Dog Gun Time
My wife and I both carry our handguns when we travel. It has nothing to do with feelings or any childish stereotypes, it has to do with my responsibility to protect my family and my property. I am not trying to compensate for a lack of machismo nor am I on some sort of vigilante mission. I am a law abiding citizen, I don't cause trouble and I try to be observant and avoid threatening situations, I go out of my way to not provoke or confront strangers. I am realistic enough to know that not everyone thinks and behaves the same way I do and they for whatever reason may decide to target and attack me, my family or my property. The reality is that my good intentions don't mean anything to someone with bad intentions and someone who doesn't share my respect for other people and the law. I don't carry a weapon because of what has happened in the past. The past is unchangeable and the past events are no guarantee of what may occur in the future. I don't carry a weapon because I am afraid, I accept the fact that with or without a weapon I am going to experience fear. I carry a weapon, in this case, a hand gun, because I want to be prepared to defend myself, my family and my property if the need arises, emphasis on need.