Packer Fans

congrats viking fans. i even have to admit i was hoping AP would of broke the record with a TD when they were down there in field goal range. AP for MVP:cheers: look on the bright side packer fans we now have another week to pick on vikes:rolleyes: not only that but the bears TOTALLY hate us now.:cheers:

Yes I think it is safe to say, the bears suck.:cheers:
Woke up this morning and the Vikes are in and Cutler got another coach fired!!!! LOL!!!!!!:D:cheers:
Fudgies losing is for the best. Bears were going no where in the playoffs anyway.

packers better get that swiss cheese defense locked down or theyll be a first round exit themselves. They only won one more game than the Bears FWIW
Woke up this morning and the Vikes are in and Cutler got another coach fired!!!! LOL!!!!!!:D:cheers:
Sure hope that big cry baby Cutler is next. He is a low class, overpaid bum. Didn't like him when he was in Denver. Maybe he could end up with the Packers or Cowboys, 2 teams I don't care for, so I have even more reason to strongly dislike them. The way he treats his offensive line, hell , I wouldn't want to block to save his ass either!
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clay matthews has alot of pent up aggression after missing so many games. ponder is going to wonder what hit him:cheers:
Now Clay has Adrian tracks all over Him and a BAD tummy ache from Adrians helmet over and over.:cheers:

Packers entire game plan was to stop Adrian, kinda funny You thinK!!!:cheers:

Ponder had his best game.:) Glad He discovered Girls.:cheers:
oh thats because i am too busy de-friending all my vikings friends because they acted like they won the Super Bowl was quite amuzing. Granted yes it was a big game and hell the vikes almost did what they do best and let it drizzle down their leg.

Oh well welcome to the frozen tundra. I can suspect ap will not be as fast in the cold. its going to be interesting. too bad i have to coach in cannon falls saturday at the wrestling tourny...

oh thats because i am too busy de-friending all my vikings friends because they acted like they won the Super Bowl was quite amuzing. Granted yes it was a big game and hell the vikes almost did what they do best and let it drizzle down their leg.

Oh well welcome to the frozen tundra. I can suspect ap will not be as fast in the cold. its going to be interesting. too bad i have to coach in cannon falls saturday at the wrestling tourny...


Because Packer fans don't need to talk BS. The game is coming up, You all very think the pack let you win>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> no because you all arn't that good. LOL LOL LOL Roflol. :D

Lazer You coach Wrestling?? We may need to Talk. You know Dan Gable. :thumbsup:
Boy, the packers fans sure have been quiet. No smack talk about tomorrow's big game?

Still trying to figure out how to get Booze into the game!!!LOL!!! Don't sell it after half time, must think the Pack is going to Lose this one and do not want a Riot!!!!:cheers::cheers:
Still trying to figure out how to get Booze into the game!!!LOL!!! Don't sell it after half time, must think the Pack is going to Lose this one and do not want a Riot!!!!:cheers::cheers:

LOL Crotch bubby Croutch, Booze is not getting in above the waste. LOL:D