NEWS FLASH: Drought ends at Ponderosa

Hey, this thread now reminds me of the Bold and the Beautiful show. Sept with out all the good lookin half naked folks. But I tuned in again this year and still talkin rain, LOL. I think this is the record # of posts in a thread. And never even got locked, LOL.:D
Hope you guy's don't have that problem again this year. It is fairly dry up here as well. No snow all winter, and not much rain yet. Just enough to keep things growing. But it could go bad in a hurry as well. It was like the dust bowl days this past weekend in sth MN. Man that wind had the dust movin. It was the worst dust cloud I had ever seen up here.
Extended weather forcast shows some potential rain 29-31 May, lets keep our hopes up. Wheat and canola crops are being harvested right now. But most would welcome the moisture.

I would welcome some moisture and cooler weather. Most of my wheat is ready for harvest. I have not seen any upland bird hatches at the Ponderosa, but hope there is some that are ready to go before the combines pull in the field. I did see a hen with her brood near the ranch this morning and my hired hand saw turkey poults near the ranch a couple weeks ago.

I would sure like to put my Unit 4 tag on a gobbler, but haven't had much time to hunt and the old birds keep giving me the slip when I do, like these guys doing a little bugging this morning.



I did have a pleasant surprise this morning. I was in a well pit doing some repairs and ask my hired hand for a wrench and about that time he says, "There go the elk." Haven't seen them at the Ponderosa for a couple years. They disappeared in the canyon, so he really didn't know how many. We looked for sign, but nothing to see in the grass, except there was a cow and calf track in some powder along a lane. I have yet to take a turkey or elk at the Ponderosa, but would sure like 2012 to be the year.
Moisture is moving towards you from the north and from the south. First, right now a weak cool front is pushing rain and showers southward in Colorado, those rain shower can easily reach W. Kansas. And from the pacific side of Mexico the slowly growing El Nina is pushing a little tropical storm northward towards Mexico.
Once that tropical moisture moves northward along the mountains, in two or three days, showers should break out in New Mexico, W. Texas, S. E. Colorado and S.W. Kansas.
Lets keep the prayers going.
Thanks for the thoughts and prayers, it is appreciated. I usually critique the habitat after a blizzard to see how it performed, but this drought has caused me to think of ways to improve the habitat to be somewhat drought tolerant. Not sure if I have many answers, but know last spring I sure was helpless. My tree/shrub plantings will have drip tape buried under the weed barrier, which will help get them established.
Looks like some moisture sliding in from the N.W. South of Hays was blasted!!!!
Quite a storm came through. Will get rainfall totals in morning and check for damage to wheat.
Horrible dirt storm and driving rain, but didn't last long. Had 0.30"

I was caught on the ATV out in the dirt storm and only had about 200 yards to the shed, but didn't know if I was going to make it. Couldn't see anything, couldn't breathe, kept going forward until I finally came into the protected area downwind of the shed. Got to my truck and headed to Dodge, but it was like the worst blizzard I have ever been in, but with dirt.

Today's a better day. My hired man took the first turkey ever shot on the Ponderosa and I am on my way to the blind to try my luck as the season ends at sundown today.