NEWS FLASH: Drought ends at Ponderosa

Wow, that was interesting. 2.21 inches in about an hour. I have water coming into the basement in 3 places. Limbs down everywhere. I know what we'll be doing tomorrow. I think that will bring us up close to 6.5 inches for the month.

Sorry to hear about the water in the basement.

I just returned from a drive across KS again this year. Spent a few hours in Dodge for lunch with my wife. My last leg was down 183 from 70 headed back home. I thought that things looked much greener than last year in July.

I know that more rain is deperatley needed, but comparred to last year it gives a person hope.
Wetter and much cooler is very nice and things look much better. What is most depressing at the moment is the lack of birds. I am seeing quail paired up and hope they pull off a hatch.

using some data from the weather collector year to date for some towns:

smith center 14.82
traer 8.99
atwood 10.83
oberlin 7.2
norcatur 8.04
norton 12.24
goodland 7.63
lawrence 21.02
centerville 27.44
devon 33.68

didn't seem to get spread around very nicely

Just saw that there is a good chance of rain for Wakeeney all the way down to Dodge City for the next 10 days. This summer has been a lot better and compared to the last 2 years this is a good start to getting out of this hole that Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas and New Mexico. Down here by Ft Worth this summer has been a lot better for us.
Down here in Osage Co. OK things look pretty good. The quail are definitely trying to rebound. I don't expect a bumper crop, but we've had timely rains and mild weather. Lots of whistling and paired up birds. Broods of 10+ flying size birds have been seen in the last few weeks. Keeping my fingers crossed. It's a good start to what I expect will take a couple of years to completely recover.

I don't know that there was a total lack of birds last year on the ranch I hunted. I moved a covey pretty quick when I hunted. There was just no cover for good dog work. We'll know pretty soon.
That seeing some pairs and some broods is really good news. I love to hunt but I want the birds to flourish as well so I don't feel guilty shooting some of them !It is good to hear the rains are picking up.
Maynard, maybe a quarter to half an inch coming your way. Around Garden and up to Scott took some punishment the other day. Hope the hail was not to bad. Looked like they got several inches, maybe as much as 5. Saw one hail report of 2.75-3.00 . No where to hide when that happens!!! Getting back to normal a half inch at a time. Glad to see it is cooler as well. Keep dancing!!!!
Maynard, maybe a quarter to half an inch coming your way. Around Garden and up to Scott took some punishment the other day. Hope the hail was not to bad. Looked like they got several inches, maybe as much as 5. Saw one hail report of 2.75-3.00 . No where to hide when that happens!!! Getting back to normal a half inch at a time. Glad to see it is cooler as well. Keep dancing!!!!

Yes Bleu, if Maynard keeps dancing we will all be OK! :)
Looks like more rain headed your way in the next day or so
This is really random but I saw on twitter that George Strait's tour manager was in Wakeeney. I talked to him a little about it and he said everything was very green and it looked like they had a lot of rain lately. Hope the population did at least somewhat if a rebound.
We got .23 last night and .03 the night before. I think that brings us to 24.50 for the year. It's sure a shock compared to last year. I've been watching for a day to do summer burns for over 2 weeks and haven't had any luck with it. We'll need to burn the dove plot too soon, wonder if that'll happen. I haven't worked the wheat plots yet and they would barely carry an ATV much less a tractor. It's a lot better than dust and cracks.
Well, now that the gate is open it's hard to close. We had 1.96 last night and I've heard that's peanuts compared to points north and east.
2.30" at headquarters, bringing year to 13.30". Praise the Lord!
A little less in some areas of the Ponderosa.
That's great news to hear, hope the clouds keep rollin in:10sign:
Wonderful Maynard! Looks like the forecast has more coming. Good luck on that! I hope that some late broods come off! We normally don't get a lot of grass growth in August. This year may be different.
In the last week we have over 10" of rain. Tonight when I went down and looked at it, there was another 2" of rain in the gauge, and the water was running out the spillway.
I have what cattle I have limited to one pasture that was not grazed last year. The remaining pastures have not seen animals for most of two years. Today I was seeing green and it is awesome.

Drifter, I am needed to seed a couple of areas where we have done some major earth moving in the pasture. Do you have suggestions on the grass component mix? I like sideoats for one.