

Well-known member
Okay guys, I'm about to take the plunge and get a SmartPhone. I'm with Verizon and have been researching phones the past week trying to decide which one to go with. At this time I've narrowed my choice down to two: the Samsung Galaxy S3 or the Motorola Droid Razr HD. There are some pros and cons to each. I've ruled out the iPhone. One other that I've considered it the Razr M because it's a little smaller, but of course the screen is then also smaller. Still a nice size at 4.3".

Anyone have some advice for me? I won't be downloading a bunch of stuff on it, playing games, etc. Just talk, text and some web browsing.
I'm an iphone fan but if i was going with something different I would go with the Galaxy S3. I work in a "tech" field and everyone that I work with that has a S3 seems to love it.
I just got a smartphone and one of the two dumbest things I have ever done. Have not used the xtras to justify. I did get a Galaxy III, which is fine, just have not had the time or teacher to benefit the change from the old flipper. Maybe when I retire. George, you are already there. Go visit the grandkids and have them teach you how to use it!!!!
I have the Razr Maxx. Best phone I have ever had. The best feature by far is battery life! Smart phones drain batteries FAST. My droid razr never goes dead in a day. I have plenty of buddies with "other" smart phones and they ALL plug them in throughout the day otherwise they don't last. My .02 cents get the Razr you won't be disappointed

Okay guys, I'm about to take the plunge and get a SmartPhone. I'm with Verizon and have been researching phones the past week trying to decide which one to go with. At this time I've narrowed my choice down to two: the Samsung Galaxy S3 or the Motorola Droid Razr HD. There are some pros and cons to each. I've ruled out the iPhone. One other that I've considered it the Razr M because it's a little smaller, but of course the screen is then also smaller. Still a nice size at 4.3".

Anyone have some advice for me? I won't be downloading a bunch of stuff on it, playing games, etc. Just talk, text and some web browsing.

Have the Motorola Droid for two years --like the Android system and phone--if you get one also get the Otter case to go with it--has saved mine many times from damage--dc
I've been debating this phone thing for about a week. Read a ton of reviews and comparisons between the S3 and the Razr HD. Plus I've talked to friends and relatives with SmartPhones. The good thing is, I can't really make a mistake in getting either phone. Took the wife to look at them each today and she liked the S3 the best. So guess what, I just ordered 2 of the Samsung Galaxy S3's online from Verizon. I had a PromoCode so I got both of them FREE!

We have 14 days to try them and if we don't like them we can take them back and exchange them.
Okay guys, I'm about to take the plunge and get a SmartPhone. I'm with Verizon and have been researching phones the past week trying to decide which one to go with. At this time I've narrowed my choice down to two: the Samsung Galaxy S3 or the Motorola Droid Razr HD. There are some pros and cons to each. I've ruled out the iPhone. One other that I've considered it the Razr M because it's a little smaller, but of course the screen is then also smaller. Still a nice size at 4.3".

Anyone have some advice for me? I won't be downloading a bunch of stuff on it, playing games, etc. Just talk, text and some web browsing.

Galaxy S4 or Droid Razr MAXX. The extra battery life of the MAXX will be worth it. Smartphones drain batteries like no tomorrow.

I have the M which is a bit smaller (not a lot), but I wish I would have went with the MAX.
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Another thing Zeb, no matter what phone you choose, enable it to use your wireless network at home if you have one for your computers. Data usage is free when you do it that way. Then you can use your data usage allowance for when you aren't on WiFi.

I have WiFi in my house and have been told what you said about enabling it on the phone so you are not using your data allotment. Good advice for all out there.

Like I said, I went with the Galaxy S3 but it was a tough choice between the S3 and the Razr HD. A little better battery life with the Razr but I should be just fine with the S3. I won't be downloading and playing games and music, or doing a tremendous about of web surfing so battery life shouldn't be a big issue. I understand it also helps battery life if you turn off your GPS. I would rarely use the GPS so when I would need I it I can turn it back on.
I've got the S3 for both my personal phone and work phone and I love it. I was never into the iphone craze. There were several things I didn't like about the iphone. The screen is small, it has it's own special charger, there aren't as many apps available and you're limited with storage space on the phone because you can't install an sd card. With the S3's I have, I've got 16gb on the phone & a 32gb sd card. The S3 is a little bigger than most phones, but I've gotten use to the size. As was recommended earlier, get yourself a good case like an otterbox to protect it. If you have any questions when you get your phone, shoot me a pm and I'd be happy to help you navigate it. I usually get a weekly call from my dad for help with his.
I have WiFi in my house and have been told what you said about enabling it on the phone so you are not using your data allotment. Good advice for all out there.

Like I said, I went with the Galaxy S3 but it was a tough choice between the S3 and the Razr HD. A little better battery life with the Razr but I should be just fine with the S3. I won't be downloading and playing games and music, or doing a tremendous about of web surfing so battery life shouldn't be a big issue. I understand it also helps battery life if you turn off your GPS. I would rarely use the GPS so when I would need I it I can turn it back on.

There is a power saver feature on the phone that can be turned on/off easily for times when you're not using the phone. I also set my phones up to only update my apps while on wifi so I don't use any data off my plan.
On all Razr phones you should have the option to program a feature called "SmartActions" which will allow you program the phone to turn on/off certain features on your phone under certain conditions. Battery save option is just one, but you can also use it to turn on/off WiFi and Mobil data depending on whether your at home or away. I use it to set WiFi to off and DATA on when I leave home and the opposite when I return home. You can also have do things like turn on/off Bluetooth if you have that option on your phone or if your vehicle has the equivalent to Ford SYNC which allows me to use my Bluetooth phone thru my radio hands free.

There's all kinds of things you can do with "SmartActions" so you don't have to activate or DE-activate everything manually. One thing is for sure, to conserve the max amount of battery life turn off features like GPS, DATA, Bluetooth or even WiFi if your not using them and turn them on when you need them. Any apps you have open that are not being used will also drain more battery then needed. Probably the biggest battery hog of them all not counting playing music or videos is the screen display. Cut down the screen brightness considerably and it will save more battery.
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Have the Motorola Droid for two years --like the Android system and phone--if you get one also get the Otter case to go with it--has saved mine many times from damage--dc

I see they make 5 different Otterbox cases for the Galaxy S3. Any recommendations on which Otterbox? I don't want a belt clip on it and not too bulky.

I see they make 5 different Otterbox cases for the Galaxy S3. Any recommendations on which Otterbox? I don't want a belt clip on it and not too bulky.

I just have the one that gives full coverage--plus a cover over the screen--don't have belt clip --min is also sealed against water at least for rain dropping ect--well worth the money--dc
On all Razr phones you should have the option to program a feature called "SmartActions" which will allow you program the phone to turn on/off certain features on your phone under certain conditions. Battery save option is just one, but you can also use it to turn on/off WiFi and Mobil data depending on whether your at home or away. I use it to set WiFi to off and DATA on when I leave home and the opposite when I return home. You can also have do things like turn on/off Bluetooth if you have that option on your phone or if your vehicle has the equivalent to Ford SYNC which allows me to use my Bluetooth phone thru my radio hands free.

There's all kinds of things you can do with "SmartActions" so you don't have to activate or DE-activate everything manually. One thing is for sure, to conserve the max amount of battery life turn off features like GPS, DATA, Bluetooth or even WiFi if your not using them and turn them on when you need them. Any apps you have open that are not being used will also drain more battery then needed. Probably the biggest battery hog of them all not counting playing music or videos is the screen display. Cut down the screen brightness considerably and it will save more battery.

A phone like that is dadgum smart for us boys from Oklahoma. I get the peny phone from US Cellular
Once you get the phone, SDGF has a nice app. The phone's GPS will put you right on the hunting atlas map with aerial photo overlay. It is cool to see where you are located on a piece of public land while in the field.

Also Zeb, you have to install this App, Radar US from NOAA. It is so good when there are big storms around. It has helped me many times to avoid, or wait out, nasty lightning. Really good.

Have that one on mine -- but try the one called Raindar--Android app. as or more accurate than any radar site i've used--dc
Another recommendation would be to purchase insurance for your phones if you haven't already. This was the first phone I ever did it on. With the cost of the phone to buy it outright, it's worth it.
Zeb, sorry I am late to the party. I and the Mrs. are Verizon users and both are on DROID4's. She loves it and I do too and would not go without the big keyboard. It's here first smartfone and she loves the mobile capabilities.

I am on verizon too and have the casio Gz One. It isa contractors grade phone that is waterproof and is pretty dang rugged. The only thing is that is doesn't hold a hcrge well and the camera is just 2.0 MP, but it does hold up well to my abuse. I have dropped it from 50ft up in a tree and bounded it off pavement and no damage oither than a scratch.
Late to this party I know, my brother and several friends have the S III and they all love them. I think you will be happy with your choice. As someone else stated make sure you only upgrade you phone when it is connected to your home wifi. My brother says he can go a day on his battery unless he does alot of surfing and he uses it for about the same thing you will be.