Residents Only 1st Week on Walk-In?

Oh Gawd, how I HATE all the incessant/eternal/infernal so easily taking offense at anyone on here who happens to disagree. Birds of a feather, preaching to the choir, cookie cutters & cloning are not for me - who ever learns anything from that???

This out-of-stater sees absolutely no problem whatsoever with residents getting a few rightful perks such as a special first crack at the birds be4 the non-residents. In fact, it might help go a long way toward mediating some of the usual resident/non-resident issues.

Who is everybody trying to kid anyway, I always see just as many (& sometimes more) birds at the end of the season every year as I do at the beginning - they just ain't such easy pushover pickins! ;) :cheers:
Nice to see class warfare has reached the UPH site. You just sound disgruntled and or jealous. Why does the county in which one resides or the vehicle they drive matter in this situation?

Pointerman, my comment is far from "class warfare." It is commentary on how someone living in Kansas does not necessarily contribute, economically, more than an out of state hunter (with respect to hunting expenses). The comment also recalls several scenes I have seen on opening weekends in my relatively short time of hunting birds, including the detail of the county designation on their license plate. It is this person, who even though they live in Kansas, they will hunt only one time per year. They will eat maybe 5 meals at these small town cafes and buy a few drinks at the bar(s). That person will only contribute to a single rural economy one weekend out of the year. Contrarily, I will contribute for an entire hunting season. Why should that guy get preference to hunt in Kansas over me?

I am certainly not jealous of that guy in the nice SUV, but it is merely part of the scene which makes my point. The guy in the Ford F-150 with a 3 hole dog box in the back, does not quite make the point I am trying to make. Disgruntled -- yes. If you tried to take opening weekend away from me, I'd be disgruntled. Hell, I'd probably move to Overland Park. :D
Too be honest here, I have enjoyed reading everyones points! I don't think anyone was really malicious and I respect everyones view!!!!!Thanks for the good read!!! We know we are all on the same team and have the same passion!!!
@Bleu: I agree with you on 90-99% of the posts - but seems like sooner or later if a thread goes long enough somebody always has to start up with the name calling, make it personal instead of sticking to the issue or take their toys & go home... :confused:
D@#! KB, now you went & pissed ME off too - I wanted the Rangers to win! (Hope you can pick up on the hint of sarcasm @ a few previous posts on this thread, see the twinkle in my eye & hear the guffaws, even though I wanted TX to win for real)... :p
WHAT JUST HAPPENED HERE:confused: Until a couple of posts, on the last couple Pages, I thought this thread was a good discussion.
D@#! KB, now you went & pissed ME off too - I wanted the Rangers to win! (Hope you can pick up on the hint of sarcasm @ a few previous posts on this thread, see the twinkle in my eye & hear the guffaws, even though I wanted TX to win for real)... :p

Sarcasm immediately detected:D

I've enjoyed the thread too jmac! There are more points to be made on the subject, but the subject is a bit more volitile than expected:rolleyes:
Just a counter-point on the whole anti-big-hunting-parties sentiment. I'm not convinced that these big groups clean out the pheasants like many here seem to believe. They'll sure send them to the next field, but, efficient harvesting is not their strong suit.

Anytime I've hunted in the big groups, you have a high percentage of quasi-hunters, who can't shoot worth a lick. Let's welcome there $'s for their two day per year hunt.

I'm confident that I, and probably everybody else on this site, puts a much bigger dent in the pheasant population over the course of the season, than 70% of the guys in those big groups, who spend the same $ we do on a license to hunt two days a year, and, MAYBE, down a few birds.
Interesting reports, 1st link is a census report in 2006 showing expeditures NR v/s Res. Second link is done by fws.

Thats only one study but kinda makes you want to say Kiss my Gun Butt to all of the non residents who think they are God by stating Im here 5 days and spend umpteen million dollars and single handedly prop up the Kansas Rural Economy.

That argument gets old. I say that with no sarcasm.

As for the WIHA's or a weekend for residents only, Id be in full support and have no problem with any other state doing the same. With appx only 2% of the land being public, if Farmer Bob wants to hunt with his son who lives in Texas all he has to do is wait until the next weekend and not let anyone on his land which he probably did with the current opening weekend anyways.

Im in full support and am going to save the link to those two studies.

No. I grew up in Kansas and now live in Missouri. I hunt Kansas nearly every weekend of the season, pay an out-of-state license fee every year and pump a hell of a lot more into the local economies than the average turd-toker out there on opening weekend with a JO on the upper left-hand corner of his $50K SUV.

Moreover, many of the dollars spent by the KDWP&T are federal dollars, I contribute to that as well.

There have been many thoughtful and well stated responses throughout this thread. Yours is not one. The Johnson County stereotype always cracks me up. I have lived my whole life in JOCO and have hunted pheasants in western KS since I was 12. My dad got me started and we still hunt together. He had built some great relationships with farmers and we have continued those and built others over the years. When I was in college, we had access to some incredible quail hunting ground in eastern KS and always hosted our friends from out west for a weekend of quail hunting. I also went to college with a guy from Dodge City. He had my dad and I out for a pheasant hunt. We both shoot O/U shotguns so we started hearing the JOCO
(continued from previous post): Started hearing the JOCO jokes immediately. Then after our black labs (these guys had never owned hunting dogs) picked up everything they hit and they saw we knew what we were doing, they stopped worrying about what our tags on the truck said. By the way, two of them had black labs the next time we hunted with them.

I do enjoy an occasional cigar, and I do NOT own a $50K vehicle. I also keep an open mind regarding out of state hunters. As a matter of fact, I hope to hunt SD for the first time this year. Have a nice day.:)
Nick, the JoCo stereotype, like most others, exists for a reason. You must be the exception and not the rule:D
If I tallied correctly, for those who expressed an opinion on the original question, whether KS should limit walk-in to residents the first week of the season, it looks like about 15 for and 11 anti, but do your own count to check my sums. Not everyone took a position on the question and others brought up related points, all worthy of consideration.
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The point being made is one of illustration, a point apparently missed by you by your irrational attachment to the individual's locale in my illustration. I think you might have had a much more rational response to my illustration if the tag reference included a different county.

How many days afield hunting upland birds did you spend last year? How many days have you hunted upland birds in Kansas this year? The answers to these questions, regardless of what they are prove my point.

There are out of staters, who hunt in Kansas all season long, from the time that chickens start, through woodcock and January 31. Why should those individuals be prohibited from hunting opening weekend and some person who will hunt only one weekend -- regardless of where they are from in Kansas -- be given preference over the out-of-state hunter in this scenario?

Please provide some insight as to why this prohibition is justified.
There are out of staters, who hunt in Kansas all season long, from the time that chickens start, through woodcock and January 31. I'm guessing that this number is very VERY low... Hell, I put 45 days in the field, and I live here, and I probably hunted more then 90% of the local hunters... Why should those individuals be prohibited from hunting opening weekend and some person who will hunt only one weekend -- regardless of where they are from in Kansas -- be given preference over the out-of-state hunter in this scenario?

Please provide some insight as to why this prohibition is justified. Well, we do pay taxes here. ALL the time.

For the record, I could go either way.
It would be nice to have that, early weekend, but most of the stuff I hunt aren't places where bunch of out of state guys go anyways.

You are dead on, there are only a few people who put 45 days afield as residents, but most of those people are like you who can be into birds in an hours drive. and fewer non-residents that do that. But you are the exception to the rule, as am I. I'll probably do about 40-45 days this year in Kansas when it's all said and done (barring injuries to my dogs or myself). Contrarily, I'll put about 5 in Missouri and that's only because I have a young dog and I have located enough birds that if handled right, I don't feel bad shooting a few.

As to your comment regarding taxes, only about 12 percent of the KDWP (excludes &T) budget comes from the taxes you pay year round. If you want to parse that down to the subject at hand, upland bird hunting, the state's contribution (other than dictating where federal dollars go and monies received from licenses -which I contribute more to), the numbers would likely be insignificant. If you want to then parse that down even further to the subject at hand (opening weekend), your contribution and my contribution, dollar for dollar are likely the same. (gas spent in Kansas to get to Junction or Manhattan, double the license fee, probably that I will have to stay at a hotel or camp at a state park, etc.). I bet our monetary contributions are pretty even for that one weekend and likely close for the remainder of the year.

You are dead on, there are only a few people who put 45 days afield as residents, but most of those people are like you who can be into birds in an hours drive. and fewer non-residents that do that. But you are the exception to the rule, as am I. I'll probably do about 40-45 days this year in Kansas when it's all said and done (barring injuries to my dogs or myself). Contrarily, I'll put about 5 in Missouri and that's only because I have a young dog and I have located enough birds that if handled right, I don't feel bad shooting a few.

As to your comment regarding taxes, only about 12 percent of the KDWP (excludes &T) budget comes from the taxes you pay year round. If you want to parse that down to the subject at hand, upland bird hunting, the state's contribution (other than dictating where federal dollars go and monies received from licenses -which I contribute more to), the numbers would likely be insignificant. If you want to then parse that down even further to the subject at hand (opening weekend), your contribution and my contribution, dollar for dollar are likely the same. (gas spent in Kansas to get to Junction or Manhattan, double the license fee, probably that I will have to stay at a hotel or camp at a state park, etc.). I bet our monetary contributions are pretty even for that one weekend and likely close for the remainder of the year.

KA- I think, in actuality, we are very similar in our thought process, but I'll go ahead and play devil's advocate here... :)

I look at the residency thing as this.
Yes, probably only 12% goes to KDWP for actual wildlife contributions... But The KDWP is mainly funded by the State Government and recieves funding from the Federal Government as well.
I'll use a really dumb analogy.
I figure that I do pay taxes to the state government, and that makes me a part of the "Kansas Team." So, as a "Kansas Team" member, shouldn't I have some sort of priority over a nonresident? I mean, it is my home state, right? :)

You are right in that I can get into birds not too far, and I teach which allows me some time off to be able to hunt a bit more. And I probably wouldn't hunt as much if I wasn't as close, but... Maybe that's a perk of living here. ;)

I can tell you two things. I wouldn't hunt if I didn't have a dog, and I tip my hat to you KA for being so dedicated to your dog and your craft.