how did ugude's camps do?

I suspect so!!! I am returning there a lot of corn coming out???

I've been stuck in the office for a few days, but from what I've seen the harvesting is going really slow. Pretty much all the beans are out, but the corn is still to wet. I know a couple guys haven't even cut silage yet. This is the latest I can remember.
My farmer friends have told me harvest is going to last a long time this year. With corn not worth much it's hard to justify paying for it to get tried so they are leaving it in the fields to dry.
Saw the report yesterday said 35% done with corn. Sunflowers 59% I think. Both way behind last year and the average.
Saw the report yesterday said 35% done with corn. Sunflowers 59% I think. Both way behind last year and the average.

Yep, pretty much only 1/2 as much harvested as usual. With only a 35% average, keep in mind that means there are areas somewhat higher than that, but also areas where the corn has hardly been touched.
Just got back from Lemmon. Won't discuss here. Are you in Artesian this weekend? I may go to Fedora, mostly to shoot ducks Fri or Sunday. Gun action Sat. in Lennox. Corn is coming out. Can't wait to see what's in my backyard for birds.
Yep, pretty much only 1/2 as much harvested as usual. With only a 35% average, keep in mind that means there are areas somewhat higher than that, but also areas where the corn has hardly been touched.

The farther west you go, the more there is ought do to poor crop. I cannot believe they are picking some of the fields from 281 west but I suppose it would cause problems next spring.
BB makes a good point about uguide. He did post a few extremely positive outlooks when everything else suggested otherwise. I'd be willing to bet he wouldn't have been posting that stuff if his business didn't hinge on him having a whole lot of hunters. Seemed shady. Then the whiners weekend post really left a bad impression of him on people. Probably wise of him to take a vacation from this forum.

Anyways, I'm headed to SD this Saturday. It's the official kick off to my 2017-2018 season. Hit up SD for some grouse and pheasant on the side, and then back to Texas for bobwhites! Can't wait!
I'm not retracting any of my statements.

I'm reacting to how he was trying to make some other member on this forum look bad by dissecting every single little thing the guy did. Has BB ever been to UGUIDES CAMP? Until he has, then I'm not sure he should have much to say.

If BB has great habitat, Great! Wish I could see it so I could dissect every little part of it and tell him what he's screwing up or doing wrong, or doing well. Put the shoe on the other foot.

If you had an opportunity to hunt BBs ground you would retract some of your statements.
I'm sorry that I did such a poor job of communicating. I never commented on UGUIDE'S habitat. I simply commented on his broad-ranging comments on how weather does or doesn't impact pheasant mortality. That's it. Thought he was misleading in a very egregious way. That's all. Birddog 23, I like many aspects of what you have shown on this BB. I am sure you are a decent dude. I hope you are having a good season. I just got home, gone since Tuesday. Have many birds to clean. Have a good day. Leave again Wednesday am. Much to do...
I'm not retracting any of my statements.

I'm reacting to how he was trying to make some other member on this forum look bad by dissecting every single little thing the guy did. Has BB ever been to UGUIDES CAMP? Until he has, then I'm not sure he should have much to say.

If BB has great habitat, Great! Wish I could see it so I could dissect every little part of it and tell him what he's screwing up or doing wrong, or doing well. Put the shoe on the other foot.

The only thing I was dissecting was what appeared to me to be an ongoing litany of misleading know, guys make decisions about vacations, and how they spend their fun $ based on what they read on websites like this...please understand that is my basic motivation...keep it on the up and up. That's all. If you actually read what I have written, you'd see that I have done nothing but compliment Chris for the habitat that he has created...I bet I have said it 12-15 times or more this year alone. I know it is a pain to go back and reread this stuff, but I guarantee you I have praised UGUIDE 15 times...probably twice that. His habitat sounds outstanding. And also, I have said his work to benefit pheasants is more than I could ever do in many, many lifetimes. I am going to go clean those birds...
Let's be crystal-clear about one thing: this ongoing debate/diatribe demonstrates many of my character flaws!!! And there are many, many more to be displayed....

I think you have an awful lot of credential to add to this forum.

When you say 20 good things about UGUIDE, but then continue to put him down, doesn't that kind of cancel things out?

Disingenuous crap out of his mouth? Yikes, I don't know about that.

I had a good opening weekend pheasant hunting SW of Mitchell, I won't say exactly where, but to me, the bird numbers seemed about the same as the past couple years. We got 7 birds the first day, and we should of had 14 birds due to crappy shooting........ The weather hurt, as well as the corn. But at the end of the day, all kinds of birds flying out of the corn into their roosting areas. I'll be back out there again later in the season, so we'll see how that goes.

Good Day Sir

I hate to disagree but bird numbers are not about the same as the last couple of years where I live, South central region. Yep 30 miles from Mitchell. I stop in the local coop and drink coffee all year long. I talk to the locals who till the ground. I'm retired and pheasants are a passion. I also own two top notch pointing labs with noses and drive that don't compare. I hunt DIY mainly on public land. Land all tax payers are entitled to. Why? Most private land is saved for family or friends or dollars the pheasant lease can bring. I travel hundreds of miles on the gravel all year and have a trained eye. I love to photograph Roosters in the spring since that's a time they wont run away Yes I get my share of roosters but the truth is Pheasant populations and habitat conditions such as the management of CRP lands are in a dire condition. I estimate it will probably take at least 2 years of favorable conditions to produce pheasant numbers in most areas of S.D.the state has been known for. Does that make me stop hunting. Absolutely not! But when I see 5 orange coated hunters, many from out of state pushing fields in hopes of all limiting out its not going to happen! Somebody would have to plant some birds. Its impossible for there to be 15 roosters on that land day in and day out. If you watch YouTube and all you here is Rooster Rooster you cant wait to get to S.D. but that's not the real world. No offense to lodges and preserves they are in the entertainment industry and have to produce. But that is a very small segment of the real world in S.D. Its going to take huge changes for CRP in the 2018 farm bill and a real desire for habitat improvement overall. Otherwise plan on breaking out your wallet and hunting the European Style of management.
Feel free to comment that's what a forum is about. You can also PM me if you are the shy type.:)
Let's be crystal-clear about one thing: this ongoing debate/diatribe demonstrates many of my character flaws!!! And there are many, many more to be displayed....

Hey we all have flaws. At least if it is my shooting flaws I can can retire my Remington 1187 and buy that Benelli Ethos I so want to buy. Of course when I think a new gun will make a difference. I hear my late Dad who always shot a Browning A-5 say ignore the cackle and just swing with the beak!!