What shotguns are you hunting with?

26" on my guns, perfect for quail hunting but I'm thinking about getting 28" barrels on my next SxS which will probably be a 20 gauge.

the latest b.s. on light guns are at least 29" barrels and 30" are surely in vogue, that along with about a lop of 14 3/4's. shoot what ya have. the idea with the longer barrels on a light gun is that in some minds it makes it less whippy. between the longer stock and barrels it increases the pointability of the gun. my aya had 29" barrels and 14 3/4 pull and I loved it that way, however the guns never worked and got my money back. shorter barrels are no longer the things to own. I have several guns with both and will live with them. at the time shorter barrels were the thing to have. times change I guess. as far as reloading. hands down, the best loading info out there comes from BPI and most of it involves their wads etc. but they seem to be the only one trying to keep up with the times. other than that good loading data is hard to find for the 28 ga. and they have it for steel and everything else. example my pheasant load is 7/8's and just over 1400 fps. good luck.

My 1899 Thomas Bland and Sons that I just sold was a very light 20 gauge with 30" barrels and the extra length did not seem to hinder the swing on th
at gun at all!
The fella I sold it to hunted sharptails with it last fall and did super with it!:)
The load as right out of BPI's book - 27 grains of Al\liant Steel powder with a BPI brush wad and 7/8 oz of nickle plated 7's - 7,700PSI and 1,390FPS!:thumbsup:
Personally , I use their components more than any other , and just love the 28 gauge load of 30grains of H110 in a HV28 hull and 7/8oz of shot
Talked the boss into getting a Brittany two years ago, last year finally convinced her to get a 12 gauge Browning Maxus 26 inch barrel chambered in three inch, and this year an English setter. Now I just have to find some birds.
I use two 20's, a 40 year old SKB side by side (cyl, imp cly) and a Beretta Urika auto with 24" barrel. I use 3" shells with 1 1/4 oz of # 6. I am and old grouse hunter and shoot very quick so most shots are under 30 yds, but both will kill out to 40 yds. with Imp cyl.
Wow, sounds like me. Got my Brittany last year. Just picked up my Browning Maxus a couple weeks ago. I love it.