Royals.....Whipping boys no more

Man what a game. There is no quit in this team. No matter what happens from here it has been a great year.
That was a wild game, when Houston couldn't get another run in with runners on 2nd and 3rd with one out I knew they left the door open.
Man my boy's put a beat down on those punks from Toronto today. Favorite part was Hererra making Bautista look like an A ball guy. 100mph wiff, then two sliders n the dirt and he was ooooout. Couldn't happen to a bigger douchebag
Come on Tom, don't act like the Royals are the definition of class lol.;)
2 great games so far!! Game 1 was insane!! Buddy of mine bought tickets awhile back thinking the cubs might be there. Thought of selling the tickets but decided to go to the first 2 games in KC... He said they were the most amazing games he has ever been to.. Bring it home Royals!!:thumbsup:

Glad to see Eric Berry healthy and playing football again!!!
Man what a game last night. Joe Buck doesn't know what to do with himself. He and the national media so wanted to have the Mets pitching dominate the Royals, but they are getting their asses kicked. Tomorrow night is key. If we smoke another ace, might as well make the rings. If we lose they will have a chance.
The Royals can be a streaky team. Both good and bad streaks.
They were fortunate to win the first game. Hung in there an won.

But I still think this is more likely to be a close series than a blowout win by the Royals.

Do like the Royals chances at this point.
The Royals can be a streaky team. Both good and bad streaks.
They were fortunate to win the first game. Hung in there an won.

But I still think this is more likely to be a close series than a blowout win by the Royals.

Do like the Royals chances at this point.

For the sake of a fan, I hope it is not a sweep either.... But really want to see the Royals take this home and win it!!!:cheers:
Royals did not play great defence last night, and didn't do the little things to advance and score runners.

But if you are going to loose, last night was not a crushing loss.
I still question Yost's game management with the pitchers. Duffy and Hoechaver were both nails last night. They have both been starters and can go multiple innings. But he brings in Morales who has been up and down all year. At 5-3 it is a game at 9-3 it is not. And he still burned Herrera for an inning
Sure was.

It was also a pretty crushing loss for the Mets. They now know for sure that they are never safe from a Royals come back.

If the Mets don't get a early, good sized lead tonight, it could be all over...... :thumbsup:
Man what a game. The royals do pressure a team to play flawless. We still do win in spite of yost at times. Why pinch hit Morales in a non-rbi situation in the 5th. That was a bad move. There had been talk of Morales playing left field. It would be a ballsy move, but our lineup looks a bunch different with morales behind hosmer. I do think tonite is the night.
Sure was.

It was also a pretty crushing loss for the Mets. They now know for sure that they are never safe from a Royals come back.

If the Mets don't get a early, good sized lead tonight, it could be all over...... :thumbsup:

Even if they get lucky tonight, they ain't gona win the next three in a row....

Nope.... I think the fat lady will be singing soon.
I had no dog in this World Series fight, but the best team DID win it all. Kudos to the Royals for their grit & determination. They wanted it, they EARNED it, and they deserve the crown. Congrats to them & their fans.
Congrats to the Royals, the hardest fighting team in baseball. They play a refreshing style of ball in the day of strikeouts and longballs.:cheers:
Exciting once again!!! Nice throw to the catcher! Had Hosmer by 5 feet and hit the mascot!!!lol Great for KC baseball!!! I wonder if I can knock on doors in Nebraska now, since the Huskers stink so bad..... It is usually taboo on gameday, but maybe they are not watching anymore!! One thing is for sure is the longer the game goes it is in the Royals favor and their best closer was hurt and they still dominated the pen!!!! KUDOS!!!:thumbsup:
I started this thread in 2013. Earlier I read through all of it from the beginning. It has been an amazing couple years. I remember going to a game in 1985 when I was in my 20's. Man it was magic and I really had no idea how bad we would get. It is really amazing how this town has reacted to this happening. There will be 3-400k at the parade tomorrow. This team has truly captured the hearts of this town. They really are a great, approachable bunch of guys.