NEWS FLASH: Drought ends at Ponderosa

Maynard, half inch over here this day. trying to give it to you. Hard to get rain to back track 500 miles but trying. Did you get it. Dad said around Iola it is dry big time. He has seen rain so I willed mine to you. Did you get it yet? I guess I better get a better lawyer for my willing. Thinking of you all out west and wishing you my moisture.
At least I didn't lose my magic touch.

The sky was perfectly blue so I washed the windows on my Avalanche earlier today. It rained over an inch about an hour later. The skies cleared. I wiped down the windows just before dark and now we are having a downpour. Guess I am still batting 1000%. Hope you get some in Dodge.
Maynard, half inch over here this day. trying to give it to you. Hard to get rain to back track 500 miles but trying. Did you get it. Dad said around Iola it is dry big time. He has seen rain so I willed mine to you. Did you get it yet? I guess I better get a better lawyer for my willing. Thinking of you all out west and wishing you my moisture.

Thanks for the offer and will sure take it.

Been a long long time since I have been in Iola. Stayed at the Red Lion, Red Coach Inn or something like that as I recall, but that has been about thirty-five years ago.:) That would have been the last time I was through Gas also.
The sky was perfectly blue so I washed the windows on my Avalanche earlier today. It rained over an inch about an hour later. The skies cleared. I wiped down the windows just before dark and now we are having a downpour. Guess I am still batting 1000%. Hope you get some in Dodge.

Are you suggesting I wash my truck?:) It has sure been a long time since I needed to wash any mud from under it. Maybe when it hits 330,000 I will wash and wax it. Would be the first wax job on it.
Just looked at weather map. There is a sorm system moving from Lubbock,Texas Northeast through OK. towards KS..Hopefully it starts a trend for everybody that needs your way.
Are you suggesting I wash my truck?:) It has sure been a long time since I needed to wash any mud from under it. Maybe when it hits 330,000 I will wash and wax it. Would be the first wax job on it.

Crap, please don't wax the truck because it would throw everything OFF the charts and you could get a flood. A good washing should do just fine. I never tested this idea with oil changes. Maybe I should experiment a little more.
Morning Guys,
Up early to take youngest to crosscountry race in KC.Just looked at radar,lookslike DC finally got their rain.Maybe,this will be the one,to quote "the Matrix"
We picked up .41 this morning. Should help keep the muzzle loaders from starting fires at least. Might get the wildfire to green up a bit too. I do like this cool weather.
The Ponderosa had 0.40". I checked my plowed fields and the moisture went down 1.5 to 2".

You guys need a nice slow rain for about two weeks and then regular after that! Is it just your immediate or local area Maynard, or is it real widespread? How are the wells fairing? I have prayed every time I get on this site, and since I've been pretty much house bound it has been often. Will continue!
Picked up another .14 last night. Nice to see, might just be a tease though. We might be able to get the wheat up with this amount.
You guys need a nice slow rain for about two weeks and then regular after that! Is it just your immediate or local area Maynard, or is it real widespread? How are the wells fairing? I have prayed every time I get on this site, and since I've been pretty much house bound it has been often. Will continue!

It is a pretty wide spread area. Some part of this drought area have picked up more that we have at the Ponderosa, but in my six decades on this earth I have come to understand that we just get less.

I have some food plots for the deer that I wanted to get planted at the first rain to give some early greens for the deer and elk. I knew trying to use my grain drill on these plots would be a real mess, so I hooked on to the cultipacker and hit the patches with it followed by broadcasting triticale with a walk behind spreader then back with the cultipacker again. There were storms in the area and a tornado watch for SW Kansas and the Oklahoma panhandle. Thought, man if I could get this seed in the ground and get a little shower tonight it would be perfect. Well no shower, so I may have wasted my seed, but I felt I needed to take a chance(which I am well know for doing). Just like a football coach with a call, make it and you are a hero, not make it and you are a goat and the dumbest ever on the face of the earth.
Maybe either it will come up or at least stay there without rotting until you get some more rain. I was able to work in my garden today, for the first time since my accident in late June, and I know it is the driest I've ever seen it here, but nothing like you guys are having. Might need to wax part of that truck, maybe a fender! Good luck getting some more rain!

We have a chance of rain in the morning down here. What's the weatherman say for Dodge?
A failed milo field in Ford County. I believe that field is the full quarter section(160acres).


Earlier in the year I posted failed wheat fields in the Liberal/Sublette area. This area is suffering our worst drought and it could impact the area for years to come. The thing that will really put moisture down deep in our soils would be a wet winter and I am praying for that. Makes caring for cattle a real chore, but the moisture is what this land needs.

Here is that winter wheat field south of Sublette. The picture was taken in May of this year.

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I was though your "neck of the plains" last week. In fact I stayed in Dodge last Wednesday evening.

I'm though there every couple of months so I knew how bad the drought is/has been. What surprised me most last week was the amount of wheat that had been planted. I guess I figured that you'd need some significant moisture before planting.

I saw several (many) fields between Greensburg and Garden already drilled. What gives?

Being a small operator, I usually wait for moisture rather than dusting it in, but the big operators with corn and beans to cut and wheat to plant all at the same time may dust it in. If they don't do it now in the dust, they might not get a chance to get it in.

Nothing promising in the future. Keep hoping a nice rain slips in here.