NEWS FLASH: Drought ends at Ponderosa

Talked to a coworker in Garden City and it's about an inch there. I have already got in the 6-8 inch range. Not happy with what this could do to my quail. The forecast of most of a week below freezing with this deep cover could hurt them where the food reserves are low and covered. At least the wind is absent so far.
I ended up with 9 inches at the ranch. Bitter cold and high winds. Some five foot drifts. Meadowlarks seem to be doing okay.
I ended up with 9 inches at the ranch. Bitter cold and high winds. Some five foot drifts. Meadowlarks seem to be doing okay.

Good to hear the Yellow bellied Quail are doing o.k. !!! Looks to get in the 50's in a week!!!
If there was only a season.:) Although in SE Kansas, in past years, there were people that season them with salt and pepper, especially around Frontenac.
We ended with around 12 inches here. I don't like the prognosis with lows in the subs and snow lasting over a week with that combination. The Junco's are tearing up any ground that is uncovered by my scooping. Cardinals, Nuthatches, and Tufted Titmice are stealing dog food when the dogs don't finish their ration.
Prairie Drifter, about the same conditions here in SW Oklahoma, with only 6" of snow but dang cold. Quail move into thick cover the past few days, where they had been roosting in bunch grass. Getting over run by cardinals the last few days.
We have 12" here in Manhattan, and down on our farm ground south of town I hear we have more than that.

I am going to go get some corn and some black oil sunflower seeds and head down there after work tomorrow. Spread some of it out in some of the key areas for the birds and other critters.
Steve, make sure that you put it where they have some overhead protection while dining. I'd hate for it to become a raptor feeder!
Steve, make sure that you put it where they have some overhead protection while dining. I'd hate for it to become a raptor feeder!

I went down today. There is a good 14", and some of the drifts are pretty deep, 3ft in places.

I saw, turkey, deer, coyote, and what I think was bobcat tracks. Didn't see any quail tracks.

Put a fair amount of black sunflower seed up under the plum thickets, along with some corn. I am guessing that my coveys are off the reservation in the two tree rows that run out of the my place.

Sure would like to see some 60F with some wind for a couple days. Like to see some bare ground.
I have been missed and missed and missed. Man it is dry. I have been watering post holes today.

while i am sitting in greeley, we, over the past couple of days have just received a short inch which puts us in the average per year slot. however, visiting my rancher friend in n. w. kansas, he is starting to get worried and contemplating drilling wells for cattle water, something he has not had to do. for miles now the s. fork of the republican river has not a drop in it, the wheat is starting to show stress and seems to be about 1/2 the height as normal for this time of year. a pretty serious rain however is forecast for sun. and mon. but it would need to rain for about a week to get back to normal, heard that goodland is short about 5" so far this year.
