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  1. bobeyerite


    We had a football league on here last season.. I am wondering are going to do it again or forget it............Bob
  2. bobeyerite

    Brittany PUP Please

    I had a 15 week old male Brittany pup. I took him in for his 3rd 5/1 shot. He got ill that night. I took him back to the vet the next day. He said it was just a shot reaction. He died that night. So I need a new pup. But the Spokane, WA area is dry of brittanies at this time. Let me know if you...
  3. bobeyerite

    Gsp pup

    My son is coming home from being in the desert for a year. He wants a GSP Pup help him get back to a normal life. Anyone know of a pup for him close to Spokane, WA contact me here. Bob (bobeyerite)
  4. bobeyerite


    Happy Halloween to all the members, have a good day and night. Don't hit to many parties........Bob
  5. bobeyerite

    more football
  6. bobeyerite

    Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday to JMc, I hope you have many more Jim. Jim you have not signed up for Football are you going to join us again this year.......Bob
  7. bobeyerite

    Looking for over under case

    c_d UPH Die Hard Join Date: Nov 2009 Posts: 174 looking for over under case...
  8. bobeyerite

    New moderator

    Webguy has asked that we Welcome "WILDCAT" his choice for Moderator. Brain has some Computer Skills that the rest of us do not have. I for one have been wishing for such a Moderator for a long time. I'm sure all my fellow members will join me in giving Brain a very warm Welcome indeed.......Bob
  9. bobeyerite

    Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday Only A Pointer. Gee only 44 I wish I was even close to being that much of a youngster..........Bob
  10. bobeyerite

    Brittany Pup Needed

    My fellow hunters, I am once again in the market for a Brittany pup. I want it to be as close to 8 weeks old as possible. Decent Pedigree, that fits inside my $500 budget. Travel is something that concerns me, so that will be discussed later. Thank you all for the help.......Bob
  11. bobeyerite

    Gsp question

    My son Len has a GSP pup going on 1 year. He has quail near his house and he runs the pup on them often. Now for the question. When the pup comes home from his Quail run. He sticks in nose in the water dish sucks some water up his nose and blows it back out his nose. Why is he doing this? First...
  12. bobeyerite

    Important Announcement

    It gives me great pleasure to announce 2 of our outstanding members have accepted positions as Forum Moderators. They are Dakotazeb and Mnmthunting. We are sure they will be a great help in controlling spammers and keeping our forum clean and running right and smooth. I am also sure all UPH...
  13. bobeyerite

    Flushers are OUTSTANDING.

    Yesterday I was watching a documentary on TV. They were showing how trained Labs (Black and Yellow) and the Golden Retriever's are being trained to help handicapped people in wheelchairs. These dogs will open all types of doors, drawers, cabinets Pick-up a dropped credit card for example. All...
  14. bobeyerite

    First Pheasant

    Gunne, son Len and I went to a Game shooting Preserve today. This picture is his first point on a real live pheasant. Len did the Honors and dropped the bird in one shot. Gunne ran to it but did not pick it up. I learned what training I have to give the young man this summer. He is 13 months old...
  15. bobeyerite

    Subgauge shotguns

    For this discussion, I know the 20 gauge is considered by many to be in the sub gauge group. But so many of us use it for Pheasants , there isn't much more to tell. My question is; "How many of us use a 28 or .410 gauge for pheasant?" I use a 28 on occasion and I do well with it. But I shoot a...
  16. bobeyerite

    Picture please

    A long time ago someone posted a picture of some Pheasant Hens and Roosters. They were flying over a hilly/rolling road, there were trees, a fence-line, weeds and other things in the picture. NO humans, just the birds. I seem to remember the poster said his sister took the picture. If you have...
  17. bobeyerite

    Tony Did It

    Could somebody tell me how Tony trained Gunne to be his Messenger boy. Examples; If Tony wants outside Gunne comes and gets me to do it for him. If Tony is out of food Gunne comes and leads me to Tony's dish to refill it. This is like only 10 seconds after the fact happens. When I get to the...
  18. bobeyerite

    Favorite Pheasant Choke POLL

    Here is a poll to find out which Shotgun Choke is your Favorite for Pheasant. Please only 1 Vote so make sure it is the one you use the most. You can state your reason in a regular post below..........Bob
  19. bobeyerite

    Gunne's dream

    Last night we were all watching TV. Gunne's was sleeping at my feet using them for a Pillow. All was quiet Tony was sleeping under my wife's feet about 5 feet away. Gunne still sound asleep, let out a long a howl like a Coyote or a Wolf. He woke himself up doing it. He was scared and just laid...
  20. bobeyerite

    Happy new year

    I would like to take this opportunity to wish all the members here a Very, very, Happy, Joyous and Prosperous New Year..........Bob