NEWS FLASH: Drought ends at Ponderosa

Maynard, looks to be firing up along a dry line. Freight training storms through Dodge. Hope you get good moisture and nothing too severe... Wish it was more widespread, but Western Kansas and points West of Dodge may still get a little when the Low wraps down some moisture. Keeping fingers crossed.
1.50-2.00" in Dodge and some hail. I think the Ponderosa might have gotten a half inch or so looking at the map. I was checking irrigation and cows when it rolled in and I got the heck out. My only road has been elevated and you can about get stuck in the powder. My truck sinks in six inches since there is no moisture in the soil to pack it. I knew with some rain on the road it would make it impassible. If much rain, will have to walk in tomorrow.

My dry land wheat is toast. My pastures are bone dry. Trying to dig post holes for new fence and have to water all of them.

Good news is that I am seeing a few pheasant and quail. Had two hen turkeys hanging around with only one gobbler with them. Had a turkey tag, but didn't want to shoot the only sire available. A few doe hanging around again. Have only seen one buck and his buds were at the fork stage.

Hope I can get some Egyptian wheat and forage beans in the ground soon.
On top of the .13 from Saturday, we had 3.18 last night. Unfortunately, I had forgotten to clean out all the elm seeds in the gutters. That's ahead of me today! This ought to change the outlook of many things!!! Thank You Lord!!!!!!
Wow. That is super.

The radar map show the color indicating 0.10 to 0.60 at the ranch. I am hoping that the Ponderosa got a least a half inch. A few errands to run, then I will know.
while i am sitting in greeley, we, over the past couple of days have just received a short inch which puts us in the average per year slot. however, visiting my rancher friend in n. w. kansas, he is starting to get worried and contemplating drilling wells for cattle water, something he has not had to do. for miles now the s. fork of the republican river has not a drop in it, the wheat is starting to show stress and seems to be about 1/2 the height as normal for this time of year. a pretty serious rain however is forecast for sun. and mon. but it would need to rain for about a week to get back to normal, heard that goodland is short about 5" so far this year.


while i don't have any pheasants or quail in my yard, we have gotten just over 3 1/2" of moisture now in the past several days, hope some of it drifts east but looks like while n.w. kansas did get some but not a lot

When you get your fair share of moisture, would you be so kind as to send some down to us folks in SW Oklahoma. Looks like a repeat of 2011 so far, maybe even worse, as I have seen Ticks carrying canteens. :rolleyes:
Rain totals up to 3.50" reported in Dodge yesterday, but zero at the Ponderosa.:(
Here is a picture taken after the dust storm of April 28, 2014. Reported on US56 southwest of Gt. Bend

Storms part like Moses parting the Red Sea. :)

Crazy thing yesterday, I am getting the tractor out of the field in the crazy wind and I see something move to my side and I look and it is a mud hen on the ground with the wind beating the dickens out of her.
The grip is easing in the drought areas. Friend in Lane County has had 11 inches since the 1st of June and may have to wait a week to resume Wheat harvest as it is very wet now with this mornings rain. Weeds are already higher then the stubble he cut a week ago and skeeters are bad. He is worried the weeds may outgrow the remaining wheat that he has left to cut. Creeks and low areas are running with water. Maynard may have to slow down on the rain dance for a bit.:cheers:
I am glad to see that is getting better for these folks. I hope its nothing but lush green fields, pastures, and flowing waters from here on out. With any luck the wildlife may make a comeback as well. FYI this thread was started 3 years ago, thats along time to be struggling glad to hear some are getting relief.
I am glad to see that is getting better for these folks. I hope its nothing but lush green fields, pastures, and flowing waters from here on out. With any luck the wildlife may make a comeback as well. FYI this thread was started 3 years ago, thats along time to be struggling glad to hear some are getting relief.

A little over 64,000 views. Crazy!:cheers:
The grip is easing in the drought areas. Friend in Lane County has had 11 inches since the 1st of June and may have to wait a week to resume Wheat harvest as it is very wet now with this mornings rain. Weeds are already higher then the stubble he cut a week ago and skeeters are bad. He is worried the weeds may outgrow the remaining wheat that he has left to cut. Creeks and low areas are running with water. Maynard may have to slow down on the rain dance for a bit.:cheers:


It all happened at the end of May. I was relaxing a bit at the Ponderosa. Had even taken off the Danners and slipped on my flip flops. I had dozed off in the Lazy Boy watching Gunsmoke on MeTV. I was awaken to a terrible dirt storm and realized that my pickup windows were down. Out the door I went in a flash and darn, I caught the little toe of my right foot on the gate post. Man did it smart. I grabbed my foot and the dancing commenced. I danced in the yard, I danced in the house until I knocked my favorite Maynard Reece print off the living room wall. Man it it hurt, but it has been raining ever since.
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It all happened at the end of May. I was relaxing a bit at the Ponderosa. Had even taken off the Danners and slipped on my flip flops. I had dozed off in the Lazy Boy watching Gunsmoke on MeTV. I was awaken to a terrible dirt storm and realized that my pickup windows were down. Out the door I went in a flash and darn, I caught the little toe of my right foot on the gate post. Man did it smart. I grabbed my foot and the dancing commenced. I danced in the yard, I danced in the house until I knocked my favorite Maynard Reece print off the living room wall. Man it it hurt, but it has been raining ever since.

If it stops, best be watching for me with the ball pein! Toes beware! Great mental image though:)