NEWS FLASH: Drought ends at Ponderosa

You'd probably drive by tons of cattails to get here, but I think I could set you up with some.

I've done the bobcat before. I want to catch a fox......of all types. Although I have a red fox mounted in the office, I didn't catch it myself. I would like to catch some more mink and get one mounted. It's been awhile. It's been awhile since I had a coyote rattling a chain. Miss that.
Maynard, looks like your waking up to a nice soaking rain. What are you up to for the year moisture wise?

Troy, on the way back from Kansas a few years ago I was riding shotgun with my friend and old college room mate and I said we need to turn around. Took us about 8 miles to find an exit on the Eastern plains here. When we got back to where I saw something laying just off the road, it was a beautiful swift fox freshly hit and in good shape. My buddy was so excited as he live trapped and radio collered them for 2 years when we were in school.
Maynard, looks like your waking up to a nice soaking rain. What are you up to for the year moisture wise?

Troy, on the way back from Kansas a few years ago I was riding shotgun with my friend and old college room mate and I said we need to turn around. Took us about 8 miles to find an exit on the Eastern plains here. When we got back to where I saw something laying just off the road, it was a beautiful swift fox freshly hit and in good shape. My buddy was so excited as he live trapped and radio collered them for 2 years when we were in school.

Yes, a very pleasant sound on the roof to wake up to. I will get you a total.
Hot, windy and dry here. I am hoping the cold front brings some moisture.

Yesterday's turkey in nine inch tall wheat stubble. Hen on right had a brood hidden in the stubble following her, but only got a glimpse of them once in a while. Really small poults with her and never could get a picture of them.

No fall turkey hunting here, so have to wait until spring to turkey hunt.


Some corn being cut. Saw one feedyard had one of their million bushel trench silos full of high moisture corn. Corn silage being cut also. I expect beans to follow in a couple weeks. Some of the milo is starting to turn. Fall is coming.
Promises, promises! Give me some highs in the 50's and I'll become a believer:) Maynard, your quail seem to be getting really big:) Must be that GMO corn in the area!!! We're awful dry here as well. The storms generate within 10 miles of me and run away. The native grass is even folding up. We could use a sip.
I just said prayers for the both of us for rain. A couple of inches over a couple of days would be ideal.

We shot a few dove Monday and picked a few plums for jelly. Our annual Labor Day activity.
I picked a 5 gallon bucket full of plums for the wife. 7 quarts of juice seemed to be enough for her. Saw a batch more getting ready today. Hate to see them not picked. If I were trapping still, the mash would be preserved for a November bandit collection!
Back when I was hitting it hard, I would preserve with sodium benzoate and glycerin. I kept it in 5 gallon buckets with lids in the cellar until season. Each night I would get out what I needed for the next morning. I rotated fresh fish, plum, and some muskrat or beaver meat. If I had a source of crayfish, that would get used as well. I had several favorite lures as well. Always wondered if I had the land and youthfulness here how my take would compare because I was in the NW where there were only 2 creeks with water in the county. I'm guessing carpal tunnel would raise it's ugly head now that I have a few more sunrises to my credit! I would like to target some mink just for the check off!
We did our punch bait with minnows we seined. We had three screens we used to dry them on. One under the bottom screen, one with the minnows and one over top. Did that to keep the flies off and reduce the maggot production. We would sun dry the minnows on both sides to get them a little crispy, then bury them in a gunny sack for 48 hours. We would dig them up dump them in a bucket and use a stick to break them up some, then would add several oils. I would have to find my recipe card to know them all. We packed them in small canning jars, which we then put in a sealed large mouth gallon jar and kept in an old operating refrigerator.

When we got ready to go fishing we would retrieve one from the frig. We used a treble hook with a spring and would use a stick to punch the hook down into the bait and pull it out in a jerking motion to get pieces on the hook. My brother said, "If you get any on your finger, might as well cut it off and put it on the hook, because you will never get that stink off your finger."

Almost got in some fights over the bait. Numerous times we showed up and the fishermen were not catching any catfish and we could hardly get our poles set before we were catching fish.

We had some good times, mostly on the long forgotten Arkansas River at Dodge.
Good timing on some good moisture for the Winter Wheat that was just planted. Just as long as it is not too hard and cakes over the seed. Some should be popping and breaking through already. Big line from border to border should cover a lot of ground...:thumbsup:
Looks like quite a bit of rain fell out that way yesterday. We had quite a bit out here on the Eastern side of the state.
Watch Out Maynard !

Looks like a big one heading directly toward the beautiful Ponderosa near Dodge City. Get the snow shovels out :10sign:
Still liquid at the moment, but the white stuff is coming and should get here about 10PM. I have about six cows that are ready to calve any moment.
The snow will likely set them off. I hope you get some good moisture. This thread has to be some kind of record I think!