Why is it there is more crime in control city's??? Nuf said. I will keep my arms thank you very much. The good Lord helps those who help them selves. I intend to live.

I have a gun, I know how to use them very well. I enjoy sport with them. I shoot them all. I hope I will never need one to survive. But if I do, I will. The good Lord also says ask and you shall receive. Forgiveness fits in that. If you ever have the need, and it is justified. I choose to believe if I ask I will receive, if I knock it will be opened unto me.

Live on and enjoy your lives, keep your freedoms, it will suck with out them. The old glove box works just fine for a personal protection device. I don't tote a gun belt. But there are city's I will just never go milling around in. As far as the media goes, just look into their ties to the liberal administration, and that will give you a clue as to why we never see the headlines of the person who saved themselves or others by the gun.