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  • Sir,
    Thank you for your reply and offer to help us out. Could we chat on the phone when it is convenient? I can call you, or you can call me. My cell is 757-646-6080.
    Thank you!
    Me and my son are from northern Illinois and went to S.Dakota last year with no hunting ground lined up. Did mostly road and Public Land hunting. Would really like some contacts and, as mentioned before, willing to pay to hunt on some good pheasant ground. We have some dogs and are willing to cover whatever land or cover is necessary. Thanks for any consideration. Steve
    I'm a longtime lurker here I have been to SD 5 times in the last 8 years and would like to return in 2015 but alas the farmer in Doland where we hunted and stayed has leased out his land I wondered if u had any farmers in ur area that offered tresspass fee hunting with possible lodging just would be myself and another guy and our 3 dogs.
    Randy Franklin , Pa
    Hi Dennis,

    Thanks for the reply/advice on snakes. Was wondering if you are planning another Wounded Warrior hunt this year? Hope you have a great bird season.

    Jon (minneapolis)
    Looked like you possibly received some rain overnight? I hope you did. Looks hot and little chance of rain over next 7 days.
    Kind of depends on what you want to eat. The Drake at the intersection of Hwy's 81 & 212 is okay. Minerva's at the Ramkota west on 212 is good. Lunker's on Hwy. 20 on the lake is pretty good. 2nd Street Steakhouse just west of the downtown area is okay. And there is Applebee's and Buffalo Wild Wings, both east on 212 towards I29.

    B&P Shells are still out of stock so I haven't ordered any. If they don't get some soon I will have to buy some other brand for my field trials. You can order 4 boxes at $11.50 per box. Shipping is just $10 so you can get 4 boxes for $56 which isn't too bad.
    Thanks, Ill give them a call. I did a test patch on Friday with a product called Forefront that I use around my place in Iowa. After 3 days, the alfalfa was wilted badly. I dont care if I get it all, I just want to knock it back some..
    Sorry about the delay, I just figured out how to answer this. Yes I am west of Ipswich, a little closer to Roscoe. I know where the Wietgrefe farm is and know the family.
    Hi haymaker, are you from the Ipswich the area? I am from Florida, but i hunt my aunt's farm in Ipswich every fall. Last is Wietgrefe
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