NEWS FLASH: Drought ends at Ponderosa

I will try to check them first thing in morning. I suspect there will be some new babies.

Snow is really wet and building up on trees at moment.
Some real nice moisture for the winter wheat!!! Not so much for calving!
Momma get it dried off and warmed up? They have to be pretty tough to hit the ground covered in snow and get the pilot lit!
2nd calf momma was doing a good job. All the girls had icicles hanging from their sides and snow on their backs.
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I did have four lesser prairie chicken flush about a quarter mile from where I was checking the tank heater. It was good to see them.
About two more inches of lite fluffy snow just ending. A snow that came pretty much straight down.:confused: I'll take the moisture and enjoy the lite breeze(5mph).
Maynard, how are the calves and mommas getting along in this snow? We have a couple of inches on the ground. It came nice and mostly flat. Should help the wheat and will, hopefully, be in the ground by mid week.
All is well at the moment. Only one new calf, but there are several that are so close.

There is a couple more inches on ground this morning and the moisture is welcomed.

I will be adding some shrubs in the pasture this year and this moisture will be good in hopes of getting them going. Mostly American plums and will be putting them on south facing slopes. Will plant a few fragrant sumac and chokecherry and try some serviceberry. Have red mulberry coming for the creek. Looking for London plane trees and cottonwoods to establish some new turkey roosts since all of the current roosts are in standing dead cottonwoods and walnuts.

This moisture should help set up good burning conditions for you.
Maynard, do you have experience with American plum out there? South slope will be hotter and drier. I don't know how compatible they will be to sand plum in that more xeric environment. I have them here, so they'll probably do well.

Keith, my help, has been hard at the fire breaks while I've been gone training and floating my North American Wetland Conservation Act Grant proposal to DU. We're hoping to add 13 acres to our 25 acres of wetlands NW of the lake and do some work to make us more efficient with the water we do get. We have about 34 acres of marshes south of the lake as well and we're losing water around the dikes there that we need to capture. I just got done with 2 very large projects, heck, what's one more!!!
Maynard, do you have experience with American plum out there? South slope will be hotter and drier. I don't know how compatible they will be to sand plum in that more xeric environment. I have them here, so they'll probably do well.

Keith, my help, has been hard at the fire breaks while I've been gone training and floating my North American Wetland Conservation Act Grant proposal to DU. We're hoping to add 13 acres to our 25 acres of wetlands NW of the lake and do some work to make us more efficient with the water we do get. We have about 34 acres of marshes south of the lake as well and we're losing water around the dikes there that we need to capture. I just got done with 2 very large projects, heck, what's one more!!!

Most all the plums here are American. I may have a few sandhill plums in the pasture. I can't tell the difference actually.
On the plums, side-by-side the plums and leaves are smaller on the sandhill plums. We totaled .30 from the rain. Got a burn in after the rain, so it wasn't a soaker:) Got dry enough yesterday that the fire rekindled and we had to go over and mop up some more! We really need a real soaker!
Dumped 0.35" out of gauge this morning and more rain this afternoon. Although wheat in area was green and growing, it was showing drought stress across the fields.
Good moisture!! Eastern Colorado, Western and North Western Kansas and Southwest Nebraska got a good dose as well. Getting a bunch here, but it can't make up it's mind how it wants to fall. Snow or rain. Creeping on a inch of rain/moisture. :thumbsup:
It was spotty in NW KS. I had .05", 10 miles SE they had .90". Nothing over night. Maybe today.
Cunningham got 2.30 yesterday through 7:00 this morning. Wow, that should help a lot of things. Not a good day to be off to turkey hunt though! That's 3.7 in the last week!
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