Report here!!

Will get the trespass pics posted tonight from home. Work doesn't like us using Photobucket evidently... I don't know why......
Well, my plans for this week had to be changed due to some illnesses in the family.

But I did get a chance to get the dogs out on Sunday.
The dogs were on their game, even in the warm temperatures.

Here is how the first wild Quail of the season met its demise.

I got a point alarm on the Garmin for Indy, he was a couple hundred yards off

Got a little closer to him and it was easy to see that he was solid on them.
He had been standing there a long time, and when I stopped to take some pictures, he slowly turned his head to see what the heck was taking so long!

Ace came in and backed

So we had to take a picture of the first bird of the season.

We got into a few more birds.



The season is just getting started guys. The birds are there if who are willing to work for them.

Good luck.
Hunted NW Kansas solo with my lab.
Hunted my usual spots, all on private land.
Bagged 3 roosters on Saturday, 1 on Sunday and 2 on Monday.
Saw a few birds everywhere I went but numbers are definitely way down from last year.
Weekend hot weather was tough on the was nice on Monday, cold and blustery all day.
It was not my best season opener, but I had an enjoyable hunt and will return in a couple of weeks.
Now the visitors I have in my office are wondering what's so funny on my computer screen! What would we do without youngin's around to finish 'em off for us old fellas:D:10sign:

I remember claiming those birds in my youth too. It was probably the #1 thing that kept me coming back, week after week, as long as the adults in my family were willing to take me. Having a hand in the harvest always made me feel accomplished and BIG;)

Kinda off the subject, but last night my baby girl (2) got to try some rooster nuggest from her 11yo brother's first wild bird. She said, "Dass good daddy!" She must have eaten her full allotment (1/5th of a full bird, legs and all). My boy was pretty proud of himself at the dinner table last night. I'm not sure how we're going to split up the one quail he shot this w/e:D

There should be a "like" button feature on this site, because I LIKE a lot of the posts I'm reading on this thread! KB and others, I'm jealous of you guys that have kids old enough to be bagging their first birds!

Similar story here regarding dinner, we bagged our deer on Sunday evening, and my daughter has already asked me 5 times when it will be ready at the butcher. She can't wait to eat our deer, which makes me very happy!:cheers:

She fell off a horse Monday and rolled her ankle, so her first upland tag-a-long is still on hold...:(
I hunted for a little sunday evening, but went out on my first real hunt yesterday.
Was hunting east of Medicine lodge. Shot the first rooster of the year at about 10:00.
Put up 4 hens and a small covey of about 8 birds. Called it quites at about 1:00
Quite slow in NW.
Two setters

Good pictures of the setters. Setternut has posted other good pictures of these two dogs. Indy reminds me of a setter, mostly white, that I had a number of years ago. He points with a much higher tail than mine. Level and 10:00 tails were more the norm in the forties and early fifties.
Hunted Barton county one Saturday with 10-12 other hunters. Saw one rooster out of range, maybe a dozen hens. Drove home to kc on Sunday morning. First year I didn't hunt on Sunday.
hot spot

Hunted Barton county one Saturday with 10-12 other hunters. Saw one rooster out of range, maybe a dozen hens. Drove home to kc on Sunday morning. First year I didn't hunt on Sunday.

sounds like a great place to post how to get there on this forum

KB, it made my day, that's for sure. By the way, he also shot a nice greenhead mallard with his BB gun about a week ago. You have to encourage them and tell them how "PROUD" you are:) Heck, his little legs were killing him on Monday, I didn't think he would be able to walk to his classroom ha ha

Now the visitors I have in my office are wondering what's so funny on my computer screen! What would we do without youngin's around to finish 'em off for us old fellas:D:10sign:

I remember claiming those birds in my youth too. It was probably the #1 thing that kept me coming back, week after week, as long as the adults in my family were willing to take me. Having a hand in the harvest always made me feel accomplished and BIG;)

Kinda off the subject, but last night my baby girl (2) got to try some rooster nuggest from her 11yo brother's first wild bird. She said, "Dass good daddy!" She must have eaten her full allotment (1/5th of a full bird, legs and all). My boy was pretty proud of himself at the dinner table last night. I'm not sure how we're going to split up the one quail he shot this w/e:D
KB, it made my day, that's for sure. By the way, he also shot a nice greenhead mallard with his BB gun about a week ago. You have to encourage them and tell them how "PROUD" you are:) Heck, his little legs were killing him on Monday, I didn't think he would be able to walk to his classroom ha ha

Being the ethical hunter and great role-model I know you are, I trust BBII was running steel-shot through that firearm:D
Good pictures of the setters. Setternut has posted other good pictures of these two dogs. Indy reminds me of a setter, mostly white, that I had a number of years ago. He points with a much higher tail than mine. Level and 10:00 tails were more the norm in the forties and early fifties.

Thanks Murphya, I have taken more pictures of the dogs than I did of my kids growing up :D
Digital cameras and cell phone cameras sure are nice.
My dad talked to our famers the other day in clay center . They said they are seeing some but not very many but still lots of turkeys. Guess we will be chasing turkeys this weekend instead of pheasants. Though we will probably hit our usual 80 first but itsprobably 40 since the farmer probably cut half for hay. Let you guys know how we did or what i seen later this weekend.
Thanks Murphya, I have taken more pictures of the dogs than I did of my kids growing up :D
Digital cameras and cell phone cameras sure are nice.

looks like Indy is always out casting Ace....not to be a wise guy, but maybe better to hunt them separate? Ace is going to expect to back constantly and Indy may forget how?....not really, but i run 2 dogs and most of the time independently, as mine compete more than hunt.... they are both nice looking charges...have fun.
We hunted opening weekend and almost half of Monday. We saw about 20 hens and 5 roosters. Three of those were within range and we got them. We also saw a covey of about 15 quail and 20 chickens.

3 guys/4 dogs, 3 pheasant shot at and about 6 shells at quail.

The grass looked good, but there were not any birds.
looks like Indy is always out casting Ace....not to be a wise guy, but maybe better to hunt them separate? Ace is going to expect to back constantly and Indy may forget how?....not really, but i run 2 dogs and most of the time independently, as mine compete more than hunt.... they are both nice looking charges...have fun.

Indy is out racing Ace and most other dogs he has hunted with. But Ace gets to point some, and Indy is a natural backer.

The picture above with them both there by the cedar trees, was Ace's find.
But Indy finds most of the coveys, Ace is great on singles and pheasants.

They are a lot of fun to hunt together.
Indy is out racing Ace and most other dogs he has hunted with. But Ace gets to point some, and Indy is a natural backer.

The picture above with them both there by the cedar trees, was Ace's find.
But Indy finds most of the coveys, Ace is great on singles and pheasants.

They are a lot of fun to hunt together.

I enjoy all of your pictures! Those dogs are beautiful and I've never seen one back from so far back in real life. Those setters are very stylish dogs and one day I'll end up having one. If I had an open spot in my kennel, I wouldn't hesitate to buy one from Prairie Drifter!

Another thing that gets me is when you take screen shots of your GPS, stating that Indy is on point at 600'ish yards....That's incredible!