The pheasant evokes a strong reaction among sportsman,to a great many of us he is the king of gamebirds, to the old time pointing dog quail fraternity, a cussed, vile bird, refusing to play by the rules one day, and sitting like a planted quail the next, vexing dog and gunner alike. Now I will admit I grew up hunting quail in a time of plenty, and in my heart, I would still pursue bobwhites to all other birds. There are many who feel similarly toward ruffed grouse and woodcock. But as the years pass, and other birds dwindle in number, the resilient and crafty rooster hangs on. If quail hunting is a walk in the fields with a good dog and fine gun, then pheasant hunting is more like guerilla warfare. Quail hunting is all esthetics, pheasant hunting planning, terrain, and execution. Quail are hidebound play by the rules, stay well within the box of conventional behavior, pheasants, don't even know there is a box! While a quail is a cherished addition to the bag, a late season pheasant, hell any pheasant any time is a trophy second to none, no big game animal can match him. The pheasant accepts the challenge before we ever get out of the car, and time and again, he's there crowing derision when we stagger back at the end of the day, after getting fooled by the bird and losing 3 out of 4 encounters. I think sometimes we only actually get the ones which knew better, but made a mistake. One of my long gone mentors, the butt of years of chicanery by pheasants used to say only a low down skunk would ground sluice a covey of quail, but so help me I'd shoot a rooster out of a tree and never think twice just to get even. He never did, get even that is! Is the pheasant the bird we love ? or the bird we love to hate? Greatest gamebird or lawless houligan bird.