Natty Bumpo
BUL 12 w/24" barrel
Beretta 686 w/ 28" tubes
BTW the OAL of those two is exactly the same.
Beretta 686 w/ 28" tubes
BTW the OAL of those two is exactly the same.
Beretta A400 w/26" Barrel
Backup - Remington 870 w/26" Barrel
Both are 12 gauge.
browning gold upland 12 ga.
browning BPS upland 12 ga.
browning liege o/u 12 ga
browning lightning 20 ga.
Like my brownings : ) now if I could hit something![]()
yeh Brownings are great, you talk about being amazed that people own more than two shotguns, well I have a few more than two but I have some for hunting, while in the militaary I got into skeet and trap shooting and now into sporting clays, so I have a gun or two for that. I mentor kids and am a boy scout shotgun merit badge tester so I have guns for kids to use. I also have guns from grandpas and from my father and a gun of his now that he doesn't hunt. Glacoma as I know have.A few I havebought as an investment, well perhaps
a 1914 winchester model 12 20 gauge, a model 12 trap gun with beautiful wood. I now have quit buying guns as I have plenty, if I only could hit something with one.
I don't know about the rest of you, but I've got way more than just the two I listed, and would like to add a couple more, I need a really good side by side.
Then if we start talking rifles, I don't think I could name all the ones in the safe/closet/corner of the house.
I like guns.