I hear you...I guess that is one of the downsides of being "locked in" to a specific geography/farm...I have kind of been locked in for my 27 years of bird hunting in SD...mostly it has been OK...a few years not so much! Maybe it is all coincidence, but this is first year I sensed kind of a different approach from UGUIDE...looking back, it may have been a desire to keep his hunters booked...duh, I guess...eh?....and his hunter success data in the past week was disseminated with the best results being published first...the two camps that limited, and maybe his main camp where they did 1.1 bird per hunter per day...then it kind of trickled in from there, which may just be how it happened, but this data can be computed in 15 seconds with a phone call on the last day of the hunt...understandably, perhaps a bit reluctant to put that data out...maybe not...maybe I am being a bit harsh. Bottom line, I have thought about this next point ALOT over the past 3-4 months: You may not like me, you may not want to hunt with me, you may not want to have a beer with me. Fine. But I will tell you that I have NEVER misled anyone on this board...I have never used it for my personal gain...I have always tried to be helpful to whoever needs it (ok, I won't give away my sacred spots!)...I operate in good faith here, though we can disagree or debate in a robust fashion at times. But we are all remarkably similar in our interests and our beliefs (mostly!). So, if I sense someone is playing games, being disingenuous, misleading, etc, it really bothers me. Seems to me that there was ALOT of this back in July and August and September...and now, it has been 23 days since one of the most active participants on this board has chimed in for some reason. Probably busier than heck, yes, but it just seems odd. And I take no pleasure in the fact that bird #'s DO appear to have been hammered by the drought...wish it weren't the case. Hope everyone in the hunting biz weathers the storm, especially those that don't release birds!!!