NEWS FLASH: Drought ends at Ponderosa

Maynard, the NRCS will have mixes for your soil types. They ought to be strong in little bluestem, sideoats gramma, blue gramma, and buffalo grass. I don't know if you're sandy or not, but they may include sand dropseed, sand lovegrass, and sand bluestem. If you have wildlife questions, your local biologis is Daryl Fisher. I have a number for him if you want it.
Maynard, the NRCS will have mixes for your soil types. They ought to be strong in little bluestem, sideoats gramma, blue gramma, and buffalo grass. I don't know if you're sandy or not, but they may include sand dropseed, sand lovegrass, and sand bluestem. If you have wildlife questions, your local biologis is Daryl Fisher. I have a number for him if you want it.

Sounds good. I have no sand, just old yellow soil. I think all the KDWPT guys have my number, if you know what I mean. :) Here a while back my sister-in-law in Nebraska saw a Ford County tag in her town and asked if he knew Maynard. Of course he did, he was the game warden.:)
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Maynard, the grass is sure looking better here! I'm amazed how my rangeland has responded to this moisture. Unfortunately, the stuff that was overgrazed the last 2 years hasn't responded very well. I took a seasonal over to the north side and we compared little bluestem from both the private and the public side of the road. The public was over 12 inches tall while the ungrazed private was 4 inches. It just shows how much the root system has been stressed by the management the past 2 years. I'm sure part of it is also due to the lack of residue covering the ground on the private side. Without that residue, the sun and wind influence the soil temperature and moisture, making the rain that they receive evaporate more easily and preventing the plants from utilizing it. The same stress has prompted a good forb response. Unfortunately, some managers are spraying this. It's a waste of money. Mother Nature is trying it's best to cover the soil and protect it. Looks like more rain near Dighton headed SE.
Sounds good. I have no sand, just old yellow soil. I think all the KDWPT guys have my number, if you know what I mean. :) Here a while back my sister-in-law in Nebraska saw a Ford County tag in her town and asked if he knew Maynard. Of course he did, it was the game warden.:)

I met that same Game Warden in Stevens County the year before last and he said he knew you too. :)
Wondering if Maynard is a hell raiser in Ford County, Kansas????:eek::eek:
Looks like you got rain again and the forecast gets wetter and cooler after Tuesday. High's in the 70's for August!!! WOW!!:cheers:
Looks like you got rain again and the forecast gets wetter and cooler after Tuesday. High's in the 70's for August!!! WOW!!:cheers:

Downpour in Dodge last evening and radar showed heavy at Ponderosa. Hired man and I will head that way shortly.
We killed the storm again last night. Got to the county line and was gutted. We only got .24, and we really didn't need any more, once it's mud it's mud. I didn't see much wind damage like the last one. We did fire the storm warning siren at the lake. I'd have hated to be in a tent or pop-up camper in that! Hope you got a good jag Maynard! We may have to pass up roosters that aren't colored yet and quail that are bumble bee sized! At least they'll produce a bit of stink for the dogs to work!
8 more inches Maynard and you will be there!!!!!!!! Looks ugly SW of you tonight. :cheers:
What kind of Dance you doin Maynard:)
You all need to stop the lighting at the Kansas boarder. 3 am was called in due lighting taking out pump. Boss came to tell me at 7:30 am to go home because lightning hit my house and it was on fire. Fire out thanks to 11 year old little turtle getting garden hose going on fire so he could get dogs and guns out. Think he has earned a new shotgun. Quick thinking and a calm head saved most of the house. Fire department said he saved the house by watering. The insurance adjuster called and said to make list of lost stuff. Can't really say if I lost that much except 1 side of gun cabinet. Thank God you boys let some rain make it over here.
.35" brings YTD to 4.24" Way behind normal and even less than last year at this time.