I had occassion to talk with both the WIHA coordinator, and the enforcement department this A.M. Some information. Likelyhood of moving the pheasant opener to November 1st is a none starter. It is apposed by Kansas Farm Bureau, and individual landowners who are leary of crop damage, in fact the KDWPT is regularly lobbied to make the opener later. This would make a delayed quail opener difficult, though I voiced support anyway. Accordingly the science of the species indicate there is not a reason to lower bag limits, again I would disagree. Large group hunting- there is no law limiting the numbers of hunter and or dogs. It's not my thing, but there it is. There is no sentiment to limit group numbers. Kansas recieves 75% of the funds used for WIHA from Pitman-Robertson funds as administered by the USFG. As I have said before, a sportsman who lives in NY or California, buying ammo or guns, pays a share of Kansas WIHA, and may never even hunt there. The remainder of funds are from the sale of hunting licenses. The simple math is obvious, a non resident is worth something like 7 times the value of a resident in terms of these funds. Now some actual good news we can all agree on. The KDWPT has received grants from the UDSA, called open fields and waters, it is a long term lease, 10+ years, public access program, which will be marked just as WIHA, 100% federally funded, with a requirement for conservation measures such as crop buffers, etc. to provide access to public outdoor recreation. This will roll out in 2012. The project administrator said clearly, that without non-resident hunters, the WIHA program could not exist, since their participation for a few days each per year, allow residents the ability to hunt all year, at a reasonable expense. Kansas gets a lot of this federal money precisely because the state is attractive to non-residents for outdoor opportunities. If it's not broken, why fix it.