Report here!!

Two nice roosters and saw a few hens. Took my son swimming in the afternoon and went for a nice dinner together. A very nice but warm day for us.

Hunted for quail

Didnt see a thing

The past 4 times Ive taken my dog out through early october till now -- we've only seen one covey of quail and one hen pheasant. Absolutely nothing on the roads in all the miles we covered. Im fairly certain I will be going to a game preserve this year so I can get my dog some bird work. Never ever thought Id say that.
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Working 60 -70 hours a week, my pup doesn't talk to me anymore, I have no time to hunt, this sucks! On the plus side, I retire next year, the overtime will bump my retirement pay considerably, and we'll hunt like hell in late December & January . . . then extensively during the years thereafter. Hank & I can endure this.
Thank for posting some reports everyone. Glad some of you got a few. I was wondering if anyone heard or went around clay center ks.
I did not go around Clay Center, KS, but I did see some birds. We had 4 youth hunters and 2 adults in our group. 2 were my boys and 2 were boys who'd never hunted upland. A lady and a 9yo girl who'd never been decided to tag along and watch. We introduced several new ppl to the sport this weekend:thumbsup:

First, we saw way more roosters than hens this w/e. Nearly every rooster got up cackling and all the roosters we harvested were this year's birds.

I killed my first bird about 2 minutes into the grass on the first morning. We saw 7 or 8 roosters in 2.5hrs, walking a 1/4 section of CRP. I managed to scratch 3 roosters down outta that field and the boys got to warm up their barrels.

We walked some milo fields to no avail. Picked another CRP field that yielded a covey of quail. None of the boys connected on the covey rise (my gun in truck at this point). We took the dogs to hunt up some singles. The boys had a good time shooting, but no shots connected. When we got back to the truck my 11yo asked to take the dogs back, even if nobody wanted to walk with him. The birds were maybe 60 yards off the road so I agreed. He took 'em in, the dog went on point, he shot a single and the dog brought it right back to him.....what a perfect time for lunch:thumbsup:

After a couple hours letting all the youngin's play, we went back out for an afternoon hunt in the CRP. The boys got shots at 3 more cackling roosters and we called it a day.

This morning we planned to hunt only a couple of hours. About 30 minutes in a cackling rooster busts between my 2 boys and my 11yo connects solid on the first shot! "His GWP" retrieved the bird quickly. The boy got his first wild rooster and his first wild quail in the same weekend. Last weekend's bleakness only made this weekend's success that much more SWEET. He couldn't get enough this weekend:10sign:

We spent another 90 minutes in the field and kicked up a covey of quail, which all the boys had shots on. As we came to the truck the GSP went on point in front of one of the other boys and the young man connected to finish the weekend:10sign:

All in all, there aren't "a lot" of birds by the standards of SD or NW KS on a more typical year, but seeing 10-15 pheasants in a morning's hunt is well worth my time. We didn't put much emphasis on getting birds this w/e, yet we saw enough to keep the boys and the dogs enthused. It was the best opener I've had in years:cheers:
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Hunted for quail

Didnt see a thing

The past 4 times Ive taken my dog out through early october till now -- we've only seen one covey of quail and one hen pheasant. Absolutely nothing on the roads in all the miles we covered. Im fairly certain I will be going to a game preserve this year so I can get my dog some bird work. Never ever thought Id say that.
lol I am not laughing at you just your comment sounds like some guys are getting in to some though? keep working at it husker there some out there or not:)
I did not go around Clay Center, KS, but I did see some birds. We had 4 youth hunters and 2 adults in our group. 2 were my boys and 2 were boys who'd never hunted upland. A lady and a 9yo girl who'd never been decided to tag along and watch. We introduced several new ppl to the sport this weekend:thumbsup:

First, we saw way more roosters than hens this w/e. Nearly every rooster got up cackling and all the roosters we harvested were this year's birds.

I killed my first bird about 2 minutes into the grass on the first morning. We saw 7 or 8 roosters in 2.5hrs, walking a 1/4 section of CRP. I managed to scratch 3 roosters down outta that field and the boys got to warm up their barrels.

We walked some milo fields to no avail. Picked another CRP field that yielded a covey of quail. None of the boys connected on the covey rise (my gun in truck at this point). We took the dogs to hunt up some singles. The boys had a good time shooting, but no shots connected. When we got back to the truck my 11yo asked to take the dogs back, even if nobody wanted to walk with him. The birds were maybe 60 yards off the road so I agreed. He took 'em in, the dog went on point, he shot a single and the dog brought it right back to him.....what a perfect time for lunch:thumbsup:

After a couple hours letting all the youngin's play, we went back out for an afternoon hunt in the CRP. The boys got shots at 3 more cackling roosters and we called it a day.

This morning we planned to hunt only a couple of hours. About 30 minutes in a cackling rooster busts between my 2 boys and my 11yo connects solid on the first shot! "His GWP" retrieved the bird quickly. The boy got his first wild rooster and his first wild quail in the same weekend. Last weekend's bleakness only made this weekend's success that much more SWEET. He couldn't get enough this weekend:10sign:

We spent another 90 minutes in the field and kicked up a covey of quail, which all the boys had shots on. As we came to the truck the GSP went on point in front of one of the other boys and the young man connected to finish the weekend:10sign:

All in all, there aren't "a lot" of birds by the standards of SD or NW KS on a more typical year, but seeing 10-15 pheasants in a morning's hunt is well worth my time. We didn't put much emphasis on getting birds this w/e, yet we saw enough to keep the boys and the dogs enthused. It was the best opener I've had in years:cheers:

What county were u in and was it WIHA?
KB, great story and I can't wait for those days with my son! My story is similar to yours. We had 4 adult hunters and a young man (8th grader) making his second trip. He hunted with us during the Opener last year when our group shot 1 bird in two days of hunting. This year the expectations were low, but I had two shots on roosters in the first 10 minutes and our group had 5 birds in the first 30 minutes of hunting. The next field we shot 2 more and our young kid shot his first rooster over my dogs point! He's not my son, but I was proud as hell to be there in that moment with him and his Dad. We ended yesterday at 2 o'clock because the temps were too warm. Found a creek and sat in the shade and had some cold ones. Today was just as rewarding, we shot 5 birds in a couple hours of hunting. Like KB, it was enough to keep us and the dogs happy and well worth my time. There's a few out there this year, cover looks good and I think we can rebound in due time. No, I'm not telling anyone the county we were in. Learned my lesson a couple years ago by doing this and if you think it doesn't matter with the internet scouters, you're dead wrong.
KB that sounds like an incredible day regardless of the state. Nothing like watching kids and dogs having fun.:)
Had a bit more luck today. In this case, half a day equaled half a limit.

By the way, it's amazing that when I posted last night I noticed that there had been 720 views of this thread. Tonight as I logged on to post this I noticed that there have been 2488 views! Hmmm....think we have some lurkers or Internet scouts here?

Weather was great today and had a nice hunt until about noon when it was time to go.

Not seeing many birds, just getting pretty lucky.

Point, you forgot to give us the exact location of where you hunted, you can Pm me the directions :D

For you, my friend, I will share the directions.

From Indiana, go to Oklahoma City and turn right. If that is a bit out of the way, you might try going to Omaha and turning left. Either way, you'll get there.

Seriously, hope all have a great season!
