FC, I don't think the Vikings will give up on AP that easy. He's too big a talent. Heck look at Vick! He made it back into the NFL. AP is likely to get a slap on the hands in Texas. Probably a fine, probation and some community service. I may be dumb, but I really expect to see him in a Viking's uniform this year. I believe that AP is really a fine person. He just got carried away with the switch.
Like you said, 50-60 years ago it wouldn't have been an issue. I remember getting the belt from my dad. I had it coming. It didn't scar me for life. I darn sure didn't do it again!And I always had the utmost respect for my father.
Yep, I got it a few times as well. I bet 90% of us did. Yes sir and no sir has gone out the window with the brats of today. Now they flip you off while texting, and driving new cars.:thumbsup: