Report here!!

Headed out early Saturday morning with a buddy of mine, his boy and my son. This was our first year going to Kansas for the opener and hunting WIHA. My son got his first wild rooster mid morning. It was a pretty awesome moment. Should of had four but I missed the first rooster of the day. We really had to work the fields pretty hard. We ended up with three on Saturday. Talked to a few hunters back at the hotel who hunt Kansas regularly they didn't get anything and said this is the worst they have seen it.

Sunday we hit a few fields and only seen one hen. Headed out around 2pm to go back home to Colorado. We had a really good time... Thanks Kansas!!!:cheers:

We head to Phillipsburg in December for an all private land hunt with a good friend. Ill report back after that trip.

Pic of my 14 year old boy with his first wild rooster.

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Of all the people at the motel, there was 1 bird carcass at the bird cleaning table. Only other bird I heard about was 1 quail. I knew it was going to suck very bad, but it was worse than I expected. Headed east to go back home, stopped at some old stomping grounds, buddy ad I found 3 phez and 8 quail out of 1 field. Felt good to see the dogs work.
Oops, I forgot to bird hunt this weekend.:rolleyes:

But it was a swell weekend to be up in a tree with my own Youth to mentor. We agreed beforehand that if a good shot presented itself, we were going to put some venison in the freezer. About 15 minutes before quitting time, this "bruiser" :D came snorting and wheezing in. The antlers might not be great, but I can assure you he was plenty difficult to drag back to the road, so there is plenty of good meat there!:cheers:

FWIW, it was a perfect shot, and he piled up about 20 yards from where we stuck him. I wanted so much for my daughter's first experience to see a bullseye shot with a short search, and I got my wish.:thumbsup:


Hunted 1 WIHA on Saturday, dog tracked and rooster too far out . Another rooster pop up with in gun range 4 hunters all missed :mad: as he flew by . Nice point on a covey,I dropped one .Thank goodness for the pointer on finding the crippled quail .:thumbsup:
Sundays hunt was on private ground 2 roosters in the bag . Saw at least 4 hens and 4 more roosters . Good luck to all hunters this bird season !
This is only Ox's second year in the field. I was a little nervous heading into the weekend as I had done absolutely no training with him this year (I am building a house, while working full time and have a 7 month old). I though Ox did great this weekend. He honored for the first time, and locked down a few roosters for me. He also got the tail feathers of hen as she took off. I know that's not great dog work, but it was pretty funny. I was wondering what you are supposed to do had he caught the hen? I had that happen a decade or so ago on a hunt. Seems unethical to leave a hen on the ground for a coyote, yet putting it in your vest could be big trouble. We had 5 pheasant on Saturday and only 1 on Sunday.
Found a few in what I suspect is the best cover in the area. Had really great dog work. Saw very few hunters for what is usually the norm. I wil try to post a pic later.
I sure an thankful to have a great state to hunt in. I plan on making a few more trips out to hunt and am always happy to get the dogs out and get off the couch. If anyone near olathe or topeka or within driving distance wants to maybe hit a game bird farm with the pups hit me up.
Went out with the group I normally go with on opening weekend, core group of 6 adults and 4 kids (under 21) with others showing up intermitttently to grant us access to ground. My dog was the only legit dog in the group with any real experience, 6 mo old lab and an 8 mo old lab. Not my favorite way to hunt.

Saturday: Had a few flush wild early and got a couple of hens to hold for my dog, in the crp. Just before lunch myself and the land owners son got ahead of the group to get the dog into this little patch of grass and take our time. Boom Ranger goes on point, flush, shoot, retrieve. Point hen, point another hen. Point, rooster, bang, retrieve. Both roosters were older birds. Around the corner blockers flushed a covey of quail, was able to find 7 of the singles. Too many people around for a safe shot, no quail shot. Lunch. A few birds flushed wild in the afternoon as the wind picked up. Time to go for a turkey, quail, pheasant hunt. No turkeys. One covey of quail found by my dog. 5 bucks ran out of the creek bottom, 3 were big 150 class bucks.

Sunday: one rooster shot out of the milo and and a few hens pointed. Ended the hunt with a quality quail shoot. Ranger found a covey with 30+ birds, I shot two off the rise and another single. I told the kids I'd work the dog and they have to shoot the rest. Got a couple, but most importantly the dog got to work some singles.

Overall the bird population was poor and the cover was poor with much of the milo still standing. Still had a great time with great people.
Here is a pic of my boy with the first bird we got of the season. We didnt know that would be the only bird we got that day. We hunted some ground that had been very productive in years past and came up dry. One was a field the farmer said had 40 birds in a few days before. We talked to another farmer that had cut 800 acres of milo and only seen a few pheasants. I got into a small field on the way home where I got up 3 hens so it is definately spotty. Much of the crop fields looked very good.
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It's a little better than last year where I hunted. On saturday 9 of us killed 3 birds--a 50% increase over last year with perhaps 2-3 less hunters. We killed them all out of the milo.

Sunday we hunted 4 spots (one WIHA) and saw birds at two of them. None killed though. We only had 5 hunters on Sunday.

Glad people are finding some birds.
Hi guys

New to the forum but we hunted WIHA in Rush County. First field was a quarter bordered on two sides by milo (one of which was uncut). Kicked up two hens and two roosters. I buckled the second rooster but my gun jammed on the second shot. Lots of tracks heading towards the milo as that's the most uncut milo I've seen since they moved the season up to the first week of November.

Hunted two more patches before running into a KDWPT officer at about 10:30 a.m. Figured we were going to be checked but he didn't even bother as we were only the fourth group he had seen all morning and no one had bagged anything. Kicked up another rooster before lunch which got up in the wind and went zipping away from my father.

Talked with my buddy who works for Cropquest out that way and he said there are pockets of birds here and there. We'll keep at it though.
Had a bit more luck today. In this case, half a day equaled half a limit.

By the way, it's amazing that when I posted last night I noticed that there had been 720 views of this thread. Tonight as I logged on to post this I noticed that there have been 2488 views! Hmmm....think we have some lurkers or Internet scouts here?

Weather was great today and had a nice hunt until about noon when it was time to go.

Not seeing many birds, just getting pretty lucky.


Those are some proud looking pups. Great photo! Thanks for sharing!
Hunted solo, saw one hen early in the AM. Dog worked well and kept it up all day.

Great to see some of you had some success. Love the kids pictures on here.
My nine year old and I scratched out two more roosters Sunday morning. We did not see even one hen and only the two roosters we bagged. I talked to a group of 16 hunters Saturday and they shot one rooster between the bunch. I also talked to several other smaller groups and they had NOTHING but exercise. A group of four guys with nice dogs scratched out two birds. Everyone thought the bird numbers were down again this year. At first, I thought there might be a slight recovery but now I see the numbers are way down just like the roadside report stated.

Hope the photo of Bilbo Baggins II comes out OK, in not, I will repost. We had a nice weekend together.
Two roosters pointed and shot first thing saturday morning. When the sun got up we were getting into roosters still they were just flushing too far ahead for a shot. Not as many as i would of liked to see but better than nothing.
My nine year old and I scratched out two more roosters Sunday morning. We did not see even one hen and only the two roosters we bagged. I talked to a group of 16 hunters Saturday and they shot one rooster between the bunch. I also talked to several other smaller groups and they had NOTHING but exercise. A group of four guys with nice dogs scratched out two birds. Everyone thought the bird numbers were down again this year. At first, I thought there might be a slight recovery but now I see the numbers are way down just like the roadside report stated.

Hope the photo of Bilbo Baggins II comes out OK, in not, I will repost. We had a nice weekend together.

Yep, the photo came out just fine! Thanks for the report and I'm glad you were at least able to bag a couple. It does wonders for the youngin's when they at least get to see what they're after.

That's some NICE looking cut corn in the background! I wish it all looked like that:thumbsup:
Yep, the photo came out just fine! Thanks for the report and I'm glad you were at least able to bag a couple. It does wonders for the youngin's when they at least get to see what they're after.

That's some NICE looking cut corn in the background! I wish it all looked like that:thumbsup:

That farmer has 60 quarters just like that field and in most fields he never flushed a single bird while harvesting. His fields used to be full of pheasants before the drought. It will take a few good years before they start to make a good recovery, that is, if Mother Nature cooperates a little.

We sure had a good time though.
That farmer has 60 quarters just like that field and in most fields he never flushed a single bird while harvesting. His fields used to be full of pheasants before the drought. It will take a few good years before they start to make a good recovery, that is, if Mother Nature cooperates a little.

We sure had a good time though.

Did that fine looking young man of yours get to pull the trigger?