Ive always wanted to go early season but never have. Ive been trying to get one the past few years and was successful in the 2009-2010 season. Bagged a greater. Had a flock partially pointed on the back side of a hill and was lucky to poke one down about 30 yards away.
Have had some lessers hold pretty good for the dog in SW Ks but one thing or the other always screws it up, my bad shot, not shooting quick enough, or they are out of season.
Saw some very good flocks last year. Biggest flock I saw and had pointed by my dog no one would believe so I wont even mention it. Most of them flushed when my 2yo setter ran right through the middle of them in front of the 9yo dog. Still had 4 singles sit and hold in some taller grass, but my 2 yo ES screwed that up as well. She was so bat sh*t crazy over all the scent she flushed all of them running around like a mad woman before I could get there. All I could do was watch and enjoy the great dogwork by my old dog and laugh and curse the young one at the same time as I was hustling over.
The 9yo ES pointed the flock and the singles for me. I was about 400 yards away on the next hilltop and couldnt run over fast enough before my young dog figured the old one was pointing for a reason and messed it up. All I could do was watch, the 2 yo was by me when the 9yo pointed...I just couldnt beat her over there
Hopefully this year she'll calm down a bit more. Took her out to a preserve in March and was very happy with the results. Hoping I can bag one or two this year. In her defense they were a new bird/experience to her this past season. I think she had about 10 or so experiences with them last year so hopefully after one or two finds she'll figure it out this year.
My biggest problem has been the little rockets eyes. Always too many eyes staring at you from the top of a hill and they tend to take off wild. Very rarely have I caught some in some taller grass where they couldnt see me coming. Those are the times they naturally will hold best.
Still on the hunt for a bagged lesser.