I am still working, but when I am able healthwise, I hunt also every saturday and sunday and most of the holidays, might take off Christmas and one of the 4 days I get over Thanksgiving. I would use some time-off to hunt more but I can't eat them fast enough to deal with any more birds in my possession. I hadn't kept a count until 2 years ago. I was keeping some tail feathers from the older birds and it seemed I was collecting quite a few. Two years ago I shot and found 57, last year 60. I had resided to not shooting as many this season, wanting to get my hunting partner more opportunties. I had been shootin the majority of the birds we harvested. Well, my old GSP didn't make the a limited season that I envisioned, and now have a 5 month old pup to wrangle and then a disk ingury in back as sidelined me...so much for my season this year. This past week I was able to stand and walk somewhat, so I went out and blocked for my buddy today. Took a 20 gauge, for the weight (or lack of) and did get shooting, but no birds. Not used to them coming over so fast! I have to stand with most of my weight on my right leg, so my stance was all screwed-up, so that wasn't helping things, but I had a blast!