How many Prairie Chicken hunt?

Since you hijacked this thread my favorite spot in Dodge is Mariah Hills Steak & Ale. I normally stop once a year :10sign::cheers:
You stop, I'll buy.

I appreciate the kind offer. We can do that for if I can only hear some good news on bird situation
The thread title interested me, you know it kind of depends on how you read it---

How many(hunters) Prairie Chicken hunt or saying another way, "how many hunters hunt prairie chicken?"

But it could be read--

How many "prairie chicken" hunt?

Well I think I found one--

The thread title interested me, you know it kind of depends on how you read it---

How many(hunters) Prairie Chicken hunt or saying another way, "how many hunters hunt prairie chicken?"

But it could be read--

How many "prairie chicken" hunt?

Well I think I found one--


That one could make Best picture of the year:10sign:
Beautiful picture of the school house. I really enjoy Chase County and travel by that school house quite frequently. I also frequent the Flint Hills Restaurant in Strong City. The waitress knows our order when we walk in the door.

I will have to try that restaurant next time I'm over that way.

About 5 miles north of the schoolhouse is a headstone/monument marking an airplane crash site that was piloted by my former boss and his brother. Happened around 12 years ago or so...
I will have to try that restaurant next time I'm over that way.

About 5 miles north of the schoolhouse is a headstone/monument marking an airplane crash site that was piloted by my former boss and his brother. Happened around 12 years ago or so...

Sorry to hear about that.

I have not gone on north of the school. Will have to make a trek up that way one day. My wife is a point A to point B gal, especially when we are on the way to see the grandkids in KC, so I don't sight see much when she is along, but when I am by myself, I take the scenic routes. I have stopped at the bridge at Clements. Have pictures of the Southfork and Pioneer Bluffs Farm south of Cottonwood.

Don't expect a fancy menu at the Flint Hills.
Sorry to hear about that.

I have not gone on north of the school. Will have to make a trek up that way one day. My wife is a point A to point B gal, especially when we are on the way to see the grandkids in KC, so I don't sight see much when she is along, but when I am by myself, I take the scenic routes. I have stopped at the bridge at Clements. Have pictures of the Southfork and Pioneer Bluffs Farm south of Cottonwood.

Don't expect a fancy menu at the Flint Hills.

Non-fancy sounds like my kind of place.....

I keep seeing the sign for the stone bridge, but just haven't made the turn off the highwa;)y yet. I plan on at least one more prairie chicken search with the pup, we will definitely check it out. By the way.... Your pic of the PC with sixshooters is great!
Non-fancy sounds like my kind of place.....

I keep seeing the sign for the stone bridge, but just haven't made the turn off the highwa;)y yet. I plan on at least one more prairie chicken search with the pup, we will definitely check it out. By the way.... Your pic of the PC with sixshooters is great!

That was a chicken I ran into when Toad took me on my first early season Chicken hunt. ;)

My wife and I have the chicken fry, with homecut fries and texas toast, Dorothy Lynch on our salad and iced tea. $17.32 with tax at the register as I recall.

Have you been by Southfork?



Or Pioneer Bluffs?
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that was a chicken i ran into when toad took me on my first early season chicken hunt. ;)

my wife and i have the chicken fry, with homecut fries and texas toast, dorothy lynch on our salad and iced tea. $17.32 with tax at the register as i recall.

Have you been by southfork?



or pioneer bluffs?

nice pics!
Anyone get a Prairie Chicken pointed and shot?

I have been out twice, not much to show for it :rolleyes:

I sure wish I could say, "Yes" to that, but unfortunately Murry and I are both sidelined at the moment. I did truly enjoy the early PC hunt with Toad two years ago.

This year I will have to get my enjoyment from the posts and pics from you guys that are out there in those beautiful Flint Hills of Kansas.
Never had a chance to hunt pc or any of the others out west. The only ones I've had a chance to hunt is phez and quail here in NE IND..
I was going to go out with Ace and hunt some PC this afternoon after working my new pup Indy on some quail. Indy did real well on his birds. Wish I would have taken the camera. I took a few pics with the cell phone but my memory card was full. Only saved one pic of him.

But it was hot enough that I decided to wait until morning to take Ace out after some PC.

Here was Indy
Got even

Had a chance to get out after a Prairie Chicken this morning.
Ace was running pretty well, covering a lot of ground. He is a little strange, when he is the only dog down he ranges much more. You can just see him at 225 yards up on the hillside.

Ace covered 13 miles at 14 mph ave by the time we had any bird (non Meadowlark) contact. Ace ran just up wind of a Chicken and it flushed. He seems to have forgotten his Stop to flush training :rolleyes: and as he chased that one, 2 more Prairie Chickens got flushed. I saw the first PC fly about 500 yards but didn't see it clear the top of the last hill. So we headed that way to see if we could get lucky. I came over a rise and found Ace on point. (this is not the PC point, I didn't get a pic of it. This was a high style meadowlark point ;- )

Did get Ace to sit long enough to take a pic. Had hoped I would get a retrieve after the work we had done but, no such luck.

After changing a flat tire, we got home and Indy got a look at a Prairie Chicken. At almost 4 months, he loves his birds.

He pulled it out of my hand and was having a ball with it in the front yard. Hoping that next season he will handle the retrieving duties that Ace seems to feel is beneath him.

I had hoped to shoot a PC this season and have it mounted. But I hit this one in the head at a little too close a range. Shot most of the beak off. So I guess I will have to put in another 20 miles of walking to see if I can get another one.
Thanks for the story and Pic's, gave me a vicarious thrill and a few cramps thinking about the 20 mile hikes across rocky pastures of thigh high grass in 70+ degree heat! Any chicken is a prize these days. I was surprised to see that the field was a mowed, or hayed. would not expect to find them there, but it did look like there was some decent regrowth. Would have thought they would be devilishly hard to get close to even in early season, and young birds in the mix, though I have seen a lot of them hold even late season, in the last couple of years. thank heaven for the opportunities to hunt these fabulous birds, have always been among my favorites.