Personal Protection

My wife and I both carry our handguns when we travel. It has nothing to do with feelings or any childish stereotypes, it has to do with my responsibility to protect my family and my property. I am not trying to compensate for a lack of machismo nor am I on some sort of vigilante mission. I am a law abiding citizen, I don't cause trouble and I try to be observant and avoid threatening situations, I go out of my way to not provoke or confront strangers. I am realistic enough to know that not everyone thinks and behaves the same way I do and they for whatever reason may decide to target and attack me, my family or my property. The reality is that my good intentions don't mean anything to someone with bad intentions and someone who doesn't share my respect for other people and the law. I don't carry a weapon because of what has happened in the past. The past is unchangeable and the past events are no guarantee of what may occur in the future. I don't carry a weapon because I am afraid, I accept the fact that with or without a weapon I am going to experience fear. I carry a weapon, in this case, a hand gun, because I want to be prepared to defend myself, my family and my property if the need arises, emphasis on need.
I carry all the time. I also have life, homeowner's, & auto insurance; I carry fire extinguishers, first aid kits, life jackets on the water . . . and spare tires, a winch, tow straps, tire chains, tools, etc. I don't want to or have ever looked forward to NEEDING to use any of them, but unfortunately, unplanned circumstances have arisen which caused me to use some of them . . . including a handgun. Having any of the above & not needing it is preferential to needing any of them & NOT having one. Am I scared? No. Am I prudent? Yes. "That will never happen to me" is a fallacy." Sh** happens; therefore, I also carry TP . . .
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My wife and I both carry our handguns when we travel. It has nothing to do with feelings or any childish stereotypes, it has to do with my responsibility to protect my family and my property. I am not trying to compensate for a lack of machismo nor am I on some sort of vigilante mission. I am a law abiding citizen, I don't cause trouble and I try to be observant and avoid threatening situations, I go out of my way to not provoke or confront strangers. I am realistic enough to know that not everyone thinks and behaves the same way I do and they for whatever reason may decide to target and attack me, my family or my property. The reality is that my good intentions don't mean anything to someone with bad intentions and someone who doesn't share my respect for other people and the law. I don't carry a weapon because of what has happened in the past. The past is unchangeable and the past events are no guarantee of what may occur in the future. I don't carry a weapon because I am afraid, I accept the fact that with or without a weapon I am going to experience fear. I carry a weapon, in this case, a hand gun, because I want to be prepared to defend myself, my family and my property if the need arises, emphasis on need.

Well put. Sums it up in a nut shell.:thumbsup::10sign::cheers:
So you will blow someone away without knowing why he's doing it:thumbsup: Maybe he's feed his family? Or has mental problems. So you are the judge jury and executionor now:thumbsup: Heck I should carry a gun I got shot at for trying to clean trees out of my fenceline:eek: He was a real macho man with a gun:thumbsup: He was a pussy with a gun if you ask me:eek: I'll use my bare hands if it needs to go that far:) Brain power goes farther then gun power any day.
So you will blow someone away without knowing why he's doing it:thumbsup: Maybe he's feed his family? Or has mental problems. So you are the judge jury and executionor now:thumbsup: Heck I should carry a gun I got shot at for trying to clean trees out of my fenceline:eek: He was a real macho man with a gun:thumbsup: He was a pussy with a gun if you ask me:eek: I'll use my bare hands if it needs to go that far:) Brain power goes farther then gun power any day.

Sounds like you have had a bad experience, I strongly encourage you to get some professional help.
I've been reading some of these post and it got me thinking why don't I worry. I think one is at home I've always had dogs that bark and don't take to people walking around without me with them:thumbsup: I do like the scatter gun idea never thought about that for the motel room. I always stay in new well lit motels no first floors if I have a say. Still won't carry weapon on me. Who's going to shot first?
I've been reading some of these post and it got me thinking why don't I worry. I think one is at home I've always had dogs that bark and don't take to people walking around without me with them:thumbsup: I do like the scatter gun idea never thought about that for the motel room. I always stay in new well lit motels no first floors if I have a say. Still won't carry weapon on me. Who's going to shot first?
I'm with you! I am nearly 60, 240#, If I NEED to shoot someone, it would be in my house, robbery, money, a car, are not that sacred to me. I have had my wits about me since I was a kid. They haven't failed me so far. In fact I am more concerned about people who willingly carry. After all we are not in the wild west! I believe we were safer without concealed carry. If you want my vote, go to open carry. That way there is no mistake, I'd feel better knowing it was there, than produced in an ankle holster, or under the arm pit. So idiot in Overland Park, shot his wife at dinner in a steakhouse! because he was F@#%ing around with a gun in his pocket. Many cases in Mississippi, where a bar fight turn into melee with shots being fired in by the nimrods who are packing. Think about it this way, if you are , you have made a conscience decision to it, escalading the drama. Currently there is a case in Missouri, where a landowner confronted a bunch of float trip participants, with a gun, and killed a 40 something male who was on a sand bar in the river, the land owner claimed he owned. I'm sure he was eligible to have a concealed carry permit, fortunately he didn't have to go far to make a stupid mistake. If you afraid to go out of town, can't figure out what motel to stay in, ( if you see hookers, dealers, cars with blacked out windows, find another on down the road.) get "lost" in the bad neighborhood, stay holed up in your walled domicile, have you groceries delivered. Leave the bird hunting to those of us who are adventurous to go out "there".
You dont have to be on the wrong side of town, in a bad neighbor hood, a bad hotel/motel to be confronted by somebody that wants to do harm to me or my family, its in the news every day of idoits doing harm to those in very confortable surroundings, A movie theater, a starbucks coffee house, a mall, in the parking lot of the grocery store, on a college campus, in a secondary or primary school setting, at the service station fueling up, at a resturaunt, out walking or riding your bike. I carry as much as I can when I can. My thought is if my or my families life is in danger then I will pull it out and not hesistate on using it, dont care if the thug is mentally insane or just needing money for his family to eat that night if he posses a threat to me or the family then he has made a misstake. Now, on the other hand ,if I can escape the situation without taking the gun out then that is my first option. If a guy is wanting to still the car, wants my money and he isnt a threat to my life then he can have what he wants, heck thats what insurance is for. But he pulls a knife on me and then as he approaches me saying he is going to cut me then that is a different story. My number one option is to get away from the situation with out anybody getting hurt. I like to take a hand gun with me when I leave the house not nessecarely for protection while I am out but for what is possable what I find when I return home late that evening. Living in the country there is always that chance of finding somebody in the home that is not welcome. Just this month I can recall several break ins in some of the surrounding counties not to mention two in my community the last few weeks. I hope I never have to use my side arm but as I mentioned in a previous post, Carrying a side arm is somewhat like a 4 wheel drive truck, You may not never need it but it is nice to have it when you do.
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I'm 6'3", 250#, well-versed in hand-to-hand self defense, and 65. That being said, that ain't worth squat against a thug with a gun. Since evil-doers plan their itinerary & I don't, I'll continue to carry (and PRACTICE!); that's much more convenient than carrying Old & New or Cootie. Maybe I'll change my forum name to "Sissy" . . . or NOT, lol . . .
I work in a rough part of town and I carry most often. For me there it is a survival thing. Other than that I don't. I sure wish I lived in a society where I didn't have too. I get approached for cash nearly daily. Funny if you treat them with dignity and respect there is no need to grip my gun. Heck you might even pass them a couple bucks. As O&N stated, many stories of mishandled guns by bozos with a concealed carry. Far more of those than stories of sucess.

Ps. I probably have most beat I am 6'5" and 320, ok maybe 322 after this big azzed steak I just ate. No jonnyB, that is not on my diet:D
What did we do 10 years ago when concealed carry was difficult to come by? I discount the fact that the world is much more dangerous than before. We were younger! But people got shot as employees at the gas station or the convenience store then, as well as now. Now of course we get a nice selection on the nightly news, for 4 hours a night, or if something really nasty happens, news breaks all night to update us! That helps the rating. I will suggest that maybe there are a heck of a lot more people then there were 20 years ago. More people, more bad doers, proportionally. I still wonder about safety, accidental use. I haven't talked to the sheriff deputies, but I guess they would not be enthusiastic, over a beer off record. I know people who carried a gun, long before concealed carry permits. As I say, open carry, town and country, clear intent, and talk about deterrence! P.S. I bet no body would mess with you with me and coot under your arm! By the way, I have k-29, a colt python, and gold cup ACP. I shot in competition many moons ago. I leave them at home or take to shoot, except the k-29, I won't shoot that anymore!
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I sure wish I lived in a society where I didn't have too.

Amen, Tom. Therein is the issue. How was the steak?
I wouldn't subject you & Cootie to being under my arm, lol. Besides that, I just got that double hernia fixed . . .

I still have my 6" Python . . . first big-bore revolver I ever bought (back in the '60's) & IMHO, the finest double-action anything ever made.
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Amen, Tom. Therein is the issue. How was the steak?

It was too good. Nothing like a Bichelmeyer's ribeye with a big baked potato. My wife has a cheescake in the oven now. Need something to choke down this Chief's game:D
Good luck with that, lol.
Oh great now I'm hungry:). Looks like all these cuts to the police departments might not be the best thing for communities. Things that help stop crime? Lights, cameras, action (thats good ain't it) man is my brains working over time:D
. . . responsible parents, family values, dump horrific movies & video games, give lawbreakers more than a slap-on-the-hand when they're caught. Drug dealers? Take 'em out back & shoot the bastards.
You don't have to live in the country to have to worry about coming home to a bad situation. A little while ago a Sergeant from Ft Carson and his pregnant wife walked into a robbery in progress at their home and were both killed. Not saying things would have been different if (s)he was armed but you never know. On the flip side there needs to be way more training or lets say continued training if individuals want to get & keep a concealed carry license. Too many individuals take a 2 hour class to get the license and then never go back to the range. Better and more training would stop these idiots from shooting themselves in the leg or worse a spouse under the table because they dont have the right equipment.