Turtle, that's an easy answer that I answered in an earlier post:
"EVERYONE should have a license. Why? Because the matrix is partly based on license sales(numbers and dollars)! Can we work the system and get to a similar place without losing participants? Yes. If we would sell a special license to folks at a reduced cost/extended period to these groups instead of making them exempt, they would be counted in the matrix and increase our draw down. Our new "youth" license is an example. A 16 year old can now buy a license for $37.50 that lasts until they turn 21. We could do the same for military personnel, landowners, people over 65........ "
It could be a one time license that lasted from 65 on, or from 65 to whatever. It wouldn't have to cost much, if anything, just insure that they had a license so that they are still counted in the matrix as a hunter. Without them being counted in this age where many of our active hunters are over 65, our matrix does not reflect what is actually being seen in the field and significant "Kansas" dollars may be going to other states.
On another note, I don't know anywhere in the State or national constitution where exemptions are "guaranteed" as a right. Exemptions are a politically generated vote getter that may have worked when 98% of the Kansas population lived outside the city, but is of questionable value today when 7-10% of the population hunt and support the continuation of our sport. Your father's own action of buying licenses after becoming exempt validates that he agrees with continuing his support of the sport that has given him so many beautiful memories and provided him the opportunity to mentor new members into the sport. This would just provide an avenue for him, and every other currently expempt group to continue benefitting the sport by being counted in the matrix. It may well be time to reconfigure our licensing system to better allow today's participants to be fully counted in the matrix.