas. A down year there is great compared to what we have left to hunt in our own state. Close it if you want, makes me no difference. I'm still coming, and you will still have more birds than I can find here. One thing..... I don't mind paying more for an out of state liscense, but if I buy it it needs to be for the season, not for a specified 10 days! Ridiculous! Thanks for having us! See you Thanksgiving weekend!

I hate to use your post as an example, but this is EXACTLY what I'm afraid of. You're pretty much saying "we have no birds here, so I'll hunt yours instead". How many of you Missouri people are writing congressman, forming political parties, getting conservation groups involved, etc., instead of throwing your hands up and hunting KS instead?

I'm going to use this analogy, and you're not going to like it. To me you're like the illegal aliens that invade this country every day, and give no thought to liberating their own country. If you sportsmen would come together as one, Missouri would have the bird numbers that great State used to have.

And as I said in my previous post, don't be mad at the Kansas legislature for actually getting things done, and rewarding our state with Federal dollars that are open to everyone. We gain, and you blame, simple as that.

I'm sick of this nonsense regarding the Pittsman-Robertson Act. It is available to all states. It is not our fault that we are rewarded the dollars because others are too inept to take advantage. That is your fault, and not ours. Elect some better officials, and benefit from it if that's your thing. There is nothing stopping you.

Apologies for venting, but non-residents seem to feel like they're helpless here, when in fact they are not. If this board gets so much noise over a resident-only opener... imagine how SD and ND must be getting hammered. Wait, they are not, because everyone has come to accept it.