Residents Only 1st Week on Walk-In?

. Maynard, I can't sell that ground, I plan to burried within sight! In the Greenbush community of Crawford County, west of Girard. .

I know the lay of the land there. Been a long time though, but later this month I will be roaming around my old haunts in Crawford County on the way to a cousin's 90th birthday party. Will be taking family that has not been that way before, so will be a tour guide also. Looking forward to it.

Have a friend in Dodge that has family at St. Paul and they used to go that way quite a bit, but age is slowing them down.

I will check out my old house in Frontenac and the neighborhood, pay a surprise visit to a contractor buddy of mine.

Again, no dog in the resident/ non-resident issue, so either way works for me.
Well first I’m not from Kanasas. But I must say that this has been an interesting thread, too say the least. I think Old&New has a few good points. However, I’m not sure that all aspects of the issue have been laid on the table.

What about the economic impact this would have on the local and state econemy for one! In SD, out of state hunters contribute over 28% GF&P’s annual budget ($18 million of the division's $42.5 million budget). Non-resident small-game licenses, which are mostly for pheasant hunting, provided about $11 million. Out of state hunters significantly contributed to the economy to the tune of more than $300 million dollars. I would be willing to bet that KS economy is comparable.

So, if your family (from KS) runs a local dinner or a motel, I guess your family income will be delayed a few weeks each year. No need to turn on the “No Vacancey sign” for a few more weeks. I think you get the picture!

The KS WIHP was designed for access, yet you want to restrict it, using Federal dollars.
I do believe that funding for Wetlands Reserve Program and the Grasslands Reserve Program comes from federal government. Without such a program KS would not hold 50% of it’s bird population.

I travel North a few times each year not to just to kill birds, but rather enjoy a few day’s afield with the dogs, meet new people and support the local Mom & Pop dinners along my way. Now if you want, I can pump a few more gallons of fuel in the truck and head to another state.
I will give my two cents, even if not a KS boy here.( How ever I work along side one every day, and have for 9 years)He still says winda, LOL No it's window. :D
I think we all tend to think too dam much in the "BOX" so to speak. I believe we "ALL" are natives as much as we can be in the
"UNITED STATES OF AMERICA". :10sign: And that is why a lic for anything any where should not cost one dam dime more, to any one from the USA..... If a so called NR wants to fish in MN, why does he have to pay way more then me??? I don't get it. Its BS#it in my mind for any state, for any reason what so ever, to think they can get away with government discrimination... Bottom line, it is all discrimination against other red blooded American citizens. It was a bad decision for ND and would be a bad decision for KS. It is bad enough to pay more then the next guy, and add giving favors to the one besides, is just another slap in the face of a working individual spreading the wealth, and circulating the dollar that drives this country. As far as I am concerned you should be able to enjoy our boundary waters in MN as cheap as me and the same time as me... But you can't.:rolleyes: Now why do we not have to pay more to go enjoy what other states offer like cruises and vacations, just because you came from KS?????? You don't, thats the point. Any thing hunting related to any state starts this, mine mine mine, lord of the rings mentality. It's stupid. Everyone of us could benifit if the Gov. would get a clue, look at the broad picture, and stop thinking of "our selves" and think "out side the box" which has state boarders. Next thing we will all want to be our own litle country. Hittlerism????? I don't know.

I think I like this thought process.
OH great I deleted it to stay the he?? out of it and you stuck it back up.:rolleyes: dang Moderators.:D

I'm glad he did bring it back. It's a good post. Tell us how you feel brother FCS:D Without hearing the thoughts of others, my thoughts seem perfectly accurate to me:rolleyes:

Your notion of sharing everything is WAAAY outside the box;) Pls continue to share.
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I did think the delayed quail opener west of 81 was a good thing. It can be pretty marginal quail ground in a lot of those areas. Giving the birds a pass during the time of highest hunting pressure would seem reasonable.

I do however disagree with the notion that the residents should be focused on private ground. For people in the KC area it is a 3-4 hour drive to get into prime pheasant counrty, Denver and OKC are as close or closer.

Heck, I know land owners that see a Johnson county tag on a car, and consider it as being from NYC :D
Heck, I know land owners that see a Johnson county tag on a car, and consider it as being from NYC :D

+1 :)

I've noticed the same thing out in the rural areas. Most locals would far rather see an out of state tag than a Johnson County or Sedgwick County tag. They all seem to have a bad story to tell about someone hunting on their land without permission.
A friend owns land in ND and can't hunt the resident opener; it upsets him just as the original proposition of a KS resident opener upsets nwkansasnative and O&N. I'm not trying to win their favor here and I'm not running for mayor. I just think if KS were to do an early opener program, it wouldn't necessarily have to be a resident only opener. Offspring and/or parents of residents, along with landowners could qualify.


If he owns land he can hunt on it, its only the public the NR can't hunt I've hunted first day before on private.

I go to ND usually the second week so I can hunt PLOTS, I hunt by myself and hunt mostly smaller PLOTS area's, and you know who I run into usually big groups of ND residents 3-4 big trucks lots of guys and dogs. The funny thing is if I'm in the field or was in the field they usually move on to another area, which always surprises me because one guy and one dog cant come close to covering the whole field.

The funny thing is the guys from the west complain about the ND hunters from the east part of the state, so I guess everybody is from elsewhere.
The waiting week doesn't bother me as much as the license not covering the whole season.
Not taking sides here, but I think we would not be having this discussion if:

1. There was more public access in Kansas so that everybody wasn't concentrated on the same spots.

2. There were more QUALITY acres enrolled in the WIHA program and fewer disced fields, overgrazed pastures, and baled hay meadows.

3. Other states still had pheasants.

4. Kansas had pheasant numbers this season like it had two years ago or even last year.

5. KDWPT didn't try so hard to out-compete Nebraska and the Dakotas by offerning a 4 pheasant, 8 quail limit and a season-long non-res license.

I think guys are probably being more guarded and even a little defensive right now because the supply barely met the demand the last few years. All of us know that the supply of birds is going to be way down. Even the number of decent fields to hunt will be in shorter supply this year with the drought and reduced number of CRP acres.

So my take on this issue is that most Kansans are expecting to see 100% or more of last year's hunters chasing birds on 50% fewer productive acres, holding 60% fewer birds than what they have grown accustomed to. The last couple percentages are ballpark guesses based on the drought and the nesting report...

My point is, please forgive the residents who are a little freaked out about it. It's unsettling to think about the situation this season. And it's not like making a road trip to hunt public-land birds in Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, Oklahoma, or Colorado would be any better.

I don't really have an opinion about an early resident-only opener, but for those who support it I understand why. It's because the supply of quality public hunting opportunities is shrinking and the demand isn't... at least not here... I personally haven't hunted the opening week in probably 10 years. December is better anyway.

That's my .02
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If we are going to try out rules from other states, then what about importing road hunting from SD? I bet that would go over like a lead ballon in KS.

Or how about a regulation that says we can't start until 10:00.......?? I never understood that one?
Just an Issue Reminder

Lots of great posts here.

While my original thread issue was: Should Kansas restrict walk-in to residents the first week of the season as do some other states, other very intesting related issues have been brought up.

Keep posting!
Your Ideas have Triggered a Thought

With our current governor big on promoting hunting as part of the push for tourism, if we did restrict walk-in to residents the first week of the season, would that create incentives for more pay hunting in KS?
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I don't think that you should limit the opening weekend to only in state residents. So if you son is now living out of state he can't hunt with you.

This is a slippery slope. I would just like to see the other states make an effort to improve thier states land and access programs. It take pressure off the states that have good programs.

My ideal outcome would be that no state give non-residents lesser access to walk-in.
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so who is going to enforce? how do you know and NR vs res.? instate car rentals may go way up.

I saw an increase in hunting pressure during the first week when the quail season opened at the same time as pheasant. I always stay away from the opener, just too many hunters. I always used to plan my first trip so that I combined both quail and pheasants, this usually pushed my trip back towards thanksgiving or after. Now, that first trip has happened during that first week of season.

Don't worry, with poor number of birds, you will have poor NR hunter turn out. Why spend the money and time just to walk.
Oh by the way, SD can get away with their Resident opener and odd shooting times because of the numbers they have. Discrease the birds, decrease the hunters.
My ideal outcome would be that no state gave non-residents lesser access to walk-in.

Now that's an idea I can support. :10sign: Still like to go to around November 1 opener, even during the week, if it holds down numbers a little. Also it will limit numbers due to the fact that a lot of hunters now, can make several openers in a month of staggered openers. November 1 would co-inside with several others forcing a choice, rather than featured as a stand alone two weeks later. Also delay the quail opener for two weeks in the pheasant belt, where quail are subject to extreme pressure from big groups.
One mis-conception that I'd like to clarify. Kansas does not do anything more in my opinion to produce a great numbers of birds, than the Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri conservation departments. All efforts in all the above states are trickle of good in a maelstrom of destruction, if Kansas were somehow more enlightened than the rest of us, you'd still have really superior quail hunting in the eastern 1/2 of the state, particular SE Kansas, which you do not. Kansas bird hunters are in the enviable position of being the beneficiary of being at the most western edge of the midwest, and being a little drier, ( a lot this year regretablly), the ground will not tolerate the abuse and intensity of use, which is common to the areas east. It's good fortune, not superior planning and implementation. Your losing the battle just like the rest of us, just a little slower. WIHA income is less than a bushel of corn per acre, and allows access to the ground, but does little or nothing to encourage conservation measures. Kansas if not last in rank of states for public land is darn close, so the access program is sorely needed. I think farmers join because of a sense of loyalty to the state, and pride and responsiblity to their neighbors. Help the state, and the local merchants, put on a really good show. Certainly not the money. Same reason they preserve that hedge, don't mow or plow those field edges, or dig out the plum brush. Kansas just might be last stand, the place where we either turn this last 60 years of bird hunting loss into the beginning of change for the better, or we say goodbye and go slowly into the night.
I'm in agreement with delaying the quail opener due to the immense pressure but do not like the idea of a resident only opener. In SD, the residents get three days to hunt only public land, nothing private I believe. That is ridiculous to me and we let the game warden know it every year when we get checked. Opening weekend in SD is obviously a zoo and having birds pushed off the public land the weekend before sucks to those of us that hunt nothing but public that first week. When the #'s are sky high, it is a little easier to tolerate. This next weekend should be interesting with the reports from the SD resident opener being less than stellar. It still is better than the rest of the country so we will continue to make the annual trip.
I would be in favor of restricting the first week of WIHA hunting to licensed women hunters only, with no residency requirement. "Ladies first" in other words.

Only women could hunt those fields during that time frame; any male hunters caught on the property get ticketed and fined. Women hunters from all over the nation converging on Kansas for that first week of WIHA access.

The bad news is: By the end of that first week there'd be fewer roosters left for the male hunters who would follow.

The good news is: Increased motel usage during that week would do away once and for all with the widespread belief that Kansas has no cougars.
I would be in favor of restricting the first week of WIHA hunting to licensed women hunters only, with no residency requirement. "Ladies first" in other words.

Only women could hunt those fields during that time frame; any male hunters caught on the property get ticketed and fined. Women hunters from all over the nation converging on Kansas for that first week of WIHA access.

The bad news is: By the end of that first week there'd be fewer roosters left for the male hunters who would follow.

The good news is: Increased motel usage during that week would do away once and for all with the widespread belief that Kansas has no cougars.

What a hoot. But I'm all for getting women into the fields.
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