NEWS FLASH: Drought ends at Ponderosa

Eight inches spread out over a month here would be really good. We really need one of those nasty wet winters that make a guy wish he had no cows to feed to get any moisture down deep.

Thanks for your prayers.


How is the dog doing?

Rain this weekend, just maybe......I hope.

I think the drought in TX is worse then KS and OK. Oklahoma 90+ days above 100.

It's gotta end

Thank you for your prayers for our land and critters. You have seen the rain in Kansas, so you know it can rain. Unfortunately, you experienced our last rain. There is some cooler weather in the forecast, but no moisture. It will at least be good to get some relief from the heat.

I have hunted Meade State Lake in the wildlife area for quail. A number of years ago with my year old Drahthaar. He was working a ways ahead of me when I see him go into a brush pile. Fearing a skunk I ran to get to him and when I got there he was backing out and looked like a walrus with a nose bleed. His first experience with a porcupine.

I know about being blamed or the fear of being blamed for something you didn't do, like would have been possible with the campfire. We were on our way back from Kansas City and I was pulling my flatbed trailer, it was about 11PM and my wife was on the phone with her sister in a western time zone. My wife suffers permanent injuries from a drunk driver. About this time I am meeting a vehicle and all a sudden the headlights are coming right at me, I swerve to my left going across center to let him have my lane & ditch. My wife screamed and at the same time inadvertently disconnected the cell phone. About this time the car, now on my shoulder, must have hit the rumble strips on my shoulder and I suspect woke up decides to go back to his lane. Now I am hauling for all I am worth to get away from him again. We miss by a few inches, but it is a wonder we didn't have a head on collision with him being in his lane and me being left of center. I got to thinking, if that had happened and people killed I would have been blamed for the wreck.

Your concern for the wild bird populations is valid. I hope there are enough of us to preserve wild bird numbers.

Thanks again & God Bless
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How is the dog doing?

Rain this weekend, just maybe......I hope.

I think the drought in TX is worse then KS and OK. Oklahoma 90+ days above 100.

It's gotta end

The pain pills are helping him use his leg. He is taking 2 ea 50mg Tramadol twice a day and that really seems to help. Ironically, my doctor wanted me off the large doses of Ibuprofen and put me on 50mg Tramadol every 4 to 6 hours. I took one, then six hours later took another and it threw me for a loop. I am back to Ibuprofen, but I am glad it is helping Murry Dog.

Cool weather at least, but would love some rain.
The pain pills are helping him use his leg. He is taking 2 ea 50mg Tramadol twice a day and that really seems to help. Ironically, my doctor wanted me off the large doses of Ibuprofen and put me on 50mg Tramadol every 4 to 6 hours. I took one, then six hours later took another and it threw me for a loop. I am back to Ibuprofen, but I am glad it is helping Murry Dog.

Cool weather at least, but would love some rain.

What is wrong with Murry? I missed that if it is in this thread.
What is wrong with Murry? I missed that if it is in this thread.

It was in another thread. There is fear that he has osteosarcoma(bone cancer) in the left knee. He has lost a lot of muscle mass in that leg and his butt is really thin. The x-ray did not show for sure, but with his sudden weight loss and the pain that he expresses when that joint is touched has the vet concerned. The pain medicine has allowed him to resume a more normal life and he has begun the use the leg more and has re-gained some of the muscle. It is wait and see at the moment. Now that I am able to spend all day at the ranch every day, he is ready to go and really has a good time. We are the best of buds and the more time we are together the better.

Thanks for asking.
WOW! I am sorry to hear that, and I'll add him to the list! Sounds like he is a best bud and I understand that. I am a retired vet myself and I didn't think it was good news if on Tramadol, but I hope he will continue to improve for you and him. It is a difficult place to be. I'm glad you and he can be together.

I had to take one of my dogs, Stanley, last Monday week to be put down. I picked him up at a fishing spot I frequent on Lake lanier 13 and a half years ago. He wasn't a birddog but was as devoted to me as I've ever had. It was difficult to do, but he had gone completely blind and developed glaucoma in his good eye. He was deaf and diabetic as well, and I knew it was just time for me to love him enough to let go. I just ran out of options that didn't seem more for me than for him. I had to promise him I would find him a good home before he would come to me. As soon as I did he walked up to me and he was mine ever since. He was so mangey that I had to make myself pick him up to love on him and his sister even though I was already treating them for it. I think he was an Affenpenser, which means Monkey Dog in German. Had a ton of personality and loved to chase a light. In forty years of practice I never saw another dog like him.
He was an absolute joy all of his life. I found his little sister a good home and she died last year on the first day of our trip to your country. Her human hugged my neck and thanked me for giving her Wendy every time she brought her in. I had to beg her to take her at the time. I'm sorry I am going on about a subject that might be difficult for you, but I wanted you to know I understand. If you need to talk to somebody PM me any time and I'll call you. Maybe Murry had a compression fracture and it is healing. I sure hope so. Still praying for some rain and will add Murry to my prayers as well. Bible says to pray without ceasing! I have seen prayer work in my own practice as well. What breed is he?
How many inches do you need?

Now you are getting down to it! Truck washing does seem to work for me as does leaving the windows down. The latter has to be by forgetting though. I have to ask if you have lived on Occonee Lake in Georgia at one time and do you hunt with a traditional bow? If so I met you at an archery hog hunt at Horse Creek in South GA. You disappeared and I think I recalled you had come from Texas. Is that you Bilbo? I guess you moved back or I'm barkin' up the wrong tree! Just askin', Bill

Going to bed now! I'll check back tomorrow!
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Thank you for your prayers for Murry.

He is the tall one:)


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He's a great looking dog and the corgi too! I like the picture of him sitting tall and proud on the boat seat! Happy Dogging!
He's a great looking dog and the corgi too! I like the picture of him sitting tall and proud on the boat seat! Happy Dogging!

Marbles, the Corgi is a good looking dog. Not mine though. I picked Murry up at the Kansas City Airport 15 July 2009 and those pictures were taken at a family reunion in Kremmling, Colorado on 1 August 2009. I was concerned how he would do in a new situation with a new master, but he did just fine. He is a great guy.
I don't know if anybody looked at the weather map or not,but there is rain in Texas and a little in Oklahoma tonight. It's between Lubbock and Amarillo in the north and Around Houston and moving north/northwest. In Oklahoma it is around Oklahoma City.
I messed up bad, didn't I?

Wind blew a gale today. About 3PM the cold front hit. It is now 67 and winds NNE at 20. No moisture yet.

Wish I could send some moisture out your way Maynard. I drove around the Dodge City area last week and it sure is dry. I suppose I was within a stone's throw of your ponderosa. I wanted to invite you for breakfast but could not find your number. Hang in there, things will be back to normal again one of these days.