NEWS FLASH: Drought ends at Ponderosa

My buddy from Pueblo called yesterday and said he was expecting the rain to become a mix throughout the day. It's an odd time of year! We were spitting dust and fearing a burn ban a week ago. Now it's too soft to drive off road! Welcome to the Great Plains!
My buddy from Pueblo called yesterday and said he was expecting the rain to become a mix throughout the day. It's an odd time of year! We were spitting dust and fearing a burn ban a week ago. Now it's too soft to drive off road! Welcome to the Great Plains!

I was heading that way(Pueblo) to take my daughter out for some turkey hunting. Waiting it out now. We are going to be right around the 2 inches of rain mark here by the end of today. Just to the West of me 20 minutes has 28" of snow. Subtle change in elevation makes a big difference here.
I was heading that way(Pueblo) to take my daughter out for some turkey hunting. Waiting it out now. We are going to be right around the 2 inches of rain mark here by the end of today. Just to the West of me 20 minutes has 28" of snow. Subtle change in elevation makes a big difference here.

Oh to have a daughter wanting to go turkey hunting! You're a lucky man!!! Mine just got her white coat Wednesday night. She's now a pharmacist. 9 months of practicals and she'll hopefully be employed and paying down her loan debt!!! God bless you with spine tingling encounters afield with your daughter!!!
1.05" at Ponderosa last night + the 0.35" the night before and radar shows some more now. Blessings from heaven. Planted 25 mulberry trees today.


Good to hear about the rain and snow out there. Good luck to your daughter on the turkey hunt.

Hey some nice rain at your place. Rain makes it all better. Congratulations on your daughter's achievement. I have a DIL that is Pharm.D.
Praise the Lord. Last time I looked at drought monitor some of sw Kansas was stoll in the severe range. Good luck. We are dry in most areas of SD, but south half should get some decent moisture from same system this weekend.
Another 0.25" last night.

Heavy storms going east of me now and it looks like Prairie Drifter is getting some heavy stuff.
Just missed me. .20 in the gauge this morning from all of yesterday and overnight. That brings me up to 3.63 or so for the past 7-10 days. The river is up, the new power line trench in the yard caved in, and my burns are greening up quickly. A little sun for a few days will make some serious growth spurts in the habitat this spring. Hopefully, it's not too late for the wheat. I expect the mower and road blade may need to be used in the next week.
Oh to have a daughter wanting to go turkey hunting! You're a lucky man!!! Mine just got her white coat Wednesday night. She's now a pharmacist. 9 months of practicals and she'll hopefully be employed and paying down her loan debt!!! God bless you with spine tingling encounters afield with your daughter!!!

Thanks Troy and Maynard!!! She had a great time and bagged her first Turkey. A Merriams Jake. They grow up so fast! Congrats to your daughter Troy on school and her new profession.

A girl, a gobbler, and a spring snow, SWEET! Congratulations on a successful outing. Thanks Bleu, she's worked hard for 6 years to get to where she's at. I'm hoping that the next few months are enjoyable and result in a job offer or two! Put a brick on your daughter's head to try to slow her growing up down a bit!!!

Awesome. Beautiful picture. Beautiful smile. Love it. Congratulations!

One guy I know, puts it this way---

"Now that's what I am talking about!"
Troy, got a question for you. Saw a tom the other day with a white band in it tail feathers, the rest of him was dark like an Eastern, our there hybrids this far east?
Would like to tag him, but so far haven't seen him since.
gsh lover,

I will be interested in Prairie Drifter's response on a hybrid. Be neat if you could take the tom.

There happens to be a flock of easterns in Stafford County. I have heard stories on how they got there.
In a lot of the years of our stocking birds across the state, the easterns and rios became mixed. To say with any certainty that any bird is a "pure" rio or eastern would be tough.
After all was said and done , we got less tahn .20 just northwest of Sioux Falls. Nothing but wind in sight.
Have seen a number of roosters thru out the neighborhood tho.
I have had enough. Been raining for 3 days and now they say 4-10 inches of snow! Rivers are starting to top their banks. Waiting for some sunshine!!! Looks like I will be up all night shaking trees!!!:cheers:

Hope you survive and dry out.

Here at the Ponderosa it was drizzle/light rain this morning. Not much precipitation, but the damp cool weather is nice.

Some of you may have seen pictures on television of the annual wheat tour and the extremely poor wheat fields in western Kansas. Actually around Dodge the wheat is in decent shape moisture and growth wise. Lots of rust showing up in places. Talking to my spray pilot today and he has 2,500 acres to spray for rust whenever he can get in the air.

Continued moisture and lack of hail could lead to good nesting conditions and a rebound of bird numbers. I hope that comes true.
I think this is the first time we have been under a Flood Warning and a Winter Storm Warning at the same time!!!lol:thumbsup: