NEWS FLASH: Drought ends at Ponderosa

Wish I could send some moisture out your way Maynard. I drove around the Dodge City area last week and it sure is dry. I suppose I was within a stone's throw of your ponderosa. I wanted to invite you for breakfast but could not find your number. Hang in there, things will be back to normal again one of these days.

I will email you my cell number. It has changed since we last talked. Give me a call when you are in the area.

The TV weatherman said that he didn't see any moisture chances within the next ten days. :(
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I will email you my cell number. It has changed since we last talked. Give me a call when you are in the area.

The TV weatherman said that he didn't see any moisture chances within the next ten days. :(

Thanks Maynard, breakfast it will be but I don't know the day yet. Hope you get some rain out there.
Mr. Byrd,

Just thought I'd point out that this thread has had more views and more posts than any other in the KS forum, which I believe makes it the most of any thread on the site:cheers:. We're all going to "expect" you to keep us posted every year now;) This thread crossed my mind this evening as we were enjoying a down pour. The kids get excited every time it rains. I'm sure most folks in your area would literally cry tears of happiness if a good rain cut loose.
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Mr. Byrd,

Just thought I'd point out that this thread has had more views and more posts than any other in the KS forum, which I believe makes it the most of any thread on the site:cheers:. We're all going to "expect" you to keep us posted every year now;)

that tells you how long it has been since he has had any significant rain at the ranch!
I know I wish Maynard would get some rain because I miss all the fish stories!!!!! No rain, no water, no fish stories!!!:(:(:(
that tells you how long it has been since he has had any significant rain at the ranch!

No doubt! To have had so many posts and views during the summer, this has been going on for far too long. Ppl have checked in more than 7,500 times hoping to hear some good news. Hopefully you can tell us the heavens have opened up for a shower before this thread hits 10-15k views:eek:
Still Praying for them here, and asked for prayer in church last Wednesday! Maynard, how's Murry doing? Good I hope!
I know I wish Maynard would get some rain because I miss all the fish stories!!!!! No rain, no water, no fish stories!!!:(:(:(

Caught this one in a farm pond going dry.

No doubt! To have had so many posts and views during the summer, this has been going on for far too long. Ppl have checked in more than 7,500 times hoping to hear some good news. Hopefully you can tell us the heavens have opened up for a shower before this thread hits 10-15k views:eek:

Nothing yet.
Still Praying for them here, and asked for prayer in church last Wednesday! Maynard, how's Murry doing? Good I hope!

Actually, my wife had a few days of medical testing and couldn't take Murry with me, so the hired man has been caring for him the last four days. Got home at midnight tonight and he was happy to see me and seemed to be moving pretty good. Will see how he does at the ranch tomorrow.

Thanks for your prayers.

God Bless,
Has anybody looked at the weather channel's website? I've been looking at it about every other day. Today I seen storm clouds over parts of Texas and Oklahoma both.Would like to know if it did actually rain or not....Phil
Has anybody looked at the weather channel's website? I've been looking at it about every other day. Today I seen storm clouds over parts of Texas and Oklahoma both.Would like to know if it did actually rain or not....Phil

On the E side of the state we had a gentle shower that lasted about 2hrs this AM. Now the clouds are blocking the sun so it should have a chance to soak in.

Not sure what they're experiencing around Dodge, but dad says it ain't rainin' in his neck of the woods. He said the milo is doing great though and they're expecting to start taking it out in a couple weeks. I told him it would probably start raining good the day they decide to start cutting:D
We go shut out on the rain here in KC. I saw it on the radar but it dissipated before it got to me. Anyone know if the rain actually made it to the ground by Valley Falls KS? I wondering of my food plots got the moisture it needs to germinate.
I just looked at the weather channel's website and they are showing rain headed straight at Dodge City. I used the interactive map that is on the site. I'm pulling for you and hope it don't die out before it gets to you.

Get out and do a rain dance. When you get your fair share, send some down here. Good Luck