Residents Only 1st Week on Walk-In?

So many took this as a personal attack. A guy just wanted to check the feelings of his fellow Kansans, not restrict "our" state to "us." There are several guys that can attest to my willingness to share. I believe the OP is the sharing type too. It's just an idea, something to discuss. I always thought SD and ND had it right....give residents priority. After reading opinions of others (that was the OP's intent after all), I'm not so sure I support SD's way of thinking any longer. FCSpringer put it best IMO when he said something to the effect, "This is America, we are all Americans. What's mine is ours......" Why would SD or ND want to exclude me on those days or restrict me to 2 weeks per year? I'd never considered it from that angle until now, but even then, I don't take their decision personally.

I hope to move to another state someday......I'd prefer to live in one that allows the residents to enjoy a w/e to themselves, without hoards of ppl in their state. I don't care whether the hunting is restricted to private land or public. BTW, both the OP and I have plenty of private access. He's wondering how everyone would feel about the resident WIHA w/e. I want to enjoy the fields w/ farmer friends and family, without dad having to round up the cows that ran through the fence the night before (due to increase traffic and ppl shooting coyotes out the window). Heck, I'd let most of you sleep in the spare bed room at my house, then take you to the land I've gained access to over the years...if you're broke, I'd even pay for the gas.

I plan to move to another state if I am lucky enough to get the job I want. I still wouldn't be offended if KS decided only residents (thereby excluding me) were able to hunt that first w/e. If anything, it may be just another reason to move back and contribute to this economy once again.
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So many took this as a personal attack. A guy just wanted to check the feelings of his fellow Kansans, not restrict "our" state to "us." There are several guys that can attest to my willingness to share. I believe the OP is the sharing type too. It's just an idea, something to discuss. I always thought SD and ND had it right....give residents priority. After reading opinions of others (that was the OP's intent after all), I'm not so sure I support SD's way of thinking any longer. FCSpringer put it best IMO when he said something to the effect, "This is America, we are all Americans. What's mine is ours......" Why would SD or ND want to exclude me on those days or restrict me to 2 weeks per year? I'd never considered it from that angle until now, but even then, I don't take their decision personally.

I hope to move to another state someday......I'd prefer to live in one that allows the residents to enjoy a w/e to themselves, without hoards of ppl in their state. I don't care whether the hunting is restricted to private land or public. BTW, both the OP and I have plenty of private access. He's wondering how everyone would feel about the resident WIHA w/e. I want to enjoy the fields w/ farmer friends and family, without dad having to round up the cows that ran through the fence the night before (due to increase traffic and ppl shooting coyotes out the window). Heck, I'd let most of you sleep in the spare bed room at my house, then take you to the land I've gained access to over the years...if you're broke, I'd even pay for the gas.

I plan to move to another state if I am lucky enough to get the job I want. I still wouldn't be offended if KS decided only residents (excluding me in this case) were able to hunt that first w/e. If anything, it may be just another reason to move back and contribute to this economy once again.

As the OP, I am happy to say you are 100% correct. I rarely hunt walk-in because I have access to thousands of acres of private, posted land, something I worked to achieve. I just thought it was an interesting issue considering how little the Dakotas allow non-resident pheasant hunters. Thanks for the support, fellow Kansan. Hope you get the job you want, but if you do it will be a loss to Kansas.
I plan to move to another state if I am lucky enough to get the job I want. I still wouldn't be offended if KS decided only residents (thereby excluding me) were able to hunt that first w/e. If anything, it may be just another reason to move back and contribute to this economy once again.

Hey, I thought you were moving to Dodge and buying my house, so I could get the heck out of Dodge. :(:(

Seriously, good luck on your career path.

I hope you and your family members have one of the most important things in your pocket if you leave Kansas.
one of the things people failed to take into account is that all the residents with private land to hunt will now become walk-in hunters that first weekend. It may become fairly crowded anyway. I spoke to a farmer near Pierre where we hunted this weekend. He had a nice piece of public near his farm. He stated that he saw no less than 60 hunters in that plot during the resident only weekend. That is probably less than regular opener, but far from exclusive. I would imagine all the good WIHA in kansas would be similar.
I hunt ND every year, most of the time the opening weekend. Think about this, ND and SD have 10 times the birds we do and they do not let NR's hunt the first 7 days on PLOTS land or public land in ND. You can hunt one quarter section and limit so why hold NRs off. The point was made your license is only good for 14 days and cost me this year $105 KS license for a NR is $72.50.

I would be willing to put money on it that we would not loose revenue overall if we put a no hunting WHIA for the first week. I support it, or better yet make the license 2 14 day period matching the $100. KS has a lot more value for the NR's and is cheaper even if you cannot hunt WHIA.
Kansas would have to drastically change if they went to imitate S.D., N.D. Kansas draws NR's for Dove and Deer! Both you need a small game license for in Kansas and maybe Turkey, I can't remember!! People won't buy a hunred dollar license for 10 days to hunt dove, Deer and buy another one for upland when they go!! It is fine the way it is and if Res want to hunt for a week early or late , let em!!!
Wow, I stayed out of this one till now. Kb and Bc. I see no reason to not allow Residents to hunt a week Prior to allowing NR's to hunt. I don't know does Kansas resident pay state Income Tax. If so..............
Yes, Kansas residents pay a state income tax. Even Missouri residents who's wife works in Kansas pay a Kansas state income tax.

What an emotional roller coaster. As i read ALL of these post i go from mad enough to fight to very understanding. I hunt S.D. I hunt Kansas. I hunt Missouri a lot. I work my .ss off in in Missouri and rarely ever shoot a limit. I dont care about that. I like dog work. I HATE hunting with a big party of cock blockers. I have done it because of that sought after invite. I will say it wasnt done with a crowd of non residents, btw. Im not at all complaining here but crap, i spend a lot of cash out of state, and have been happy every time. I guess my expectations have become very low. I will not hunt with big crowds anymore, therefore i am usually a two man, two or three dog party, likes to kill a limit but rarely does, and goes home tickled to death. I have read on here 4 months about how bad the bird populations in kansas were. I understand that is true. It has also been tongue and cheek banter to run off the out of staters, and laughed about it. As of now i could care less about that. I guess what im sayin is, you win, i enjoy running dogs here as much as anywhere so you can have it.
Yes, Kansas residents pay a state income tax. Even Missouri residents who's wife works in Kansas pay a Kansas state income tax.

Actually she "files" with the State of Kansas if she lives in Missouri. As you probably know, the money goes to Missouri.

I don't mean to be picky here, but this thread seems to be much more about money than pheasant hunting.

The only valid argument from a "money" stand point that I see is the argument that some federal funds are used to support the WIHA program. On the other hand, while some of some of these funds are federal, it was the State of Kansas that put the program together. The State of Kansas is funded by the residents of Kansas.

For what it's worth I own a small business in prime pheasant country in the State of Kansas. Business is better when there are more people in town. That being said my business, as well as several others in town, really don't see much of a difference in profitability over the first part of pheasant season (or pheasant season in general). In fact, many merchants dread the opener. One weekend (or two) doesn't make or break us. Sure, any increase in business helps, but it's just not that big of a deal.

Example, I have a friend that owns a small town cafe'. It's filled with hunters opening weekend. The problem? She says that nearly all of her "regulars" stay away the first few weekends of the season. Is there an increase? Yes, but it's marginal and lasts only two days. The following weekends see about the same about of traffic as usual with more hunters coming in and regulars staying away until well into the season. The over all gain is VERY marginal for her as well.

Perhaps if you were to own a Cabela's, Gander Mountain, or a liquor store it would be different. My belief is that the revenue generated by non-residents is enjoyed by the State of Kansas much more than the individual business owners.

The main argument the non-resident's have put forth in this thread is to say that they generate revenue for the small town business owner. My point is to say that forget it, it's just not worth it. There's a lot of dollars generated, but it's so very spread out that it doesn't make much of a difference to us. I'm not saying don't come, or that I'm for or against limiting the opener. I'm saying that in my opinion, the the revenue argument is moot from a small business owner's stand point.

Bottom line, if your argument is all about money, then you're not much of a sportsman. So, other than money how do you guys support your points (for or against a resident only opener)?

Wow, I stayed out of this one till now. Kb and Bc. I see no reason to not allow Residents to hunt a week Prior to allowing NR's to hunt. I don't know does Kansas resident pay state Income Tax. If so..............

I haven't stayed out of it till now.....I think the sentiment and your logic would be great if it were not for the fact that Kansas income tax is not a contributor to the WIHA program. The funds are federal, you in Arizona pay a part of the contributing funds with Pitman-Robertson tax on arms, ammunition, and fishing supplies. Funds are matched by the state from hunting license sales to determine participation and eligibility for funds. Kansas residency or sales taxes owed or paid are not a factor. A simple phone call to KDWPT will verify this. I called. Without non-resident participation, WIHA program would be much smaller, and much more costly to residents than it is now. So discouraging participation may be fine for the short term, long term it's a failed isolationist attitude. I don't hunt in North and South Dakota anymore either.... same reason. I get better treatment in Canada, Mexico, or Argentina, then I get in my own country, from South and North Dakota.
Actually she "files" with the State of Kansas if she lives in Missouri. As you probably know, the money goes to Missouri.

I don't mean to be picky here, but this thread seems to be much more about money than pheasant hunting.

The only valid argument from a "money" stand point that I see is the argument that some federal funds are used to support the WIHA program. On the other hand, while some of some of these funds are federal, it was the State of Kansas that put the program together. The State of Kansas is funded by the residents of Kansas.

For what it's worth I own a small business in prime pheasant country in the State of Kansas. Business is better when there are more people in town. That being said my business, as well as several others in town, really don't see much of a difference in profitability over the first part of pheasant season (or pheasant season in general). In fact, many merchants dread the opener. One weekend (or two) doesn't make or break us. Sure, any increase in business helps, but it's just not that big of a deal.

Example, I have a friend that owns a small town cafe'. It's filled with hunters opening weekend. The problem? She says that nearly all of her "regulars" stay away the first few weekends of the season. Is there an increase? Yes, but it's marginal and lasts only two days. The following weekends see about the same about of traffic as usual with more hunters coming in and regulars staying away until well into the season. The over all gain is VERY marginal for her as well.

Perhaps if you were to own a Cabela's, Gander Mountain, or a liquor store it would be different. My belief is that the revenue generated by non-residents is enjoyed by the State of Kansas much more than the individual business owners.

The main argument the non-resident's have put forth in this thread is to say that they generate revenue for the small town business owner. My point is to say that forget it, it's just not worth it. There's a lot of dollars generated, but it's so very spread out that it doesn't make much of a difference to us. I'm not saying don't come, or that I'm for or against limiting the opener. I'm saying that in my opinion, the the revenue argument is moot from a small business owner's stand point.

Bottom line, if your argument is all about money, then you're not much of a sportsman. So, other than money how do you guys support your points (for or against a resident only opener)?


Just so we are clear, The USFG put the program together, just as the USDA put together the Open Land and Waters program. Kansas met the requirements and has been an enthusiastic participant. No Kansas tax dollars are involved. Other states are participants as well. the state of Kansas believes there is economic value to it, I personally don't know what if any economic gains could be attributed to the program or not. I don't care either. Simple solution to your problem is urge an end to the WIHA program. Your regulars will sip dollar coffee all day and you won't be inundated with hords of non-residents because there won't be anywhere to hunt without a private connection. By the way, I did better in the late 70's and early 80's with no WIHA and no CRP or soil bank. We had many more hunters then.
So many took this as a personal attack. A guy just wanted to check the feelings of his fellow Kansans, not restrict "our" state to "us." There are several guys that can attest to my willingness to share. I believe the OP is the sharing type too. It's just an idea, something to discuss. I always thought SD and ND had it right....give residents priority. After reading opinions of others (that was the OP's intent after all), I'm not so sure I support SD's way of thinking any longer. FCSpringer put it best IMO when he said something to the effect, "This is America, we are all Americans. What's mine is ours......" Why would SD or ND want to exclude me on those days or restrict me to 2 weeks per year? I'd never considered it from that angle until now, but even then, I don't take their decision personally.

I hope to move to another state someday......I'd prefer to live in one that allows the residents to enjoy a w/e to themselves, without hoards of ppl in their state. I don't care whether the hunting is restricted to private land or public. BTW, both the OP and I have plenty of private access. He's wondering how everyone would feel about the resident WIHA w/e. I want to enjoy the fields w/ farmer friends and family, without dad having to round up the cows that ran through the fence the night before (due to increase traffic and ppl shooting coyotes out the window). Heck, I'd let most of you sleep in the spare bed room at my house, then take you to the land I've gained access to over the years...if you're broke, I'd even pay for the gas.

I plan to move to another state if I am lucky enough to get the job I want. I still wouldn't be offended if KS decided only residents (thereby excluding me) were able to hunt that first w/e. If anything, it may be just another reason to move back and contribute to this economy once again.

Nice speech. You guys are wasting your time on the pheasant forum, you should be lining up to take Rick, " I got an F in debate" Perry's spot. It just doesn't wash. If this is not a thinly veiled attempt or hope to restrict non-residents access, why did you "inclusive" Kansans post and vociferously defend it in the first place. You guys could give lessons in spin-doctor to the politicians. Why don't you start a post with the idea that everyone who hunts anywhere, should pay for a habitat stamp for Kansas? or maybe just everybody in Missouri should pay each of you in Kansas $100.00 per year directly in Civil War reparations, to fund your sport? Why not just limit the hunting to residents only? It might have something to do with justification, funding, or just plain right. Kansas needs non-resident hunters, to fund the program, I would guess all states do. So in a sense you don't have to get a national habitat stamp or war reparations, because we already pay more than our fair share, willingly, now. Meanwhile I look forward to your forum posting in the Minnesota forum encouraging limiting non-resident hunting on opening weekend there as well. I believe from reading this site, the Iowans are already on board, but nobody wants to go there anyway. At least call a spade a spade, this isn't and wasn't posted as an educational excercise in semantics. Of course not.
Yes, Kansas residents pay a state income tax. Even Missouri residents who's wife works in Kansas pay a Kansas state income tax.

Why did you ever leave? From your posts, you live a few miles across the state line now. It's a simple fix. All your dollars stay in Kansas. Previous poster correct, all your wife's taxes are collected in Kansas and distributed to Missouri, before you ask, yes Kansas gets the income tax collected from Kansans by the state of Missouri. It's called a reciprocal/cooperative agreement. Something that seems in short supply in this original post.
Nice speech. You guys are wasting your time on the pheasant forum, you should be lining up to take Rick, " I got an F in debate" Perry's spot. It just doesn't wash. If this is not a thinly veiled attempt or hope to restrict non-residents access, why did you "inclusive" Kansans post and vociferously defend it in the first place. You guys could give lessons in spin-doctor to the politicians. Why don't you start a post with the idea that everyone who hunts anywhere, should pay for a habitat stamp for Kansas? or maybe just everybody in Missouri should pay each of you in Kansas $100.00 per year directly in Civil War reparations, to fund your sport? Why not just limit the hunting to residents only? It might have something to do with justification, funding, or just plain right. Kansas needs non-resident hunters, to fund the program, I would guess all states do. So in a sense you don't have to get a national habitat stamp or war reparations, because we already pay more than our fair share, willingly, now. Meanwhile I look forward to your forum posting in the Minnesota forum encouraging limiting non-resident hunting on opening weekend there as well. I believe from reading this site, the Iowans are already on board, but nobody wants to go there anyway. At least call a spade a spade, this isn't and wasn't posted as an educational excercise in semantics. Of course not.

Bitter much? I'm not stuck in my ways (where is the "new" element of your screename reflected?....certainly not in your ideas or the ideas of others!). I'm open to the ideas of others. With the exception of your angry/upset posts, I've learned a lot from this thread.

Thanks to all of you that can engage in a discussion without getting your panties all waded up.

I look forward to reading your posts of sadness after I make that post in the MN forum too:D Minnesotans deserve a w/e afield without NR's and I hope they get that opportunity someday; I hope the same for the Iowans. Sorry your state has squandered their quail population (I think that's really what you're sad about). You might see things a bit differently if your state was considered worthwhile by the hoards of visitors each year.

Keep beating that dead-horse O&N. You can try and pick apart my posts and make me out to look like a selfish jerk. I have in the past and will continue to share with the NR's on this board by taking them to some of the places I've worked to gain access to. Several can attest to my kindness and inclusiveness. You act like the discussion was aimed at keeping you (personally) out of the state. You didn't do so well with the debate side of this topic either, except maybe in your own eyes. Pretty much everyone else was rather civil in their attempt to share their opinions. Iowa residents are in favor too? Feeling like a minority here and that's making you even more sad? Who suggested limiting KS hunting to only KS residents? Not a single person! You're really grasping for straws to help paint your negative picture.

Civil war reparations? Oh......ran out of things to talk about.....maybe 10 posts ago?

Plenty of ppl made good posts both for and against the OP's proposition. I've taken it all in and it has changed my opinion a bit. I can see you've remained very open-minded reading everyone's posts;) If you wonder why I'm not responding to you after this post, it's b/c I've blocked your posts. You'll only be reminding yourself how much greater a person you are than I. I don't come here for negativity:thumbsup: Though you're on my ignore list, you're welcome to send me some heated script via pm.
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Wow. Good rant KB.:D I can't find much I disagree with. I don't understand why this has caused such an uproar. I hunt and have hunted SD/ND, and have no problem with residents getting first crack. Who cares. I too have helped many NR hunt here over the years. All I know is the land I hunt in Kansas is surrounded by WIHA. Opening weekend is a mess with all the traffic and craziness. Especially this year with the forecast.