I hate to disagree but bird numbers are not about the same as the last couple of years where I live, South central region. Yep 30 miles from Mitchell. I stop in the local coop and drink coffee all year long. I talk to the locals who till the ground. I'm retired and pheasants are a passion. I also own two top notch pointing labs with noses and drive that don't compare. I hunt DIY mainly on public land. Land all tax payers are entitled to. Why? Most private land is saved for family or friends or dollars the pheasant lease can bring. I travel hundreds of miles on the gravel all year and have a trained eye. I love to photograph Roosters in the spring since that's a time they wont run away Yes I get my share of roosters but the truth is Pheasant populations and habitat conditions such as the management of CRP lands are in a dire condition. I estimate it will probably take at least 2 years of favorable conditions to produce pheasant numbers in most areas of S.D.the state has been known for. Does that make me stop hunting. Absolutely not! But when I see 5 orange coated hunters, many from out of state pushing fields in hopes of all limiting out its not going to happen! Somebody would have to plant some birds. Its impossible for there to be 15 roosters on that land day in and day out. If you watch YouTube and all you here is Rooster Rooster you cant wait to get to S.D. but that's not the real world. No offense to lodges and preserves they are in the entertainment industry and have to produce. But that is a very small segment of the real world in S.D. Its going to take huge changes for CRP in the 2018 farm bill and a real desire for habitat improvement overall. Otherwise plan on breaking out your wallet and hunting the European Style of management.
Feel free to comment that's what a forum is about. You can also PM me if you are the shy type.
Great statement.Would you agree with a 40% decline in pheasants in your area this year?I think they should get 10 guys like you in different locations in the state to give forcast.Your forecast is more boots on the ground.
And you have no reason to pump up pheasant counts.
They could call it BOG report
I am going to call you UHONEST
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