Report here!!

Had a GREAT weekend. Total tally of two days hunting- 32 roosters 6 quail. Had about 8 adult hunters and 3-5 young ones walking with us. Never really had any "groups" of roosters come up, mostly singles, therefore we hardly missed/lost any birds. The dogs did great. Saturday was a little breezy and the birds were sitting pretty tight but the dogs pointed them out. Mostly hunted CRP and a few circle corners. Got into one covey of quail in a corner thicket, 15 to 20 scattered but only managed to get one out of that. I think everyone was a little too surprised. Walked another spot and the dogs pointed a covey and we were able to get 5 out of that one. All in all a great weekend, especially after hearing the initial report, and of learning of others misfortunes. Can't wait till next year!
Well, 14 guys & kids took 9 roosters and missed as many too. We hunted all day Saturday and one crp field sunday morning before deciding all to turkey hunt or deer hunt. Alot of crops still in so we hunted mainly WIHA ground and produced some birds. Still down but I was happy to see "pockets of Roosters". We did not see one Quail or PC.

Dogs did great with what they had to work with. They tracked down a winged bird 259 years from the shot. So we lost no birds we knocked down. Goin back in 3 weeks to Deer and Rooster hunt for 5 days.

Also bagged another poacher pic on my KE KS farm sunday when I went to my stand.

KB, thanks for the nice comment, I appreciate it. No, Bilbo II only pulled the trigger on his BB gun this time. One rooster was doing the "death flop" when Baggins II got to him so he shot him four times with the BB gun. He also took full credit for shooting that pheasant. Heck, why not?
Here is a pic of my boy with the first bird we got of the season. We didnt know that would be the only bird we got that day. We hunted some ground that had been very productive in years past and came up dry. One was a field the farmer said had 40 birds in a few days before. We talked to another farmer that had cut 800 acres of milo and only seen a few pheasants. I got into a small field on the way home where I got up 3 hens so it is definately spotty. Much of the crop fields looked very good.

This is only Ox's second year in the field. I was a little nervous heading into the weekend as I had done absolutely no training with him this year (I am building a house, while working full time and have a 7 month old). I though Ox did great this weekend. He honored for the first time, and locked down a few roosters for me. He also got the tail feathers of hen as she took off. I know that's not great dog work, but it was pretty funny. I was wondering what you are supposed to do had he caught the hen? I had that happen a decade or so ago on a hunt. Seems unethical to leave a hen on the ground for a coyote, yet putting it in your vest could be big trouble. We had 5 pheasant on Saturday and only 1 on Sunday.

I would leave the hen in the field. I would feel terrible but it probably is the correct thing to do so you can protect yourself. The game wardens in Kansas are very friendly and professional but lose their sense of humor when they find someone with a hen.
I would leave the hen in the field. I would feel terrible but it probably is the correct thing to do so you can protect yourself. The game wardens in Kansas are very friendly and professional but lose their sense of humor when they find someone with a hen.

Unfortunately it is a fairly common thing when you are running flushers, when it is cold and snowy. It sickens me everytime it happens, but let it lie. Chances are a bird sitting that tight isn't going to make it through the winter anyway. No the game warden will not understand. Coyotes have to eat too:)
KB, thanks for the nice comment, I appreciate it. No, Bilbo II only pulled the trigger on his BB gun this time. One rooster was doing the "death flop" when Baggins II got to him so he shot him four times with the BB gun. He also took full credit for shooting that pheasant. Heck, why not?

Now the visitors I have in my office are wondering what's so funny on my computer screen! What would we do without youngin's around to finish 'em off for us old fellas:D:10sign:

I remember claiming those birds in my youth too. It was probably the #1 thing that kept me coming back, week after week, as long as the adults in my family were willing to take me. Having a hand in the harvest always made me feel accomplished and BIG;)

Kinda off the subject, but last night my baby girl (2) got to try some rooster nuggest from her 11yo brother's first wild bird. She said, "Dass good daddy!" She must have eaten her full allotment (1/5th of a full bird, legs and all). My boy was pretty proud of himself at the dinner table last night. I'm not sure how we're going to split up the one quail he shot this w/e:D
My son and I will be heading out near Dodge City for our annual pheasant hunting trip. I have been going out there since 1996. I hunt primarily all private land...talked to my local guy and he said there are SOME birds....

Hey, better than freaking Colorado :thumbsup:

Good to hear some guys having luck and especially the kiddos getting their first bird. My son got his first rooster in Kansas two years ago and he still tells that story over and over again :10sign::D

And yes, you know there are lurkers....looking for tidbits of info.....

Well, 14 guys & kids took 9 roosters and missed as many too. We hunted all day Saturday and one crp field sunday morning before deciding all to turkey hunt or deer hunt. Alot of crops still in so we hunted mainly WIHA ground and produced some birds. Still down but I was happy to see "pockets of Roosters". We did not see one Quail or PC.

Dogs did great with what they had to work with. They tracked down a winged bird 259 years from the shot. So we lost no birds we knocked down. Goin back in 3 weeks to Deer and Rooster hunt for 5 days.

Also bagged another poacher pic on my KE KS farm sunday when I went to my stand.


Congratulations on some quality dog work! We had just enough moisture, didn't we? With all that milo still in, I imagine you're going to have some pretty good late season hunts:thumbsup:

That ain't bad at all IMO. Sure, it's not "what it should be".......or is it? I remember being so frustrated on the "good years" when the birds seemed to vacate the field as soon as I walked in it. This year it seems the roosters actually held for some dog work, but that may not have anything to do with #'s. I've said it before, my best years seem to come in down years. Last year was an exception though b/c it was very poor for my dogs and I, save for 1 secret location in the state:cool:

The poachers:mad:.....I cannot wait to see you post a link of an arrest being made or some other form of action being taken against those P'sOS!
My son and I will be heading out near Dodge City for our annual pheasant hunting trip. I have been going out there since 1996. I hunt primarily all private land...talked to my local guy and he said there are SOME birds....

Hey, better than freaking Colorado :thumbsup:

Good to hear some guys having luck and especially the kiddos getting their first bird. My son got his first rooster in Kansas two years ago and he still tells that story over and over again :10sign::D

And yes, you know there are lurkers....looking for tidbits of info.....


Good luck out there Greg! I hope you get into 'em and I believe you will. With some private access locked down and a lot of experience in the area, I'd put my $ on you coming back with some birds:thumbsup:
Greg, my friends down SW said there were still decent numbers near irrigation. But it was a little difficult in dryland areas. Hopefully you'll find some decent cover and enough birds to make the trip worthwhile.
Thanks fellas....what I am pumped about is getting my young pointing lab on some wild birds!!

We hunted Colorado this past opening weekend in Burlington and it was very, very spotty, the weather didn't help much.

My hope is it will be colder come 22 through 25 November. I figure we will hit some of the smaller spots and when we have exhausted those, then we will try the bigger fields....hey, makes it better to work an an appetite for the Bad Habit and a nice steak!!

My son also talks about how he is going to eat a whole T-bone with all the fixings....

Good luck to y' know this time of the year only comes around once, so might as well hit it and hit it hard.....cause then the rest of the year is just waiting for it to come around again ;):cool:

My son can't wait to use his new knife to clean his bird. We had a no youth left behind PF thing here last month and he cleaned his own chukar and did a nice job....I told him you are cleaning YOUR birds this year buddy. ;)

Congratulations on some quality dog work! We had just enough moisture, didn't we? With all that milo still in, I imagine you're going to have some pretty good late season hunts:thumbsup:

That ain't bad at all IMO. Sure, it's not "what it should be".......or is it? I remember being so frustrated on the "good years" when the birds seemed to vacate the field as soon as I walked in it. This year it seems the roosters actually held for some dog work, but that may not have anything to do with #'s. I've said it before, my best years seem to come in down years. Last year was an exception though b/c it was very poor for my dogs and I, save for 1 secret location in the state:cool:

The poachers:mad:.....I cannot wait to see you post a link of an arrest being made or some other form of action being taken against those P'sOS!

Yep there are birds to be had, but you are going to earn them. I like it the challenge of this more than a total slaying of birds. Makes the dog work much more important in an effort to find cripples too:thumbsup:

As far as my unwanted friends are concerned. I emailed the GW showing him the pic and told him that they lied to his face when he questioned them last week. I asked him to let me know what is he plans to do now then told him I want charges filed. I am waiting to hear back from him now.

On a positive note my buddies daughter arrowed a monster buck sunday morning that will gross 180 inches. :cheers:
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I know in the are we hunted that if you could find cover you would find birds. I may have been to far west. I am going to move back east just a tic as the cover looked a little better.
Yep there are birds to be had, but you are going to earn them. I like it the challenge of this more than a total slaying of birds. Makes the dog work much more important in an effort to find cripples too:thumbsup:

As far as my unwanted friends are concerned. I emailed the GW showing him the pic and told him that they lied to his face when he questioned them last week. I asked him to let me know what is he plans to do now then told him I want charges filed. I am waiting to hear back from him now.

On a positive note my buddies daughter arrowed a monster buck sunday morning that will gross 180 inches. :cheers:

Post their pictures on here so the rest of can see what these trespassers look like.
Post their pictures on here so the rest of can see what these trespassers look like.

I would if I could get them to up load. I even tried photo bucket with no luck. PM me your email and I'll send you all the pics. What part of NE KS are you in Duck66?
I'm not sure how we're going to split up the one quail he shot this w/e:D

Not sure how to do it with more in the family, but the wife, myself, and boy did it this way-

Two quail.

Bone out the breast and pull the tenderloins from each filet.

I got 2 legs/thighs and 2 breast 'nuggets'.

Wife got 2 legs/thighs and 2 breast 'nuggets'.

Almost 3 year old boy got the 4 'tenderloins'.

Seasoned flour, fried in bacon grease, mashed potatoes, gravy from the drippings. It doesn't get any better than that. I'd forgot how good quail was. Shameful.