Dog prices............


New member
I was just wondering what people feel is a fair price for pups , started dogs ,finished dogs .This is a question for everyone not just the guy looking for the next world champion this is directed at even the guy looking for a family dog he can hunt on weekends ...lets hear som opinions:cheers:
I asked $400 for my male springer pups and $500 for females and they sold like hot cakes, all spoken for by 6 weeks. Nothing special about their pedigrees, a few Arc's and Fc's but not much, just good everyday hard working bird dogs. One pup had to come home because of owner hardships. I'm doing his obedience, bird intro and gun intro. By September he'll be ready to hunt and I might ask $1000 for him or just keep him I'm not sure yet.
as far as I know I think prices for puppies, starter dogs and finish dogs depends on who trains them and thier pedigree puppys when I was looking for a dog $800 to $1200 per pup. I have seen starter dogs go from any where from $2500 to $3000 and finish from $10,000 to $20,000 is the average prices that I have seen. Usually a pro-trainner ask some where in the neighborhood $400 to $500 a month to train and run your dog in hunt tests to get titles. I hope this helps.

Mr Hyde

I think you are spot on.....just wondering if more guys are interested in $200 pups instead of the $800 pups do average joes really want a dog with a royal pedigree or a pup out of parents that hunt ?
I consider myself an average Joe and I paid $1,200. I look at it from the standpoint of 10 years of hunting and another $75 per year will be forgotten if I have a quality dog vs an average one! She is now 8 and I have no regrets! That is more than twice what I paid for any of my previous retrievers.
You can't put a price on memories, they last a lifetime. Seriously though a lot of 200.00 dogs work out fine. But why take the risk? If you buy from a breeder you not only get to see the parents, you can see repeat breedings, half brothers, half sisters, grandparents.... etc. You have a little bit better idea what you are buying, physically , genetically, tempramentaly. You get a chance to match a dog which is more suited to your wants, your needs. You only get so many shots in life, why potentially waste one.
To answer your question, I'll take a dog from sound, proven hunting stock. Somewhere around a $ 1000.0 shipped. Would go higher for the right dog, or if the market was slim.
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I think you are spot on.....just wondering if more guys are interested in $200 pups instead of the $800 pups do average joes really want a dog with a royal pedigree or a pup out of parents that hunt ?

Depends on the guy. I paid 1200.00 for current dog. I know guys that have paid twice that for a pup and 10k plus for a finished dog. I know the market for high dollar finished dogs is down considerably. I personally want a dog that comes from good hunting lines. Lines of champions are not my cup of tea. Now I have a buddy with a black lab champion pedigree, 2k a pop stud fee. Guys have come from all over the country to use his lab. Crazy.
Depends a lot on breed.When you can buy a Lab pup for two hundred bucks out of any newspaper,it softens the market for hi end pups alot.I paid $800.00 for one of Jen Tuttle's(Glenwood Kennel)female Springer pups.Worth every dime.She lives right in the thick of pheasant country,all her dogs are working hunting dogs, she is very selective about what dogs get bred and who they go to.If the breeder you are considering will sell a dog to anyone with the $,run away fast.They should be checking you out as much as you are them.
I know several people that will spend $2-$3K for a shotgun, $5-600 on hunting clothing, $700 on dog collar, $1,200 on a dog box, drive a $40K pickup truck and will not spend more than $100 on a dog.

But they look good.
I know several people that will spend $2-$3K for a shotgun, $5-600 on hunting clothing, $700 on dog collar, $1,200 on a dog box, drive a $40K pickup truck and will not spend more than $100 on a dog.

But they look good.

I know those guy's!!! They are the one's that are bitching that there are no flippin' birds around!!!!!LOL:cheers:
GSP pup

I just paid $800.00 for my pup about 5 months ago. I used to hunt alot but never hunted with a dog, I did not know anything about how much dogs cost befor I started looking. I did not have any problem with paying that, I thought it was a fair price.

Got him from 6R Upland Kennels in Grinnell Iowa, he has awesome dogs!
wow those are some big numbers:eek:. 1st blk lab free now she is 11 and going strong:). 2nd blk lab $250 now 6 he's been great as well:thumbsup:. 3rd lab/mix free and coming along just fine:D. poor people have poor ways but what the hell they all work fine for me! :cheers:
I don't worry to much about the cost of a pup. You are going to spend a lot more than the initial cost, the rest of the dogs life.

I just pick a litter that I like and go for it.
I just paid $800.00 for my pup about 5 months ago. I used to hunt alot but never hunted with a dog, I did not know anything about how much dogs cost befor I started looking. I did not have any problem with paying that, I thought it was a fair price.

Got him from 6R Upland Kennels in Grinnell Iowa, he has awesome dogs!

yes you have a great pup there :thumbsup:. my kids wanted to take it home with them:D! :cheers:
I think 400-800 for a pup is good, pedegree is worth more to most, my 200.00 shorthair is a great hunter, there are better dogs out there but he does everything i need and then some, thanks to this site and the good people on it, i now have a Chessie pup and am starting all over again:cheers:
My first dog was a chocolate lab that I picked up for free out of a box full of puppys at a sale barn. He was a talented dog that had the misfortune of having me for a trainer. He taught me far more than I taught him. The drahthaar I have now, the mother was bought in Belgium taken to Germany to get bred and I ended up with one of that litter. I have $2000 into the dog and training. He is worth every penny of it and then some. I could not be happier. This is my last dog and I wanted a good one.
After getting a cheap dog the first time around and having to rehome him after finding out he couldn't smell a rooster perched on his nose, I now buy from reputable breeders. The three dogs I have now were all at least $1,000. Over the life of the dog, it is not a major expense.
It may be possible that a dog with a nice pedigree can hunt better. So many people wonder why some folks get good money for a pup or dog. And the reason for the most part is, there worth it. They have stuck a serious amount of time and health screening in to there dogs. There fore costing more then the 200 dollar news paper dog. But to each his own. The last 3 8 week old pups I bought were over a thousand. So if one works out, I can tell you, yer not getting one for much less. People have no idea how much work goes in to a good pedigree, and to think some person should just give up there years of hard work for a few bucks is insane. Most people will pay high for a good product, simply because it is one.

you bring up great points that many don't think of. No breed has been more phucked up than labs. Many " backyard breeders" out there that think they can make some money off some dogs. Whores down the whole market. I agree that if you have a good product, you need to keep price integrity.
great input guys keep it coming

I myself have always tried to have the best dogs i could .I know what I'm looking for and thats what I strive to get . I have a buddy that got a viszla/ setter mix out of the news paper for $75 and it is one of the best bird dogs I have ever gunned over the breeding was accidental but both parents were good bird dogs so he took a chance and it paid off.