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I am surprised by many responses. Fortunately its each individuals decision.
Seems a broken system when the honest individual is scared of the outcome of a simple mistake. And shooting a hen for a hunter can and will continue to happen! If we didn't get excited to see the explosion of birds out of a cattail patch we wouldn't be out there hunting! In the excitement accidents happen, whether it's two birds with one shot or a misinterpretation due to light or whatever? Don't disregard what is mortally correct in fear of a ticket. Don't throw it in a ditch and say it's in the name of the law, respect the animal we Hold so great and show it the respect of using its life that it gave for something greater than the ditch and take it to the dinner table! That's just how I feel!!
I have seen two hens hit telephone wires, and drop dead, I thought it was a once in a lifetime thing. I guess it happens more than a guy thinks.
That would be considered predation, no CO I know of would write it. Kind of far-fetched anyway as wild pheasants don't tend to sit still for a dog to grab, possible, but unlikely. I suppose if you want to get into what-ifs, how about you are driving down the gravel and a hen flies in your window and dies?
I was discussing this thread with a friend yesterday, neither of us had a clue what the fine would be for shooting a hen. It took a bit but I found the answer for Kansas.
That would be a minimum of $100 max of $196.
Make sure you don't shoot any Crows out of season! $500-$596! I don't know if that is per crow or not.
I would only hope all that the over excitement you experience that would excuse your shooting a hen--not over lape to --not knowing your back round --location of hunting partners and the dogs as well--
I don't know much about Crow biology, but the season SHOULD start as soon as baby crows fledge, and it should run until crows are sitting on eggs again the next Spring. Way too many crows squawking in my front yard while I wait for crow season to start. The population could use a little thinning. :cheers:
In the eyes of the law, (we still have some respect for it here in SD), there is no difference. If I am mistaken, please provide me with the paragraph from the SD 2016 Hunting Guide, or any other States book. If you throw that bird away and I see it, you will not only pay for the illegal kill, but I will tell the CO that I will testify against you for the wanton waste of game citation he is going to write you. The opinion of the "group" don't mean sheit.
Urban Dictionary
To lape someone is the act by which one ejaculates seminal fluids on another's body.
-So my answer is, No my excitement didn't ever lead to that??
Just for the record I don't shoot hens can't remember if I ever even have accidently shot one. I have however seen people accidently shoot a hen.
Ok, now my "creamed corn" comment seems tame.
So your dogs will kill a wounded bird, they won't retrieve it to hand to be humanely dispatched? Those kind of dogs are best left on the couch. All three of my birds yesterday died by my hand, and are in fine shape for human consumption.